A lot of features involved, of course, the beautiful time of day clock on that's kept the standards with an atomic clock over the Internet. Can you hear me, Chris? How cool is that? Very sophisticated setup for a little south Alabama radio station. It works out sometimes, but not very often. Now, it's IP, but it also does traditional inputs and outputs as well. So my audio goes over that way perfectly linearly. That's right. It does not sound like these AM stations are likely to get the translators that they so desperately want and need. It really is, I think, the customer's right to know how the system is working. Kirk: But you can maintain it more easily this way. So you can make your main mix, sub-mixes, program one, two, three. That's what you said. In February 1924, Lambdin Kay called Art Gillham "The Whispering Pianist" while performing on WSB, a name he used in billing on Columbia Records, radio and theatre. On August 16, 2010, WSB began to be simulcast full-time on co-owned WBTS 95.5 FM, which previously played rhythmic contemporary music as "95.5 The Beat. All right. You've got program one and two as I mentioned, as I said, mic inputs, line outputs, all the things you need to do to make a station. We tend to talk about watermarking on FM stations. These are so sexy. Charles: Yeah, that is definitely one of the [inaudible 00:21:57]. In 1948, WSB added a companion FM station, WSB-FM, originally broadcasting on 104.5 MHz. Kirk: If you're out at a remote site with no conveniences around, how can you clean an air filter? Thanks for Lawo for sponsoring This Week in Radio Tech. That's almost half the population of the US listening to a stream once a month. They had to send me another one, put it in and it fit perfectly and everything was fine. Ground wave is so related to daytime. I'm sure engineers were involved. We're going to keep investigating. Even if you're not friends with me, you can still look at the videos. There we go. I'm just happy to have my barbecue here at WSB. There's the new Z/IPStream R2, which was just introduced at the IBC show in Amsterdam about a month ago. Kirk: How about we stand? That included dramas, comedies, news and sports from the NBC Red Network, as well as local shows. How you doing? On October 17, 2019, WSB installed a new transmitter atop its tower in Atlanta's Old Fourth Ward district to accommodate the increase in wavelength coming from their digital relocation. Even so, it still provides at least secondary coverage well into the North Georgia mountains, and as far south as Macon. I should have prefaced this a bit more because probably the majority of our audience are not in markets where they have PPM measurement. Who do we have next? So there's a lot to talk about there. But look at what we've been doing the show through. So WSB got at 750. [5] The Journal established a makeshift studio on the fifth floor of its building at 7 Forsyth Street. So, believe it or not, the radials are still there. Kirk: So this is what I have a say about John, is that because he's done so many things, he's like a lot of us. What could you tell us about the events of today? Elijah: Right, sure did. No? I was doing engineering for you when your poor, little broken down a radio station. It looks like it was part of maybe... Charles: This was the original AHD equipment. It comes in at night at Nashville. You can look at the videos. Charles: Well, sometimes they build tubes to go in other things that don't necessarily have a blocker around them where they might just attach to the plate cover. So there are all these things that are important. Charles: So a quarter wave is... yeah. We put on a big theme for that one. Kirk: Charles, thank you so much for being with us. Hey, I want to tell you about our last sponsor. Everything under here is granite. But that pretty rare, I guess. All that, theoretically, can work okay. You've got a total of three stereo line inputs and three stereo line outputs plus there is an AES digital input and output on the back of this. Charles: Actually, the only places I've ever lived are Panama City, Florida and Washington DC. Kirk: Now I posted another video, not on GFQ network. Kirk: You're watching This Week in Radio Tech. It has well-designed buttons and faders. I tested. Its daytime coverage area is not as large as 50,000-watt AM stations in other parts of the country due to Georgia's poor ground conductivity. Or it doesn't work out every time. Scott: WSM in Nashville, WLW in Cincinnati. Okay. Geoff: Yeah, I mean, what's fair to say is if it didn't have an effect, no one would buy it. Kirk: You had a little gospel station. So this is your party. I wanted to drop out there and do it. I've got a computer there... it's the first time I've really ever been able to do this at a transmitter site. Kirk: So you're maintaining this site as it is. But it's still a very nice site. But the site itself is actually pretty old. I don't know. Because I want her to learn how to drive first. I couldn't tell the difference in those two towns. On July 31, 2019, WSB and WSBB-FM began calling themselves "95.5 WSB." Kirk: Come on here, Zipporah. Kirk: If you don't know him, Scott, what are you most famous for amongst engineers? Y: In 1978, John joined WXIA-TV as evening news anchor, but in 1994 rejoined WSB to anchor the 6 and 11 p. Kelly could not be reached for comment, but after the documentary premiered in early January, the singer has denied Ron Beasley, former WTVJ reporter and long-time South Florida journalist, passed away on October 4th according to Miami's … The AM dial position and FM call letters are only mentioned occasionally, such as during the hourly station identification. The unfortunate part was he picked an area that probably had the worst ground conductivity in the whole metro area. Also in the 1980s, WSB discontinued its NBC affiliation. Kirk: Exactly, You've got one radio station or maybe two, but you got as the streams as you want them. I was still getting about 17 down and 12 megabits up. Charles: A tube, yeah. We've learned a lot. Kirk: Intermediate Power Amplifier on the transmitter, a little tube. He was the first war correspondent to broadcast an eyewitness account of the D-Day invasion, reporting from London in the early hours of June 6, 1944. John: We deal with all sizes, but we're seeing a lot of the large groups work directly with the manufacturers. Kirk: So Elijah got a big FM radio station in Greenville, Mississippi. They're now part of the Z/IPStream family. WSB Radio's local news, traffic and weather coverage -- along with local talk shows featuring Eric Von Haessler, Mark Arum, Erick Erickson and Clark Howard -- will continue to air on the 750 AM dial, which has a 97-year broadcast history while reaching up to 30 states at night and serving as a major source of news and information for the entire Southeast for decades. I lost the very tail end of Chis. You know exactly what's happening. It was tight. WSB: To count prairie dogs, transmit or dye? I think we're good. A number of outer Atlanta suburbs (Gainesville, Newnan, Griffin) only receive a grade B signal. During the 2015 NAB Radio Show in Atlanta, Charles Kinney opened the doors to the iconic WSB AM transmitter site and threw a party. How do I get one of those? Building in Atlanta, GA. UPDATE July 15, ... Plus use our free tools to find new customers. Geoff: You talk to Jim Armstrong and we grab one for you and Eddie out of the bag. Let's look at the central rack here. Thank you very much, Geoff. Wow. A total, in this box, of 10 GPIs, 10 GPOs. Kirk: I love these. It's like features in a transmitter. Kirk: If you've got a kid in school and you get a report card that says pass or fail for a few things, you've got to know that there is a big possibility in the child's outcome in real life compared to pass-fail. Kirk: All right. We all strive for A-plus. Kirk: It's your party and your cry if you want to. But it's on AM stations, too. This is another place where data matters. Hook up all my satellite receivers to them, legacy receivers. I was in the middle of saying you're watching This Week in Radio Tech. But she wants to fly and I don't want her to learn how to fly. But the big news out of Nielsen on their end is they are upgrading the encoding system. Charles: They don't. I'm Kirk Harnack along with Chris Tobin in the studio. First time I've seen WSB even though I've lived in the South all my life. But anyhow, you run into things. This is for our friends to the North. That's a one-rack unit box that'll take one audio coming in and turn it into a couple of different streams. Geoff: No. No, I don't want you to be bringing that up. Nearly 80 engineers and friends showed up to see the current site and learned about the history of AM transmissions from here. For AM, I think RKO, EEI, I think, some of the big legacies or legacy guys. Hey, Charles. You could put this at a transmitter site and have yourself some backup remote control. The technology is exciting. We took a big risk to do it and we've gotten a lot of applause from... our engineers are saying, "Well, attaboy." Geoff: Right, so you could interweave and that a single meter could pick them all up. Kirk: You also made an interesting statement about, hey, whether or not you have a Voltair, your audio processing has an effect on watermarking, which is in this country, known as PPM. [17] The Atlanta Constitution had also been experimenting with FM radio, putting WCON-FM on the air the year before. The Shelby Star newspaper, in an issue dated November 1985, wrote that the talented Dan Hornsby, after the national disaster crash of the stock market, found himself working no longer for Columbia Records but for radio stations like WGST, WATL and WCON, along with being the first morning show announcer for WSB in Atlanta. Scott: Yes, it is. Programming You'll get an email every time something's posted. There's actually another Commissioner now. Do you find... are a lot of your customers smaller broadcasters in rural areas? I never have to... because I would have to go out there and hit that button. WSB smoothed the way for the radio spread of southern gospel music, through regular programming hosted by Charles Davis Tillman. In 1927, WSB became an NBC Red Network affiliate. This land became very valuable and Cox being very wise at business, worked a deal with the developer to develop the land into a big shopping center. There were three of these in central California. Chris: Good. So there's that [inaudible 00:16:07]. It would go off the air and you'd call me from Memphis to come down there and fix it. So the legend has it, the chief engineer at that point in time at WSB was a farmer and it was close to his farm, so it was convenient for him to go to the site and make it back home. There you go. Chris: Absolutely. Hey, we're back at the WSB transmitter site. It's all bonded back to the main ground system. The station switched networks in 1980 to become an ABC station. Charles: The ground conductivity of this site is less than .25. Now you know, you can... if you needed conductivity to a transmitter site that's hard to get, you might be surprised at where an LTE signal is available from at least one of the carriers, whether it's Verizon, which has very good nationwide coverage. So it's going to be interesting to watch this play out. It's our weekly podcast. It's running an application which looks amazingly like an audio console. Kirk: Well, is their site in the middle of a park, above a shopping mall like this one? Charles: Glad to be here. We did a deep dive in the tech. So anyway, it's been good to know Elijah for a long, long time. I'm scrolling. They would hang up on him or they would just be silent and say, "Well, that's okay. He has made the play for it. The FCC this afternoon basically came here and said, "We can't tell you anything. You've got commercial power right there and you've also got POE power that can power this thing. This is a backup site. We've got Charles Wooten, Charlie Wooten with us. But you started in radio. Kirk: How would you guess that that happened? Maybe you have speakers, microphones, other gear that you need to hang on to, you need to use. So you can get our email addresses, our telephone numbers and give us a call. You'll have complete control and reading of the GPIOs as well as audio input and output.