, People executed by guillotine by Nazi Germany, Articles with German-language sources (de), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 September 2020, at 11:13. Ende Dezember wird Hans aus der Untersuchungshaft entlassen. The new Geschwister-Scholl-Institut for political science, founded in the post-war era, was named after them on January 30, 1968. On February 22, 1943, Hans, Sophie and Christoph were executed by guillotine. Sie werden festgenommen und von der Gestapo verhört. Dann kommt Stalingrad. Sie liest Mann, Heine und Rilke. Both were captured, tried, and executed by the Nazis in 1943. Already have an account with TheArticle? Since 1997, a memorial to the Geschwister Scholl and other members of the White Rose can be found in the atrium of the main building, and since 2005, a bronze bust of Sophie Scholl. Maureen Dowd: Is it finally sinking in to Trump that he’s losing? Greg Hall Their “White Rose” movement shines as beacon of courage, its founders idealised to the point of sainthood, after whom dozens of streets and schools are named. Hans Scholl was an enthusiastic member of the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth), whilst Sophie had joined at the age of 12, the Bund Deutscher Madel (League of German Girls). Sign in here. Ein zähes Ringen, nicht ohne Provokationen. Was aber machte die Geschwister Scholl zu jenen scheinbar unerschrockenen Rebellen, als die sie verehrt werden? Kurt Huber entwirft ein sechstes Flugblatt. This was the only occurrence of its kind in the history of the Third Reich. Raymond Keene Sag nicht, es ist fürs Vaterland.“. 09 OCT 2020, © 2020 TheArticle. Both were members of the non-violent White Rose resistance group against the Nazis. Hans soon found a girlfriend and distanced himself from the Nazi movement to become a passionate Protestant Christian. Ihr Leben war nicht frei von Widersprüchen, der Weg in die Rebellion gefährlich. “We fight with our words,” Sophie said; and in June 1942, the first anti-Nazi leaflet appeared in Munich mail… The story of Sophie and Hans Scholl still resonates today. Denn Sophie Scholl ist das Denken wichtiger als das Gefühl und nun drängen sich die Emotionen förmlich auf. Die Antwort: nach den Geschwistern Scholl, noch vor Albert Schweitzer und Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Hans and Sophie Scholl, often referred to in German as die Geschwister Scholl (the Scholl siblings), were a brother and sister who were members of the White Rose, a student group in Munich that was active in the non-violent resistance movement in Nazi Germany, especially in distributing flyers against the war and the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. Überliefert ist, dass sie bei ihrer Konfirmation in brauner Uniform erscheint. In 1943, she was caught delivering anti-war propaganda and, with her brother Hans Scholl, was executed for high treason. Hans and Sophie Scholl (PA Images) The death of Elisabeth Scholl at the age of 100 is a reminder of her brave siblings, Sophie and Hans, who were prominent among the small number of Germans who actively resisted the Nazis and paid for it with their lives. Für sie ist es ein Ringen. Der Vorwurf: bündische Umtriebe. “We will not be silent, we are your guilty conscience, the White Rose will allow you no rest!” ended the fourth pamphlet. Smooth translation; excellent explanatory notes and illustrations; fairly good index. Personal letters and diaries provide an intimate view into the hearts and minds of a brother and sister who became martyrs in the anti-Nazi resistance during World War II. Sophie Scholl wuchs zusammen mit ihren Geschwistern Inge (1917–1998), Hans (1918–1943), Elisabeth (1920–2020) und Werner (1922–1944) bis 1930 in Forchtenberg, Volksstaat Württemberg, von 1930 bis 1932 in Ludwigsburg und ab 1932 in Ulm auf. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Im Sommer 1942 müssen Hans Scholl, Graf und Schmorell zum Sanitätsdienst an die Ostfront. They, like their contemporaries, had grown up as members of the Hitler Youth — an experience vividly depicted in the satirical movie JoJo Rabbit. Under the name of the 'White Rose' this University Resistance circle produced leaflets calling for passive resistance and sabotage of armaments factories and denounced the extermination of the Polish aristocracy and the Jews as 'the most terrible crime against human dignity, a crime not to be compared to any similar one in the history of mankind.'. Gemeinsam bilden sie den Kern der Weißen Rose. The details of daily living, as noted in these letters and diaries of Hans and Sophie Scholl, take on heartrending significance in light of the tragic circumstances that eventually took the lives of the German brother and sister during World War II... With unaffected sincerity, the letters not only express their growing distrust of Hitler's increasing strength, but also shed light on their individual personalities from Sophie's naiveté and schoolgirl enthusiasms to Hans' dedication and deliberateness. They were interrogated and tortured for three days and were tried by the infamous Nazi judge Roland Freisler. A court eventually dismissed the charges, and described the affair as a “youthful aberration”, but the shame and disgrace was huge. The reality was much different from what Sophie Scholl had wished for, that same evening the students of Munich University displayed their loyalty to the Nazi regime. The sixth pamphlet discussed the Nazi defeat in Stalingrad, a battle that cost 2.2 million lives and marked a turning point in the second World War. Ihrem Freund Fritz Hartnagel, der in der Wehrmacht dient, macht sie es nicht leicht. Especially striking is the Scholls' growing attraction to Christian mysticism. Beim Auslegen der Flugblätter werden die Geschwister beobachtet. On February 18, 1943, Hans and Sophie Scholl dropped leaflets from the second floor of the Munich University main building calling for German youth to rise against Nazi 'sub-humanity' in the war of liberation. There are alarms when Hans is taken into military custody, when their father is jailed, and when their friends are wounded on the eastern front. Jeffrey Meyers Die Schwester skizziert dieses Erlebnis als einen Riss in der Begeisterung für die HJ – nicht nur für Hans, der bei seinen Gruppenabenden Rilke vorlas, sondern auch für seine Geschwister. Disillusioned with the Nazis, at first their activities were clandestine, confined to university circles and the secret printing and distribution of texts such as the courageous sermons of Clemens von Galen. His younger sister Sophie enrolled as a student at the Munich University in May 1942, following a spell as a Kindergarten teacher, and six months service in the National Labour Service. How to innovate in business and embrace change, If you want to recruit unpaid sperm donors then play into masculine stereotypes, Boisdale: the very finest from ages past in a modern world, How to get the job you want: four things to avoid in job interviews, US Election Notebook: Politics on steroids, The link between Dostoyevsky and Saul Bellow, A discipline that has transformed the lives of millions.  /  Trost findet sie in den Büchern, vor allem die tägliche Lektüre des Kirchenlehrers Augustinus gibt ihr Halt. Representing six years’ worth of diaries and letters, these well-edited extracts suggest how, over time, both brother and sister subconsciously prepared for the brave work they eventually undertook. Devout Catholics, their determination to bear witness for their faith played a part, but so too did the fact that they had a teacher who showed them the meaning of intellectual freedom and integrity. Born in Ulm in 1918 and raised in a liberal, Lutheran family, he disobeyed his father aged 15 to join a group linked to the Hitler Youth. Die 16-Jährige ist verliebt. As a result, she was executed by guillotine. Die evangelisch getauften Scholls setzen sich intensiv mit den Schriften der „Renouveau Catholique“ auseinander. Dennoch: Die Eltern konnten sich darauf verlassen, dass ihre Argumente von den Kindern nicht nach außen getragen wurden, und die konnten sich trotz aller Differenzen der bedingungslosen Zuneigung ihrer Eltern gewiss sein. Die Erfahrungen des Arbeitsdienstes bestärken sie in der längst aufgekeimten Abwehrhaltung gegenüber dem Nationalsozialismus. Sophie hält sich im Münchner Kreis oft eher zurück. Der Rückzug ins Private ist irgendwann nicht mehr genug. What made college students risk their lives to resist Hitler? „Wenn Sophie Scholl nach ihren eigenen Maßstäben leben und handeln will, muss sie frei und unabhängig sein“, schreibt ihre Biografin Barbara Beuys. In the midst of evil and degradation, theirs is a celebration of the spiritual and the humane. Konflikte mit den Eltern sind vorprogrammiert. Reaktionen auf die bisherigen Flugblattaktionen bleiben aus. On the morning of their execution Sophie Scholl told her fellow prisoner that she thought, 'thousands will be stirred and awakened by what we have done.'. Just before his beheading, Hans Scholl reportedly cried out: “Es lebe die Freiheit!” (“Long live freedom!”). Jeder in Deutschland, so scheint es, kennt die Geschichte der beiden Studenten, die im Februar 1943 dabei erwischt wurden, wie sie Flugblätter in den Lichthof der Münchner Universität flattern ließen, und für ihren Widerstand gegen das NS-Regime mit dem Leben bezahlten. Ich fühle jetzt erst ganz den Willen meines Vaters, den er selbst hatte und den er mir übergab: etwas Großes zu werden für die Menschheit.“. Der Artikel erschien erstmals in G/GESCHICHTE 2/2013 „Gladiatoren“, G/GESCHICHTE Ausgabe 12/2017: Die Hohenzollern. Wir vier kleineren wurden dann, zwei und zwei, in die Badewanne gesteckt und unserem Schicksal überlassen. „Es lebe die Freiheit“, ruft Hans noch, bevor der Henker das Fallbeil auslöst. Together, they participate in a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany called the White Rose. Although they were both martyred for their efforts, they impacted many lives and will be remembered for their stand against horrendous evil. Sophie als erste. Prayers for this pandemic: Receive Christian prayers of comfort, courage, and hope every day of the year. Elisabeth live long enough to see her brother and sister commemorated in many ways for their act of symbolic resistance, including a film, The White Rose. An verschiedenen Gebäuden in der Stadt finden sich weitere Parolen: „Nieder mit Hitler“. Ich kann es nie begreifen und finde es entsetzlich. In einem Schulaufsatz, den sie mit 18 Jahren schrieb, erinnert sich Sophie an die Bade-Samstage ihrer frühen Kindheit im schwäbischen Forchtenberg, wo der Vater Bürgermeister war: „Meine ältere Schwester durfte schon am Freitag baden, damit nicht all unser Dreck zusammenkam. Hans und Sophie Scholl Sie wurden nur 21 und 24 Jahre alt. As their letters and diaries reveal, the Scholls were not primarily motivated by political beliefs, but rather came to their convictions through personal spiritual search that eventually led them to sacrifice their lives for what they believed was right. Ihr Leben war nicht frei von Widersprüchen, der Weg in die Rebellion gefährlich. Heidi Kingstone Sophia Scholl was a German student, active in the White Rose – a non-violent resistance group to Hitler and the Nazi party. Anders als seine Vorgänger richtet es sich nicht mehr an einen elitären Kreis. In six anonymous pamphlets, distributed at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, they criticised Hitler, spoke of the mass murder of Jews and growing resistance to the Nazis. Ich verstehe die Menschen nicht mehr. Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie circa 1940. Ob Hans‘ Schwester Sophie im Sommer 1942 bereits wusste, dass ihr Bruder und sein Freund hinter den Flugblättern stehen, ist unklar.