Author and Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard, joins the team in the car for an inspiring conversation about mindfulness, altruism and the self. The thing you do not do is stop worrying about what other people think. You have money, access to health care? And overall, I’m mostly content and derive pleasure from things that I do in my day to day life. No. Josh and Chuck discuss a topic in such a way that, by the end of the episode, their listeners walk away with basic working knowledge. She’s got a clear goal. First off, I love your analogies because they are very clearly illustrating everything wrong with your approach to happiness. How do we navigate these storms so that we bend instead of break under their winds? You’re holding me back. I can’t help but notice that you said I did research on your severe and persistent mental illness by contacting a talk show host. Or are you just plain tired and want some help? Howes uses his platform to mentor others and spread his positivity to as many people as possible. We were on vacation. I’ve been doing Internet research. You are constantly comparing yourself to other people and saying, look, I don’t have as much as those people, sad. This whole idea of happiness is a choice, is a burden for the mentally ill. Well, it’s a burden for a lot of people, but we’re talking about the mentally ill. To learn more about Dr. I thought it was funny, plus I’m picking on you. I am not the only person that thinks this way, feels this way or has this particular problem. Share RSS. Oh, you’re right, that’s better. I just. Well, now what do we do? Just was there a period of happiness? How do we avoid these cliffs? Lisa: I find both of those things very pleasurable. That would be helpful. As soon as I get a new car, I’ll be happy. You’ve got to be kidding me. He’s not royalty. But you can tell me what the price is right now. I need ten thousand dollars. You are trying to change the subject or distract me with off topic things, because, you know, I’m right. How do we measure happiness? Right. I can’t enjoy my recovery until everybody else has recovery, too. Gabe: It’s a poor analogy. That would be helpful. Eric and Chris address how people are able to keep themselves moving in the right direction through open discussions of their habits, motivation, meditation, insight, depression, anxiety, happiness, mental health, and philosophy. Lisa: No, because I could read faster than I can listen. Lisa: Oh, for God’s sakes. So, you’re saying that the way you determine happiness is by comparing yourself to previous versions of you and deciding if you are happy? Really? Sure. There are like no words to even respond to that. I mean, I’m not even asking for much. Gabe, your behavior is problematic. David Pearl shares the story behind Street Wisdom and the key insights from his new book 'Wanderful: Human Navigation for a Complex World'. Said study said that people who define themselves as happy often share these traits. They will never break your day, they’ll only make it. Gabe: I’m sad that every time I speak intelligently, you’re shocked. Tell me what to add. You’re like those people who are like, oh, my goal is to run a marathon. I’m just going now because I’m a professional. Because if all it takes and you’re the one who just told me that, that the reason you’re unhappy is because you’re comparing yourself to this person and that’s why you’re unhappy. Gabe: Doesn’t that bother you coming from people you love? And that came from a Twitter user, Josie Vanco. Video podcast with Shamash Alidina about happiness, mindfulness and his inspiring work to create the world's very first Museum of Happiness. To learn more about the Happiness Podcast, go to: Gabe needs ten thousand dollars. To say to myself, hey, I don’t care about what other people think. Gabe: I’m not doing that at all. The beautiful, awaken souls can be our teachers. To learn more about the Happiness Podcast, go to: I don’t know if I’m willing to say control it, but I think we can move the wheel back and forth and try to get a handle on it. It’s frankly insulting to my taste. Unfortunately, these changes can come rapidly and without much warning. So you say, have I chosen to be happy? Supporting That’s nonsense. Ten thousand dollars represents happiness, right? Lisa: No, no, no. Mindfulness teacher and host of one of the most popular meditation podcasts, Ted Meissner joins Gui for a fascinating conversation about mindfulness and how it can help us live happier lives. This is, in fact, the most money that you’ve had toward the goal ever. But now from this vantage point with our friendship, we actually have a lot of happy memories from the time that we were married and together, I think that our memories are constantly adjusting and shifting as new data becomes available. I’m not impossible to satisfy, I just am motivated to succeed and move forward. And also, you know, while I’m on the subject, just just while I’m here, Lisa. Gabe: Of course I do, I genuinely and honestly believe that these things will make me happy, I believed with all of my heart that just being a fully functioning adult that didn’t need supports from society or my family would make me happy. Just a non-zero? I can’t help but notice that the goal you set is always very distant in the future, very difficult to attain, almost impossible to measure and can’t be done immediately. What? You do that part. And that came from a Twitter user, Josie Vanco. I don’t know that last summer you were happy, though. There are like no words to even respond to that. I’m holding you back, I’m going to stab you in the face, OK? He is not royalty. Yeah, I’m happy. That’s an exact number, right? I’m not the unreasonable one. I don’t choose happiness? You told me that the reason that I’m never happy is because I immediately set a new goal when I achieved the old goal. Anyway, stop trying to derail the thing I’m saying. Why was I the lucky one? I think I did win. Yeah, but did you run a triathlon? That would keep me up at night. You have money, access to health care? Oh, my God, this is my dream. Everybody understand? So, it was dread that factors in in no small way. Gabe: All I do is win, win, win and then I win, win, win. Gabe: Well, I mean, it is, in fact related to the global pandemic, but you know. As soon as I buy a house, I’ll be happy. Lisa: All right, that is an absolutely brilliant quote and describes you perfectly, but yeah, I feel like you’re not really understanding the essence of the quotes. There are plenty of people that tell you about various things you should do. Finally, if you want another positive ​way to improve your life, then read and learn something new every day. Puff's Corporate Workshops, go to:, Sometimes we go through difficult times even though we seem to know the solution to our problem. Announcer: You’ve been listening to the Not Crazy Podcast from Psych Central. Tell me what happiness is. I’ll also throw in a bunch of free stuff, including stickers of the Not Crazy podcast. : Interested in learning about psychology and mental health from experts in the field? The obvious answer would be politics or religion, right? Eric and Chris post updates every Tuesday. Well, but this is the most money that you’ve had towards that goal ever. You realize that that’s actually an analogy for life. I think that it is intermingled. We can’t even determine who has more power, Jeff Bezos or the Sultan of Brunei? To learn more, go to:, There are two paths we can choose as we journey through life. No, no, no, I can’t have fun because after all, tomorrow the vacation ends. Gabe: Obviously, I understand what you’re saying, but let’s hang on to that political example that you gave for a moment. The true meaning of happiness comes when you find beauty in all the things you possess. Don’t you think that’s reasonable? On the one hand, I feel a little bit icky saying choose happiness, because, yeah. Gabe: Now explain to me again why it’s my fault that I’m not happy, even though I have chronicled an actual disorder and the celebrity that’s going to save me. But is that true? And now. But he’s not a sultan. I can vividly remember the day you told me, this was before you had gastric bypass, that if you could just weigh 300 pounds, that would be it. You’re the healthiest you’ve ever been. You realize that that’s actually an analogy for life. Is going to save us all, ladies and gentlemen. But your main problem is that you’ve never actually defined or determined what happiness does mean to you. Gabe: Remember when we were married and you specifically told me that fighting in public was wrong? This podcast is a co-production of NPR and TED and offers listeners new ideas every Thursday. I’m anxious about the travel the next day. Conversation with author and mindfulness expert Dr Danny Penman about mindfulness and his latest book which introduces simple exercises to unleash our creativity. And hey everybody, I wrote the book, Mental Illness Is an Asshole: And Other Observations. I think that you need to one, define happiness for yourself because you’ve never successfully done that. Rich Sheridan is the author of a famous book Joy Inc and also founder of Menlo Innovations - company which has the mission to "end human suffering in the world as it relates to technology. Trust me. And you’re saying that I should just be content with where I am, so I’ll just be the host of the Not Crazy podcast, the host of The Psych Central Podcast, and just call it a day. Can you tell me, well if blah blah blah blah then I will be happy? Lisa: Well, that’s how happiness works for you, but that’s part of your problem, you’re constantly comparing things, you’re always comparing yourself to other people, you’re always comparing this situation to that situation, and it’s always coming up short.