I will be as the dew to my people For treasures and fool’s gold For you who are little among Judah My thoughts meditate Lord on You – on You. They say I could be a real star in this world. To lead you to the promised land? Solomon’s wisdom to hear And they will call upon My name V’niglah k’vod Adonai For my heart’s overturned, my compossions are kindled Did I turn away from you, from you Violated Your own Holy Word? (Joel Chernoff) Revelation 22:12-17, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ka-o-sher t’ka-betz tar-n’go-let Gam e-leh tish-kach-nah Praise Him ye angels above, Now, let the sun and the moon rejoice The more I discover He loves me That we can find life in Him evermore, The Sacrifice Lamb has been slain Their spears into pruning hooks For treasures and fool’s gold When I was bitter, deeply pressed within. The more I discover He loves me. Of the waters of Yeshua, Yeshua He Mashiach Chuck Girard Lyrics. Do lai lai lai – Do lai lai lai – lai…………….. My light in times of darkness Your God is my God, Do not ever urge me to go And more if anything The fruit of our lips”, Come back, come back on Israel Hebrew translation: My God, my God, my God my beloved. He turned things around, and you know what I found. Music)/BMI and Integrity’s Praise! Had not the Lord been a help for me, His love always to share You’ve got to break up – the fallow ground. Who is like unto you Lord (Yeshua)? He who is thirsty come freely drink © 2005 City of Peace Music (adm by Integrity’s Do lai lai lai – Do lai lai lai – lai…………….. That it wiped away sin’s deep; black stain, Take my life and lead me on to the deeper side of Him, And when in the soul of the Jew He reigns, RIVERS Of BABYLON Is the name above every name Nor will you turn to yourself, to yourself LORD FILL UP OUR HEARTS WITH JOY THIS HOUR. Adonai Tzidkenu And brought us new hope by God’s Son Lo, then you will reap – the fruit of love. His Blood on the alter a stain Nai nai nai nai As we sat and wept for Zion For it was He who created you Like Mount Zion in the midst of Jerusalem, Sh’Ma Yisrael, Sh’Ma Yisrael, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad, Adonai Tsidkenu, Adonai Yeshua Teinu, Adonai echad, Adonai Tsidkenu, Adonai Yeshua Teinu. And does not turn to strange and lying ways. And we will know the least to the greatest. To bring hope eternal O Jerusalem, Jerusalem – how often I have longed to gather Doo dai dai – do dai dai dai Yet we in our day have fled from the light Come my people Israel, Come back to the Lord He who is thirsty come freely drink Take my life and lead me on to the deeper side of Him. Si-mi-lakh tam-ru-rim Our old men will dream, our young men see visions. The least I could do is love Him too. The beginning and the end, He who has ears let him hear his call Nobody could love me like He did Gather with your families – come sing and clap your hands. I heard the angels sing, Bless His Name for His Name is good Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me, for Thou are. All that I ask of you – is that you follow me. To bring hope eternal He is the King over all the earth For a brief, brief moment Did I turn away from you, from you Now in great loving kindness For God will bless them, bless them that love Her. He’ll write His Word in our deepest parts. Sound the trumpet everywhere – all throughout the land. Music)/BMI and Integrity’s Praise! Wherever you die (adm by Integrity’s Praise! Hen al-kah-pa-yim And to them their joy restored – hallelujah. To lead you to the promised land? They say one will come and atonement He’ll bring, So bring Him O Lord and to Him we will cling, Special thanks to dear sister Kathy You’re bringing us back, bringing us back, to where you found us. You still my souls anxiety. He’s seeking to keep ya from the Kingdom of God His coming draweth nigh, So let us walk honestly in His sight And established you forever and ever The time has come, the season here, the end of days at hand. Your people are mine – Your God is my God, No more will you turn to another for help, Nor will you turn to yourself, to yourself, And they will blossom as the lilly, wo-o-o-o, And you will flourish like the vine, wo-o-o-o, Yet they did not know that it was I who loved them, With tender cords of love I did lead them, For I was to them as one who lifts a yoke, For my heart’s overturned, my compassions are kindled, But again will my anger be burned, be burned. Offspring of David For our hearts were filled with gladness, our mouths with with singing. When I’ve got a problem and I need an answer. And to bring our people home Make me understand all the way I should go. It’s good for me, I’ve made you my refuge. And there’ll be light in the City of Gold, Wherever you go And He shall rule all nations When plunder’s taken away from your midst your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. Together we will sing His praises – Hallelujah. When plunder’s taken away from your midst “Forgive them Lord” is what He cried I KNOW I CAN PUT MY TRUST IN YOUR HANDS FOREVER. As a deer pants for water my soul longs for You. The sun may go down and the moon fade away, MESSIAH’S LAMENT Ki-pi A-do-nai di-ber, Every valley shall be exalted Our hearts must be changed, for righteousness burn. Return, O virgin of Israel, return to these thy cities. For my heart’s overturned, my compossions are kindled Do lai lai lai – Do lai lai lai – lai…………….. My light in times of darkness your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. Company (both adm by Tovah Music)/ASCAP, Sh’ma Yisrael you have not been forgotten, For the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion, This will be written for the future generations to come, Who knows! Isaiah 53:4,6, Isaiah 1:18, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem – how often I have longed to gather. (adm by Inegrity’s Hosanna! Psalm 137:1-6 & Isaiah 60:1, Bitter are the tears we cry for thee O Lord. Bai-a-mim ha im, ti va sha Yehuda Let him harken to these words The singing of the nightingale No Arabs no Russians can chase them away For your children shall grow and grow The Lord builds up Jerusalem and Teach me © 2005 City of Peace Music And tell you of the glories that once were really ours. My strength in times of weakness