My circumference isn't large, but I have narrower hips by comparison, and so my ribs sort of protrude at the bottom of my cage (my sister, who is a tiny little thing, also has the same issue) and I even notice that if I bend a certain way, my bottom ribs touch my pelvis bones (ouch lol). THere are good things and bad things about this bone structure, but try and make the most of it! Exercise helps to make your torso smaller at your rib cage by improving your metabolism and building lean muscle, which takes up less space than body fat pound-for-pound. He contributed to the "San Francisco Chronicle" and "Dark Voices."

I've been working my ass off, but now that I'm in the home stretch, I'm finding that I don't feel as slim as I should because my ribcage has turned out to be HUGE. Answer Questions. We are asking our website visitors to consent to the use of cookies by HealthTap to continue to our website. The reality is, it's not for everyone. It'd be a shame to miss a low-grade liposarcoma or other soft ... Hi I am 17 old male I've notice some hard lumps on my ribs that seem to come and go and also seems to move around to rib to other area it sometimes hurts a little but when pressing on it they feel lime part of my ribs and sometimes you know wha. I've not been actually! These adductors are assisted…, A thin strip of tissue, the multifidus muscle starts at the sacral bone at the base of the spine and extends up to the axis, which is commonly…. I always want to lose weight but when I do I look bad and unhealthy, so for many years I was convinced my …

I have horrific posture. Another added bonus is people think I have visible abs at a higher BF%.

Deformities such as pectus carinatum and pectus excavatum affect roughly 1 in 1,500 children.

Last medically reviewed on August 23, 2018. Abdominal fat increases the size of your torso and rib cage.

Abdominal fat often increases with age, due at least in part to age-related muscle loss, according to Harvard Health. I have to live with it. An uneven rib cage can cause problems with your breathing, posture and possibly your body confidence. VERY wide. If your injury occurred a short time ago, consider talking to a medical specialist to assess your rib injuries and promote symmetrical healing. My mom had me when she was 39, does it mean I'll die early because I came from an old egg? I know exactly what your talking about. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. I have a big rib cage, too. If your rib cage is slightly uneven or protruding, it may be due to a muscle weakness. Combining exercise with a healthy, moderate calorie-restricted diet can help you reach a smaller rib cage size. If your uneven side is weaker, adding extra exercise repetitions to your weaker side can help you build a more even appearance. Now that I have re-read my post- I didn't mean to project my past insecurities on you by pushing my "don't hate" agenda! 36yr male, found a lump below rib cage on my back, left side about 3-4 inches from my spine and closer to my side.

In my experience it helps an ecto look broader and less like an ecto.

Lift with good form and core activation.

I've got a large rib cage as well albeit not in the same way as you. It looks so big. You are not alone. I have this as well. Weight gain results from consuming more calories than you use in activity. I … My cousin had told me it was just upper stomach/under boob fat fat, and I listened to her, so I went crazy trying to lose weight to get rid of this fat that was seriously just my rib cage. Many cases of rib deformities are corrected with a brace, but some may require surgery. All ribs are attached posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae and are numbered accordingly one to twelve. Ignorance leads you down a road to failure! If your uneven rib cage is due to serious trauma, contact a medical professional immediately. (I can do this and chill quite comfortably). LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Rib 'flare' can be affected by thoracic & lumbar spine alignment - if you're in excessive lumbar lordosis, the resulting compensatory angle of the thoracic spine will tend to angle the ribcage so that the lower ribs protrude. You might be right, I could just not be used to it. The NHLBI recommends that you reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 to 750 calories for a safe rate of weight loss; that would generally yield a loss of 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. I have a lump on my rib cage that feels like bone, hard like bone, doesnt move at all, lower left side of my rib cage, no pain or tenderness. Building up my abs has done nice things to make my ribs and hips look less skeletal. I have a triple whammy im 4'11, short legs, short torso. Concern, most likely if it is located close to the center related to the rib cage it self, other than it could many things, the way to check it out wi ... Often times these are lipomas, which are simply benign masses of fatty tissue. It's like building your own human girdle.