There is nothing worse for a coach than to be confronted in the parking lot post-game or to get home after a long road game and to receive a blistering parent email right before going to bed. var analyticsEventTracking = 'enabled'; Please promptly obtain your two pictures of your son. Humility, respect, and accountability are just a a few characteristics and traits that can be developed from this great game. My name is Chris Claborne and I will be the Head Soccer Coach for the PQ Soccer (to be named later) team that your son is playing in this fall. Once practice has started, it will be terminated early only if a steady rain or a cold rain begins, or if lightning is seen. These mentors and leaders come in all shapes and forms, never failing to provide motivation and advice. The first game of the season will be April X. Baseball is one of the most difficult sports to coach because, at one time, the general population of young boys grew up playing Little League. This past season has been a learning experience for all of us, but especially for me. PARKING:  Please park only in designated spots. The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) will evaluate policies and procedures and will make recommendations to the State Board of Education (SBE) at a special-called virtual meeting set for Thursday, March 26th at 10 a.m. Career and Technical Education (CTE)/Vo-Tech and academic dual credit courses will be required to complete all course assignments online using the Canvas platform as assigned by each instructor. If you choose to get them, they should not be expensive (you may wish to try Pay-Less, Walmart, or K-Mart for a generic sports cleat or, if you are comfortable with the shoe size, on-line). Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U.S. History students. – At practices, I like to have the adults (one per child) participate whenever I can work them in!!! We never know when conflicts may occur and we will be required to change. Talk to a RCSD Therapist  | Mental Health. First, the players receive pregame instructions, captains are appointed who need time to meet with the referee, and stretching and warm-up’s must be conducted in order to reduce the chances of injury. Father. Lessons will be assigned weekly. STAGE 1 of THE DISTANCE LEARNING PLAN (TDLP) on Thursday, March 19th and Friday, March 20th consisted of OPTIONAL Social/Emotional activities for those who were interested or needed them. Again, they do not have to be expensive. Roger Williams University. “Picture Day” will be held at the game field on (date). Liability Insurance – It is my understanding that all volunteers will have some small measure of liability insurance, but this should not be assumed. The team will participate in the XYZ “classic” program under the auspices of the ABC Athletic Association. There will be mistakes and bumps in the road along the way as we travel this new territory. There is a one-in-six chance of anyone from our team being selected by XYZ for this duty. If you wish for your son to return to the team for the next season, please send a check, made out to (me), for (dollars); or. (See Elementary Grading Procedures chart below. How the coaches will communicate with the team . If you have doubts, please show up. jQuery('#js-news').ticker({speed: 0.10 }); Health Insurance – All players should have their own personal injury insurance coverage through their family. 3. Please follow the CDC guidelines using social distancing and hygiene protocol. In order to apply for these tournaments, I will need a check from every player for (dollars), made out to (me), to be received by (me) no later than our preseason meeting on (date). The jersey color choices on the part of the players covered a wide range. Parents of students with a higher risk of severe illness can contact their school administration, if needed, before the Smart Restart plan is released. Complete the enclosed Parents Questionnaire; Complete the enclosed Player Information Sheet; Write a check for $200.00, made payable to me; and. It is a tremendous responsibility that I take very seriously. Your email address will not be published. Further recruiting on your part would be most appreciated. box-shadow: none; –        Birth certificate, or other recognized proof of age, which must be left with me. Note: Special Education Students: Promotion and grading should be the same for special education students as for general education students, given that accommodations and modifications have been provided for graded assignments during school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, you should not expect this to occur. This would be enacted if the Governor’s Executive Order closed schools again due to health concerns. The “games” are just enhanced soccer practices with the other teams in this age group. Over that time period I spend, on average, approximately 20+ hours per week with your son (excluding Sundays). Remember that the medical release form must be notarized. ), (SWIFTK-12 emails are limited to 140 characters per email/text which is why you may get multiple emails/texts.). These activities are divided into grade bands. If you have not heard from your teacher/s or have questions, please email them. Given the circumstances described above, joining the team might be a somewhat expensive undertaking.