One time the Animal People decided to have a council and a big dance. The function of the white chief was to rule during times of peace, while the red chief took over leadership during times of war. You just found out you won 5,000 dollars! They presided over ceremonies including those centering around war, they took care of the sick, and created cures for many of the illnesses. They also made clay pots, baskets, masks and rattles, which were used in religious ceremonies. Both men and women wore moccasins on their feet. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the western group was still plagued by conflicts with settlers for lands, and both bands suffered from misguided government policies, including the forced education of Indian children in government boarding schools away from home, and from attempts to discourage use of the Cherokee language. Many offer to provide or teach ceremonies for a fee, a dead giveaway that they are not legitimate.Our traditional beliefs and traditional people are highly respected; you can show great respect by not asking traditional people to share ceremony or beliefs if they do not wish to. Natives Face More Challenges for 2020 Election! As trade between Cherokees and Europeans became common, the clothing style began to reflect that, with a combination of trade cloth shirts and buckskin leggings and skirts often seen towards the late 1700s-early 1800s. 2), 3. Ha! 3. For their religious functions, the Cherokee tribe had very special men known as Shaman or Medicine men, who were revered by the rest of the tribe. A Coyote. They were all laughing at him. 3. In the late 1820s, the Georgia legislature passed laws designed to force the Cherokee people off their historic land. Your best friend tells you she/he really desires your boyfriend/girlfriend. Here are some photos to go with the myth. What connection could they have to the title? Women also maintained their own property. Some possible questions to ask about the title: What is a trail? Ha! Like most aboriginal people, the Cherokee believed that everything (including inanimate objects) had a spirit. Neither were women allowed to become religious leaders. The women were responsible for maintaining the home, and farming. Marriage licenses can be obtained by tribal citizens through the Cherokee Nation court, where there is also a list maintained of those who are licensed to perform weddings under Cherokee Nation law. smoke holes: a vent (as in a roof) for smoke to escape. Most people usually buy their daily clothes from department stores. 5. (In the sixty years after the American Revolution, they would lose If the Cherokees had banned together before they signed the treaty, which triggered the Indian Removal Act, they may not have been removed from their lands. Find and highlight each of the following words in the paragraphs indicated in parenthesis, then infer  the meanings from the context. Today the Cherokee still hunt, but only during specified times of the year and some people still grow their own produce. Directions: With a partner, reread the myth and highlight the following words from the reading. The Cherokee people are believed to have settled into their ancestral homeland in the southeastern United States sometime before 1,500 years ago. Since the deer was the primary animal the Cherokee depended on for many of the necessities of life, one of the deities they worshiped was the Deer god. You have just heard that one of your relatives has had an accident. What did the early Cherokee economy consist of? Although Cherokee women might have participated somewhat in tribal affairs (some women even fought alongside the men in wars) they were not allowed to hold positions of power, such as those of chief or as council members. The early economy of the Cherokee inhabitants was based on agriculture supplemented with hunting and gathering of natural foods. We also caution you about the many fraudulent people now online and elsewhere who claim to be a traditional Cherokee medicine man/woman or a "shaman" (Shamanism is not a part of the Cherokee traditional belief system). The food palate has changed over time but Cherokees still enjoy traditional foods at family get-togethers and other special occasions. 1 ___ the dense coat of fine silky hairs on such mammals as the cat, seal, and mink, 2___ possessing beauty; aesthetically pleasing. • Wilma Mankiller: Rebuilding The Cherokee Nation,-Sweet Briar College-1993, Amazon: Red men of fire; A history of the Cherokee Indians. Coyote went over to see Cricket and they had a talk. (para. 2), 4. 1. Although other Spanish expeditions entered Cherokee territory over the following years, contact between the Cherokee and the Spanish was minimized because much of the Cherokee territory lay in the Appalachian. Then check your answers in the reading. List some responsibilities of the Red Chief. Write an essay in which you express your opinion on the events leading up to and including the Trail of Tears. “It was a spirit of survival and perseverance that carried the Cherokee to Indian Territory on the Trail of Tears. Suggestions: For this group exercise, students could create a Venn diagram like this one. 9. Your lover brings you a beautiful flower, and it isn’t even your birthday. The people as a whole believed in group cooperation as opposed to the needs of the individual. 6. There are fewer medicine people alive and practicing today, but those few are still known by traditionalists and others in Cherokee communities. • List and describe some of the current Cherokee ceremonies? 4. 4. Exercise 4 Research Activities-(students’ choice), Exercise 5-Writing Activities- (students’ choice), supplement: add to what seems insufficient. Cricket had cut off all the hairs at the root and now they were scattered all over the dance floor. Below the chiefs was the village council, whose function was to help make decisions for the tribe. During the warmer weather, homes were cone shaped and made of bark. Coyote didn’t like this. Initially, there were people who opposed her candidacy because they objected to being led by a woman. ceded: give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another. (6), Exercise 2 Questions for Comprehension and Discussion. 8___ to throw about in various directions; strew, 9___ overcome with shame, guilt, or remorse, Exercise 2. (7), deities: a person or thing revered as a god or goddess. Principal Chief (n.) the main or primary leader. sovereign: of political bodies; an autonomous judiciary. Women have jobs outside of their homes. 4. At the following class meeting, their responses can be used as the basis for group discussions. 4. The player with the nearest spear when the stone stops receives a point. There were also conflicts between the Indians, the British, the French, and the American colonists. The goal of this material is to raise students’ awareness of the American Indian people living in the United States today, and to encourage learners to view Native Indians as an integral part of American society. Even during this difficult time, Cherokee culture continued to grow and flourish. During the 1600′s, contact and conflict grew between the Cherokee and the English settlers growing outward from the Virginia colonies. This territory was ceded by Spain to France, and shortly thereafter, Napoleon sold it to the new United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase. Like most aboriginal people, the Cherokee believed that everything (including inanimate objects) had a spirit. The men also fished to supplement their food supply.