Bellamione, and very very well done. Post-Hogwarts. "Tell me how you really are.". It explores the life and mind of, Recommended by: Aromli, Mazz, Dame-Amaryllis. that always echoed from somewhere in the far back. Everyone chuckled at that. "Every night this last year we would both include you in our prayers. "Harry, these cuts are getting infected. "Correspondence by Raget NimdsRating: MEra: HogwartLenght: 13 237 wordsPairing: HP/SSGenre: AngstWarnings: BDSM, DarkSummary: "Severus and Harry trade a flurry of intensely erotic letters during a Potions class. Recommended by: Zeroignite, Salnax1, feral, Comments: This is a great fic. "I'll use this summer to train you, maybe bring your friend Neville in too, he's about to be Head of House and have a seat on Wizengamot." Although I'd prefer not to live here, I'm glad I have a home to go to." "In Time, Once Again by avioletaRating: NC17Era: Hogwart, After MarudersLenght: 29 800 wordsPairing: HP/SSGenre: AU, Romance, Time TravelWarnings: chanSummary: "After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry uses a Time Turner in an attempt to rewrite history. It was only for the first few nights, but it felt more like home than anything else. The service will be held at the funeral home there but I have to talk with them." "So that gives you the right to hit her? Bloody bastard.". Sirius looked sheepishly at her. ", Cambiare Pondents: Invocare by Jordan GrantRating: MEra: HogwartLenght: 302 717 wordsPairing: HP/SSGenre: Angst, Drama, First timeWarnings: Addition/Drug use, Ambigous Consent, Hurt/comfort, Dom/Sub Relationship, Violence/TortureSummary: "A new prophecy comes to light, one that promises death for Harry Potter and enslavement for the wizarding world, unless Harry himself consents to being enslaved--irrevocably and for life--to Severus Snape. Tonks added as she came back in as Teddy belched loudly. "I wonder who the new Minister will be?" He and Sirius were prowling the floors wanting to go after you. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the story.A True Match by A Shadowy FigureRating: MEra: Post warLenght: 11 000 wordsPairing: HP/SSGenre: RomanceWarnings: AUSummary: "Harry suffers silently from a hidden love for Snape. I am hoping to start uploading that in a few weeks. Hermione said as she sat down at the table. It was in that moment of clarity that she realised that it was always Harry. "I was Adrift by necromanticnoirRating: NC17Era: Post warLenght: 18 100 wordsPairing: HP/SSGenre: Romance, AngstWarnings: Harry is over 18 when any sex occurs, although he does kiss Snape at 16.Summary: "After the war, Harry finds Snape is alive - and in Azkaban. "I have no idea what I'd be doing." The author would like to thank you for your continued support. He whispered back. At that moment Tonks came in with Ted. Harry felt his heart skip a beat as he saw the beautiful witch. "Georgie." Comments: A hilarious and heartwarming story that manages to give much needed depths to the Order of the Phoenix members while four adults try to make fools out of each other by making them do increasingly ridiculous dares to win bragging rights and alcohol. "I see my lessons were not in vain. There are so few well-written Founder Fics out there. Using the hand he had a hold of, the potion's master gently tugged the young Gryffindor into an embrace. Ron suddenly felt an arm across him shoulder. ", Arthur stood up and in just a few strides was next to Ron. She said. I don't need to talk about it. Harry whined. I learned at my father's knee. After we eat." With Snape's hand still locked on like a boa constrictor to his arm, Harry could do nothing but comply. Don't let anyone be a victim of abuse, yourself included. Hermione whispered. As he sat up, one of her eyes opened. By the time I was done changing him for the first time both he and I were crying and James had to check it out to make sure it was done right." Tonks asked. Well, let me tell you, it's not. Finally, Harry just took a deep breath and nodded. They nodded and sat down as Tea and biscuits were brought in. It's an interesting read, but Harry quickly becomes a. That's not the only shock he's going to have, either. Or is he doomed to fail in both endeavours? He laughed. A long overdue conversation ensues. Teddy just kept wiggling and waving his arms as Harry grumbled on. It was as if this pain was one last prank Fred had to pull, but he knew it wasn't. His blue eyes were clouded over, looking at something she couldn't. When the last button was undone, then only thing that was left was an undershirt. You would've been even more upset than you were. It had been five days since the Battle of Hogwarts had ended, and Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and the Weasley family had just returned to Burrow after doing all they could to help rebuild the prestigious school which had nearly been destroyed. Harry knew to what the professor was referring, but it was a difficult thing to acknowledge to someone else. Sirius just shook his head at the idea that he wouldn't help. Alright, so this is my first ever Harry Potter fic. "Ron always told me how, when someone was upset, you would give them some tea." "I'm going to put Teddy in the nursery. Things like concealment charms. And it only took four days for Harry to get detention. You may not realise this, but he loved you as though you were his own." A hand on her shoulder stopped her in mid-step, she turned her head around, tears escaping her eyes for what felt like the billionth time in the last couple of days; and perhaps it had. "I'm going to the drawing room to relax before dinner. "Heart of Stone by gingertartRating: NC17Era: PostWarLenght: 20 644 wordsPairing: HP/SSGenre: Mystery/Suspense, Action/Adventure, Hurt/ComfortWarnings: Adult LanguageSummary: "To be the subject of unrequited love is not necessarily a good thing. Are you going to make him punish himself? He waited as Harry seemed to think it through, before the boy nodded. Dobby?" * Plot-specific spoilers: *Eugenics, state-sponsored violence, infanticide, and forced sterilization, and attempted murderSummary: "After the fall of Voldemort, Harry Potter fell in love with Severus Snape—and that is where our story begins. That would be a difficult discussion, he knew. Snape sighed at the thought of the boy knowing how to set broken bones and having to check himself for them in the first place. ... so this is my first ever Harry Potter fic. Thanks." I'd like to bring you and Teddy back into the Black family. "I submitted my memories of you fighting in the DOM and here last night. "I don't know what you are talking about, Professor." She put those fears to rest. She pulled out her wand and sat it on the occasional table between them and the fire. Snape stepped even closer, not allowing the boy to think that he would back down with enough refusals. Clean your bloody cauldrons. Harry looked down at it. This fiction begins immediately after the Battle of Hogwarts, so Harry, although old enough to know better, is not old enough to flaunt his activities in Australia. "From me: I don't like threesomes and I'm ussually not reading them. He said as he handed Harry a piece of parchment and disappeared again. He could end it. "From me: As it says its off screen mpreg and I would say it's classic snarry story. Obviously, Sirius spent time in here with Teddy. information about the future was given to someone like Severus Snape; a young, proud, active Death Eater very much capable of committing evil acts, horrifying, tragic, and absolutely delicious twist at the end, dual animagus forms and the superfast learning cool stuff over the summer, the remaining 10% are worth being thrown off the Astronomy Tower for. Harry grumbled good naturedly as they floo'd away. "There! Only Arthur turning up letting us know you got out got them to calm down. There will be a wake afterwards that will have brunch foods. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Fairly good read, explores some of the psychological impacts on harry among other things. You can cry." Sirius stated in a firm voice. Harry's breath trembled, as he felt something probe at his mind. "We have a few things to discuss with all of you.". He nodded to the bruises that encircled Harry's upper arms, after he pushed the rage down deep inside so it would not show and scare the boy more. "Sorry. "You're joking Perce! There were still Death Eaters out there, after all. The Most Grievous and Lamentable Tragedy of the Death of Lord Voldemort, Muggle-Born Registration Commission: Hogwarts Acceptance. Harry smiled at the dogfather comment. I needed that. I'm going to make this story about 3 chapters, so I will be updating (Hopefully within the next week). "You won't. Without thought, Harry rips his glamours away baring his arms for the world to see. Although sometimes, it takes me a while longer to get to it, if I...can't focus too well." But first he had to make Snape understand. "That's brilliant!" Filled with great characterization, despicable villains and an unexpected (but completely believable and totally in character) almost father/son relationship between Mad-Eye Moody and Remus. "The look of pride on his face was priceless." He strode over to the changing table, laid Ted down, and started to try to change his nappy. Get an insight on Harry, Ron, and Hermione's point of view after the Battle of Hogwarts. He said to the air. Also, calling Lockhart "Captain Vainglory" is made of win. "Crime is of the Essence by K8BNimbleRating: MEra: PostwarLenght: 45 569 wordsPairing: HP/SS, HP/SherlockGenre: Crime, Action, MysteryWarnings: noneSummary: "When a man he hasn’t seen in almost ten years appears in his home with a man he thought was dead for twenty years, Harry Potter knew his evening had just gotten complicated. But I don't love him." Features two OCs vs. the Marauders, Dudleys Memories: Minerva needs help delivering another letter to #4 Privet Drive. You would giggle uproariously when I tried to nappy your head rather than your bum.". Comments: It's a VERY LGBTQ+ friendly, long, regularly updated fanfic, and each chapter is a small fanfic into itself. I can't believe a son of mine would even think of such a thing." THAT'S JUST GREAT. Summer had been...hard. Tonks reached over to pat her son. He tried to make a run for it, but Snape couldn't let him escape this. However, now is not the time to do this. Note: This is a series consisting of four fics, with the title link and synopsis belonging to the first one. There are other fics that go along with it, all of which are on the author's sites at and Chamber of Secrets. Harry smiled hugely. Something he shouldn't have, despite his many glamours. Hermione asked hopefully. He answered with a big smile. As he got off the floor where he'd been sleeping, he looked over to see his best friend and, what he had realised last night just before he died was, the love of his life, curled up in his bed. As his brain finally engaged, he kissed her back with all the love he had. Ron turned on his heel and gave Harry a dirty look as he left. "Okay, okay." Almost. Do you think that it's healthy for you to slice open your wrists every other night? Comments: A nice story where Hermione asks Harry to come over because Ron did something stupid. "I'm glad to see nothing can shake that temper of yours. "I need to check for any broken ribs, Harry. "Dinner is being served." Smut happens. Must be one of his 'quirks'. I've also distorted history, made up the deterioration of wizard/Church relations, and institutionalised some homophobia. Recommended by: fireball900, Dame-Amaryllis. Last night, after the final battle, Mione and he left the dead and mourning in the Great Hall and went to Gryffindor Tower to sleep. "Yep." She began to pack the nappy bag as Hermione showed Harry how to coax a burp. Bill's graduation, the twins held up on his shoulders, Percy standing beside his eldest brother, Charlie knelt down beside him.