Ender is prepared to come up with creative solutions through isolation, but Val and Peter prepare themselves by collaboration. It forced you to rethink all of the characters and events that had happened up until then, and is what made the novel such an outstanding one. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. This was the first Card book I read many years ago.I couldn't put it down.Looking back now though having read most of his fiction I feel it was not what I consider typical Card. If you're trying to get into some good old fashion bigoted science fiction writing is this a good book? Apparently humanity, a species whose only real claim to fame is war, now stinks at war, and can only be saved by a child genius who is one part prophecy, one part bad science, and one part wish-fulfillment. it's probably because a movie takes two hours of your time while a novel, for me, takes a week or longer. He is not a murderer..... he is not a calculating machine of death, and yet, through his participation in Battle School and the manipulations of the adults in his life...... he becomes the murderer and plays the role. But, OK, we’ll go on. Like most books I read it just happened to be lying around the house. I destroy them.”. We’d love your help. So far, it has been an interesting book. I know this is an old question, but I wanted to add to it since I read the books in an order that I regretted. tags: enemy, learning-from-enemies, learning-from-others, mazer-rackham. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published An argument can be made supporting the need for the IF in Ender’s Game. ), precocious children, smart kids, clever adults. It’s clear from Chapter 1 of Ender’s Game that Orson Scott Card’s novel takes place at a time when the governments of the world exercise harsh control over their own citizens. They're are 3.3bil women in this world, and YOU don't speak for all (or even the majority) of us. We've had a good number of ideas and opinons expressed so far, what do you think about the book? This month we'll be discussing Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, one of the most loved and awarded novels of the last 20 years. Ender conforms to the role he's been given to play in Battle School. It very much depends on who reads it as you said earlier. I wouldn't say better though. In fact, had the children all acted their ages, it wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining. As with real modern governments, unfortunately, the leaders in Ender’s Game do not let the crisis go to waste and ultimately overstep their bounds. As you can tell it worked. They're are 3.3bil women in this world, and YOU don't speak for all (or even the majority) of us. using or containing too many words. And how do they make sure that he can lead? Chapters 6–12 in Ender’s Game follow Ender’s time being transferred between armies and being unwanted by those around him. Ender disagrees with their refusal to conform believing that he would rather please others in an attempt to fit in. Lastly, we have Ender. Because of the way Ender acts and talks in the very beginning of the book, I was surprised to learn that he is only six years old. In Ender’s Game, we may feel bad for Ender about his isolation, but we also are reminded of the positive side to isolation. I'm not sure what using children achieves...other than adding an extra emotive layer to the reaction of the reader. After all, Buggers did try to wipe out the entire planet. It's important to keep this book in perspective. Hi everyone and welcome to the first Reading Group discussion. I loved the book. for me books often don't have repeat reading value in the same way some movies have repeat viewing value.