A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output. 5=multiple universes and finally 6=Top Dog, end of the line. Building A Supermassive Black Hole Dyson Sphere Continued, The key to this that you are both missing is Black holes can be used to create a Relativistic jet after plasma is put around the black hole especially super-massive black holes do this when they consume mass, I am trying to make another instrument of destruction. [15], A single sheet of graphene, the two-dimensional form of carbon, has a density of only 0.37 mg per square meter,[16] making such a single sheet of graphene possibly effective as a solar sail. Is the typo in the 25th amendment significant? That's because the "coordinate" speed of light at the ceiling is circa 4 m/s greater then the coordinate speed of light at the floor. And what Winterberg is saying is that something's got to give, like the wave nature of matter. I thought I had read a correspondence between your self and 006 ref your preference for the origins of the universe being a black hole. The concept is a thought experiment that attempts to explain how a spacefaring civilization would meet its energy requirements once those requirements exceed what can be generated from the home planet's resources alone. Relativistic jets and hawking radiation are explained well by ethan https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/ask-ethan-how-do-hawking-radiation-and-relativistic-jets-escape-from-a-black-hole-b7a4ef7d9bdf, Not related but amused me this morning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_vacuum_thruster. Thus, a Dyson sphere, constructed by life forms not dissimilar to humans, who dwelled in proximity to a Sun-like star, made with materials similar to those available to humans, would most likely cause an increase in the amount of infrared radiation in the star system's emitted spectrum. That we do not see them because managed BHs are the optimum places for high computation civilizations. In theory, if enough satellites were created and deployed around their star, they would compose a non-rigid version of the Dyson shell mentioned below. I hope it is clear that the BH heat sinking has little effect on the energy balance of the DS. Constructing such a system would make such a civilization a Type II Kardashev civilization. Clear editor. Since then, other variant designs involving building an artificial structure or series of structures to encompass a star have been proposed in exploratory engineering or described in science fiction under the name "Dyson sphere". Or maybe you could re write the BB theory based on MEKO's instead of singularities like this guy has done http://journalofcosmology.com/JOC26/General%20Relativity%20and%20Effects%20in%20Time%20as%20Causation%20JofC.pdf Its all about looking at things differently. The variant closest to Dyson's original conception is the "Dyson swarm". Falling bodies do not slow down. [2], SETI has adopted these assumptions in their search, looking for such "infrared heavy" spectra from solar analogs. The number of craft required to obtain, transmit, and maintain a complete Dyson sphere exceeds present-day industrial capabilities. I think a fusion reactor could be smaller than trying to use the fusion reactions in a small sun. [5], Although such megastructures are theoretically possible, building a stable Dyson sphere system is currently beyond humanity's engineering capacity. Another possibility is the "Dyson net", a web of cables strung about the star that could have power or heat collection units strung between the cables. Hawking radiation is very low energy. I suppose it was a incorrect assumption that hawking radiation would be a large producer of energy in super-massive black holes unlike smaller ones. Such a structure would also provide an immense surface that many envision would be used for habitation, if the surface could be made habitable. "[1] The concept was later popularized by Freeman Dyson in his 1960 paper "Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation. Going one step further, retrieval, how would that be accomplished? If that is close enough to "insignificant", there is no need to go further. If such a sail could be constructed at this areal density, a space habitat the size of the L5 Society's proposed O'Neill cylinder—500 km2, with room for over 1 million inhabitants, massing 2.72×109 kg (3×106 tons)—could be supported by a circular light sail 3,000 km in diameter, with a combined sail/habitat mass of 5.4×109 kg. In May 2013, at the Starship Century Symposium in San Diego, Dyson repeated his comments that he wished the concept had not been named after him. The only other model that I ever use is String Theory which is the further-est I go. Since a blackbody radiates uniformly in all directions, the fraction of the energy emitted by any portion of the DS intercepted by the BH will simply be the BH area divided by half the area of DS. Dyson's proposal did not detail how such a system would be constructed, but focused only on issues of energy collection, on the basis that such a structure could be distinguished by its unusual emission spectrum in comparison to a star. A second type of Dyson sphere is the "Dyson bubble". The original work about dyson's sphere was done around stars being that it is 2019 I would like to step it up a level and construct this device around Sagittarius A, thus it will take some time to explain all the details I don't imagine this will be a one post thread. ", "Is there enough matter in the Solar System to build a Dyson shell? I think my personal limit is 6. Such a shell would, however, have the same optical and thermal properties as the rigid form, and would be detected by searchers in a similar fashion (see below). His 1960 paper "Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infra-Red Radiation", published in the journal Science, is credited with being the first to formalize the concept of the Dyson sphere. Thanks for contributing an answer to Physics Stack Exchange! A curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity [speed] of propagation of light varies with position". When I tell you the manufacturing methods for such a feat are not a even close to the level required to complete this project I really mean it, the human civilization will not probably be a type III civilization for ten thousand or one hundred thousand years, but as technology follows the same basic principals of physics that are known, we can find ways to design such a object, thus this will be a exploration into what would be required for such a feat of engineering and how to achieve control over our Galaxy's Super-massive Black hole. It has been proposed that a biosphere could be contained between two concentric spheres, placed on the interior of a rotating sphere (in which case, the force of artificial "gravity" is perpendicular to the axis of rotation, causing all matter placed on the interior of the sphere to pool around the equator, effectively rendering the sphere a Niven ring for purposes of habitation, but still fully effective as a radiant-energy collector) or placed on the outside of the sphere where it would be held in place by the star's gravity. This construction approach has advantages: components could be sized appropriately, and it can be constructed incrementally. Collectors would absorb and reradiate energy from the star. I think Dirk has a valid point, but +1 for rigor and effort and a fun read. More-complex patterns with more rings would intercept more of the star's output, but would result in some constructs eclipsing others periodically when their orbits overlap. I don't think so Dirk. That's because the potential energy is mass-energy, in the pencil. The Luminosity and Energy produced by a Black hole follows the equation below. Thanks for that. The simplest such arrangement is the Dyson ring, in which all such structures share the same orbit. VictorMedvil, Why? But surely Hawking radiation, if it exists, predicts that black holes do radiate and gradually shrink away to nothing, doesn't it? Need help finding flaw in the voltage regulator circuit. [23][24] In such cases, some form of illumination would have to be devised, or the sphere made at least partly transparent, because the star's light would otherwise be completely hidden.[25]. Only at the event horizon, the coordinate speed of light is zero, and the pencil is supposedly falling 299,792,458 m/s faster than that. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. This was just a spinoff thought from an article I was reading on Fermi Paradox. Such structures would need either some form of propulsion to counteract any drift, or some way to repel the surface of the sphere away from the star. However, Exchemist is correct I was going to harness hawking radiation to power the actual structure , The point is it has never been done before theoretically thus I must create this Dyson's sphere death star. A 100% reflective satellites deployed around the Sun would have an overall density of 0.78 grams per square meter of sail. which makes the Luminosity in hawking radiation of Sgr A , L or (Watts)  = ‭1.7494342699889852561152624123067*10-39‬  J/s , which is much less than I would have thought but it so happens that larger black hole actually has less hawking radiation escape it.