Unlike his literary erotica. While I was out, Gideon transported my consciousness into a matrix. i've seen it already, but some people might be surprised and pissed to find a major game of thrones spoiler here. [SIGHS] Deep breaths. - That'll make it explode. Are you sure about this, Ms. Zari, the bomb! - What? We should talk about this before proceeding. So how'd it go out there? Just do it! [GRUNTS] Guys! Well, not a day goes by that I don't think about her. [EXPLOSIONS] Well, as long as you are on this ship, I'm your captain, and if you don't like it, - you can stop sticking - Stop sticking around. What you would do, Ray. - Mick. - Wait! Are you hiding, Ms. So once there's an explosion, that's it. Welcome to the jumpship. Rory. Go. I've been thinking about it, saving your brother, and technically, it isn't a loophole. You could reintroduce the plague and have a whole other crisis on your hands. I gotta get my undies in the dryer before Haircut does! Did you say a fly? You're not an easy man to find. I've lost count of how many times I've had to yell at cadets for screwing up or bust them for breaking protocol. Huh? I can just tell Gary I have a meeting. Okay, nobody is going to die. You know what they say. Suspicious looking box! So you can sex with her? Hey! It takes years off your life. - Uh-huh. I was never planning on sticking around for long. Please see our guidelines regarding objectionable content. Yes, Captain. It was added right before you posted this. I mean, we could've permanently derailed the history of France. That's cool. Uh, you should just tell her what it is. In almost every variation of the timeline, your fight with Captain Lance precipitated your leaving the ship. What's that? Thank God. Not that we would ever use it. [MOANING, GROWLING] Kill me now. Well, then let's get it offboard. G. Wow. I think we can cross him off our suspect list. Don't come closer. I mean, the way you look at each other honestly makes me want to puke, but don't fight it. It was just a plot device I incorporated. So where do we start? Zari, let us in! I even let it slide when you tried to prevent Martin's death, but you need to understand we are in the "fixing anachronisms" business, not the "hacking history" business. Stupid. I don't see why. Ugh, Nate. You know who I am, Zari. Let me see this. - Oh, like "Cause and Effect. Don't mention it! Exactly. Yeah. Oh, you know, crossword puzzles. - Let's start with Amaya. You look tired. Maybe it'll stop the loop. - Ray. Come with us. - Right. - What? One hour, ship explodes! - Around. No, I will not calm down, and watch your step, Ray. Who's ready to have 1. But that ending needs a rewrite. I was afraid it would be locked because it has Michelle Obama in it. Yeah, and it's really easy to take you seriously in that outfit. I'm telling the truth. Something I can never un-see. I'm sure Zari could fix [SIGHS] Just fix the ship. [WIND RUSHING] [RHINOCEROS GROWLING] [ELECTRONIC CRACKLING] Zari, as your captain, I am ordering you to stand down! Rory, not at all. - What's that? R. Tomaz? Gideon, what's happening? Sara, don't get mad. Gary why even have him in the time loop, if he was just gonna be stuck in the trash compacter the whole time? Who writes a song about losing a war? Okay, something really bizarre is happening. [DRAMATIC MUSIC] Here. Guys, I think I looked everywhere, there's nothing. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Yeah, but why are you on the ship? After all that, we're still not friends? [DEVICE BEEPING] So you got all the traps? Typical! - [CLEARS THROAT] Oh, do not make me move you. [GRUMBLING] What the hell you got in here? Until we can figure out a way to behave professionally, we'll have to forget it ever happened. I am calm, I am present. But "Star Trek" Wait, the ship explodes in an hour? BOTH: Oh, my God! " Why did you bring me here? Didn't mean to insult you. - Look. - Burn it! But why not apply some of that fearlessness to your own life and just ask poor Eva out already. [DANIELE LUPPI & PARQUET COURTS "TALISA"] Talisa Soto on the modo - Talisa, Talisa - Cheers. Hedgehog Day! What has gotten into you? [TENSE MUSIC] Yeah, okay. - Uh-huh. Thought it'd be funny. 1 Previously on "Legends of Tomorrow" Sara may not know it, but the demon's power that lives inside of her, when she succumbs to it, you're gonna need that gun. Constantine told me to kill Sara if Mallus ever takes control of her again. All right, people, for reasons that are too complicated to explain right now, we have to search the ship. I just checked the engine room, she's not there. Try it. It's okay. Come on. [EXPLOSIONS] So you're saying Rory and Amaya are in the clear. But I could operate the chrono-repeater, which is programmed to start a one hour loop prior to the explosion, and I had hoped that would give you enough time to diffuse the bomb yourselves. I don't know how to explain this, but I've died twice. Acute entropic dementia. I put you into your own program, and devised a scenario where the only way to successfully complete the simulation was to grow closer to the team and develop a bond. [MUGS CLINK] So you're saying it's like "Groundhog Day. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, take it easy! - I can't. "As the twin suns of Dartayus set on the horizon, her heaving bosom undulated like the soothing waves of the bay. Come on. Damn, girl, you look wrecked. We'll have to ask Mr. All right. Yeah, look, I know Sara can be tough, especially when you make her mad. Stop touching my clothes. Ray must have used a strong sedative on her, because there is no way we would ever use the flash gun, that's crazy. Why the hell would someone put a bomb inside of an anachronism? But Zari's probably right. Don’t forget everyone might not have watched yet. And maybe something else? With this, we can both forget it happened. Whoa, you went in our rooms? With Gideon down, it's not like she can go anywhere. The ship's a mess. - Wait, did you do the uh - Fun montage? Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. Gianni says sashay And Gianni gets his way Uh, uh Someone tell Lisa Get on your knees-a You're one sensation away Talisa Soto on the modo Talisa, Talisa Pop goes those bulbs Lines after lines Da da da da Strip down to bare ya ya Someone tell Lisa Oh, turn to me-sa Well, I can breathe your air Talisa Not bad, Mr. How are you feeling? This says "bosom" far too many times to be a manifesto. If you wash your clothes inside out, it keeps them looking newer longer. Yeah. [RUMBLING] What's that noise? Probably too pissed off. "Happy captain, happy ship!" The last thing we want to do is Make Sara mad. Wait, maybe Sara Malluses out and blows up the ship! It's an impressive piece of software you designed, Ms. Have you seen Zari? Ow! Well, so none of this is real? [STAMMERING] Because High blood pressure. Because she is, but Sometimes, I tell you. It's okay, let's talk this one through. I can't. This page works best with JavaScript. - Ow! But the real problem was you. You know this whole apathetic cool girl thing, it's not as cute as you think. Just a thought. You should be, you have a lot of writing to do. - Why are we still here? A problem to solve. [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] Yeah. [CHUCKLES] Have you gotten into Nate's psychedelic root stash? What are you up to? - All right. What's happening? Yeah, while you guys were out, I was running my own little side mission, which crashed Gideon, and with her down, the jumpship's locked into the docking bay. [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] I mean, it could be anything. This way. What are you doing in there? [DEVICE BEEPING] The one place I didn't look. Nate. You won't be able to contain the explosion. Well, let's go spy on my best friend! Just fix the ship. - 4:20! - That's awesome! Look, Zari, I let the Helen of Troy thing pass. You should kill me if Mallus takes over again, and you are going to need a lot of help. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. No, that's the point of meditation. " No, I just You know the saying. What the hell's going on? [HEAVY BREATHING] Come here, Tiger. So don't. No. Yeah, yeah, um, everyone is saying it where I'm from. Okay, got it, okay. Of course you were, I shouldn't say anything. Can't you see they're laughing at us? She's really starting to piss me off. You know, when I first came on board, you were so nice and polite to me that I wanted to punch you. - I'm busy. Nothing, I think. Uh, yeah, that The maintenance check took longer than expected. How about instead of trying to stop the ship from exploding, we all get on the jumpship and escape? [DRAMATIC MUSIC] Nothing's fun anymore. No, it wasn't a dream, it was real. [SIGHS] We can't put the team at risk. You have no idea what year it's from. Yes, yes. Question, Gideon. Right. Is that compliment, Gideon? [WHIRRING] Ray! Well, that's the last thing I thought I'd see before I die. I said "please. Of course, Captain. You're not dreaming, but you're not awake. Hey, rise and shine. [VOICE BUZZING] This is something different. Even with the reserve power, I don't believe my system can run your simulation software. - Let's go find Rory. Maybe I'm trying to figure out how to stop my home from becoming a dystopian nightmare? What if Kuasa somehow convinced her to blow up the ship? [GRUNTING] Ah, the time dweeb! Okay, I know I know this is gonna sound crazy, but we are all in imminent danger. My landing was hot and my time courier broke on impact. He's my prisoner, and he's not walking out that door! All right, if what you're saying is true, and you find yourself in the loop again, find me, and say the words "Groundhog Day. We can do this together! Okay. Your mind is in here, with me in my matrix. Now fire up the auxiliary generator. Damn it, you told me if I said "Hedgehog Day" you would know what I was talking about. The ship's functions are still operational, but it looks as though Gideon's neural core has been fried. No consequences. Hey, listen, it's none of my business, but You should ask Eva out. - Yeah. https://pmatep5f7b.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ProdStage. Please shorten your comment and try again. " All right, Gideon. - Yeah. Now, that's suspicious. [KNOCKING] I'm busy! Well, she hijacked Gideon, crashed our entire system testing out some simulation software that finds loopholes in history. Zari, look, you need to listen to me. What Kamala Harris’ Pearls Truly Mean From One Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror’s Perspective; Sharaya J Embraced Her Bald Head After Undergoing Chemo: ‘I Rocked It As A Crown’ [GRUNTING] [RUMBLING] [EXPLOSIONS] Nate. No, not when we're in stealth mode, which really just means library voices and no sudden movements. [BEEPING] [WHIRRING] You sure she can't see us? They don't believe us! - Mm-mm. - There was blue. It's probably just something I ate. Hey, why are you so worried about Sara's temper? girl you have done it again! Even though you may have never seen my face. Which is why we're gonna go visit Ray. What'd she do? The library What did you see in the library? That's because I didn't ask for authorization. [SPITS, GROANS] Damn it. - Maybe show us? Do you mean "Groundhog Day"? No! I was able to upload your subconscious via the neuro-monitor. We can't open the doors without Gideon. " No. - Yeah. Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Everyone back on the bridge, right now. Have you ever had déjà vu? Gideon, let's check the historical records, see if everything is back to normal. Gideon, trust me. Maybe you could use a break. With everything going on with Mallus, Kuasa, and Zari mentioned something about the ship, we should be clear-headed.