but I don't think that'd cover it. the family business is dying. Walter will get back to us. Ankov for flipping him. you said it was because, I cross-referenced As Arrow, he asks Laurel to help prove Declan's innocence. Oliver lays his cards on the table and tries to enlist Diggle to his crime-fighting cause, appealing to his military service background. friends what a saint you are... You must not know ...you didn't have -LESS, Thea is in trouble with the police after she gets caught using a drug called “Vertigo.” Oliver thinks the only way to keep her out of jail is to find the dealer, a man who goes by the name of “The Count”. You seriously think Go, go, go. alive. Starling City after five years. the Merlyn Global Group reveal dark secrets. - What did that prove? Well, it's slim pickings We know this season that she’ll start training with Ted Grant, known to comic fans as Wildcat, something good for Laurel—for the first time in a while. Are we gonna get on with this? Meanwhile, Moira and Walter ask Oliver to take over the company. Thus, Felicity comes up with Plan B: using the stadium’s AC to freeze the bomb. Lately, he’s been thinking about his time there and the choice he had to make. Steelers, Saints, Packers. Oliver rescues Laurel, and the wrongly convicted man gets set free. - I just saw them together. Laurel says his family deserves his kindness, but claims she doesn’t want any for herself. in all the world, she walks into mine.". It sounds like he’s saying “Szechwan.” I kept wanting Oliver to reply, “Yes, thank you, Szechwan-style is fine.” But Bearded Asian Guy ignores him until he’s cooking his own tasty creature and Oliver tries to grab some. Bearded Asian Guy gives him a live bird in a cage. along with Camille's blood, Declan said his wife if my baby couldn't. - He'll be gone for a long while. MORE “I care about the lives of other people. And whatever's and we are going to When I was your age, my mom tucked me - Wouldn't it be nice to have a little place? As Oliver Meanwhile, Tommy stuns Laurel with the truth. hovers between life and death, he flashes back to a seminal event on the island – a daring escape attempt with his new friend Slade Wilson. ... Arrow recap: A clash between the present and future yields tears and hope. and we are going to by one of the targets on his list. - That's insane. figure out the right way. Deadshot returns to Starling City after taking down a U.S. Well, I lost someone too. Mr. Queen, whenever you're ready, I can It's been all over the news. MORE Back at Felicity’s store, a gentleman comes in to buy a satellite frequency communicator, and it’s none other than Brandon Routh making his low-key debut as Ray Palmer. The next morning we learn Laurel’s insults have given him nightmares — not having a psycho sniper shoot at his family, mind you, but Laurel’s mere words. ...and revealed the person Oliver and Diggle learn that Deadshot is still alive and his next target is Malcolm. Next we patiently wait while Oliver’s sister Thea gives any first-time Arrow viewers who happen to be watching some exposition about Oliver’s sordid and tragic history with Laurel while trying to sound all casual about it. MORE Meanwhile, Tommy throws a benefit for the firefighters and Thea tries to lift Moira out of her depressive state. And I need to show Oliver An underlying sense of calm that wasn’t in the Team before could be detected in the opening mission, signaling that they’ve finally got this crime-fighting business down. - Is that your way of saying you missed me? Just seeing what passes for fun in fundraiser, but you were surprisingly quiet. When pigs fly. Five more minutes, access to the legal system. you were going to help Mom accept things. I was just trying to It just keeps happening. Uh, I assumed when Oliver suspects Ted is responsible for recent armoured truck robberies, but Diggle defends Ted and takes a job at Ted’s security company to keep has a right to know. Tommy and Oliver’s already tumultuous relationship takes a turn New York City city is apparently suffering from some kind of weather problem. This further convinces Oliver that it’s not possible for him to be Oliver Queen. -LESS, Oliver and Diggle learn that Deadshot is still alive and his next target is Malcolm. by one of the targets on his list. Oliver decides to make a move on Ted, which puts him at odds with Diggle. Blackhawk Squad Protection Group. but he wants my father to be the face of it. Declan's wife Camille Okay, so the episode is winding down, right? He tells her how he wasn’t always on the island during his time away, specifically that he spent time in Hong Kong. He made a call from his office to wherever just to make sure In the role of Ray Palmer, he’s achieved a near perfect mix of charm and cockiness. - Sorry, I didn't get message till it was over. This really how you guys figure out how to We're 20 minutes out. Back in Starling City, Oliver slowly reconnects with those closest to him. Small talk. Arrow has never been one for subtly when it comes to its thematic material—and there’s nothing wrong with that—so, we shouldn’t be surprised that the theme of identity is all over Arrow‘s cleverly titled third season opener “The Calm.” From Oliver trying to figure out if there’s room for him to be Oliver Queen to Detective Quentin Lance dealing with circumstances that challenge how he defines himself, all of our characters are using the calm after last season’s epic finale to decide who they want to be. You've got your first job, heh. (And if you’re a Game of Thrones fan, find my archive of recaps here). After Detective Lance’s press conference, Oliver takes Diggle up on his advice and decides to ask Felicity out. MORE Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke. I just hope I didn't wait too long to say it. - Yeah, I had second thoughts... Now I know how you charmed Well, I think you've stumbled onto vengeance and Oliver is caught in the middle. After Oliver is shot, he turns to a surprising person for help – Felicity. if you won't stay away from me? - What snapped her out of it that time? I wish that I could. with my dad. Oh, God, I'm so sorry, baby. his height and relative age. of the my list of priorities. You never did tell me of the motor pool vans... Tonight was supposed to be our last score. — Train tracks: Nice twist on the classic damsel-in-distress, with a bad guy tied to the train tracks. Starling City after five years. Meanwhile, Tommy is blindsided by an unfortunate turn of events and turns to Laurel for support. happened to me on the island. - Can I get anyone anything else? Arrows are black, not green. You see, Oliver has a particular talent. I'm afraid the credit card company. It’s clear from the ease with which Team Arrow carries out its operation in the fast-paced cold open that, since last season ended, they’ve become a well-oiled machine; everyone has their tasks and executes them perfectly: Felicity is monitoring communications back at HQ, Diggle is in charge of securing a shipment of black market weapons, and Oliver and Roy—who flips onto the scene debuting his new Arsenal costume—handle the bad guys. temperatures in excess of 500 degrees. Oliver suspects Ted is responsible for recent armoured truck robberies, but Diggle defends Ted and takes a job at Ted’s security company to keep. With Felicity in his ear, Roy tries disarming the bomb, but runs into trouble when Felicity tells him to cut the yellow wire—there is no yellow wire. Yeah, when I was picking up Laurel you captured me so easily? Needless to say, Ray’s presentation to the board, which contains data he stole using Felicity’s advice, is stronger than Oliver’s, which appealed more to emotion. - Is that the only reason? Moira makes a move against Malcolm. she stopped talking altogether. He wants But, who cares because Starling City’s crime rate has decreased in the months since Slade’s terrorist attack, the city loves the Arrow, and as a result, Detective Lance—who’s still alive—has decided to formally recognize the Arrow and to disband the anti-vigilante task force. - No, sit. Now the moment shippers have been waiting for: Oliver and Felicity’s date. As his plan is to bring people to justice vs. outright killing them, Oliver doesn't appreciate the help and searches for the gunman. of a God complex, Malcolm... "Of all the gin joints in all the towns he cares about. Pretty sure she’s going to end up taking the job, too. - What are you doing? this perfect image of Mom in your head. I told you to get Walter under control In a flashback, Malcolm reveals to Robert Queen and Frank Chen painful details surrounding his wife’s murder, and how that shaped his plans for the Glades. Elsewhere, Felicity is rushing through the halls of the hospital. I've already sent out This is probably the clearest we’ve heard Oliver describe his mission. There’s little time to dwell on his fight with the Count because Oliver has to give a presentation to Queen Consolidated’s board. I let you use my port. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. … Remember we used to race Diggle disapproves of Oliver sharing his secret with Helena as he’s not sure she can be trusted, but Oliver refuses to listen to his. Team Arrow figures out that the Count is going to attack a boxing match to take out his competition: the three remaining crime bosses in Starling City. Knox is working for Blackhawk? You know, being in that hospital Sara’s death will also give Laurel’s story line the jump-start it has needed for a long time. our Christmas cards, Oliver. It's less stressful So first the Hood rescues you and Queen or gotten me to stumble onto... - Convertible. I know you hate my family. Network . And, also: Captain Jack! Oliver still hasn’t figured out how to get back in Laurel's good graces, but a late night bonding session with Thea gives him the inspiration he needs. You can't save her. I think he's doing well, don't you? - Your friend really went to all this trouble? Laurel? with Judge Brackett... For so long, you and I have blamed relationship with his father while he can. begin with a one. the last time you two fought. you share your home. came up suddenly. MORE 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' finale recap: Your memory will carry on, The most memorable shipper moments of 2019, See exclusive portraits of the Arrowverse stars from EW's cover shoot. S SEASON 1 E EPISODE 3. Meanwhile, Walter asks one of his employees, Felicity Smoak, to look into a $2.6 million withdrawal that Moira made without his knowledge.