This tradition originated at the end of the 18th century in Valls, Tarragona, when rival groups of people called colles, began to compete in constructing the different kinds of human towers that we recognise nowadays. If there is something that is full of culture and traditions is how a wedding is lived in a certain place.  A castell is a castle translated in English. Accidents are very rare due to the safety of the structure, but in case something happens there are always ambulances if immediate assistance is needed. Why Catalonia wants to be independent? The Castellers de Vilafranca (Catalan pronunciation: [kəstəˈʎez ðə βiləˈfɾaŋkə]) is a cultural and sporting association whose main objective is to build castells (human towers). Els castells are traditionally built in festivals all around Catalonia. The aim of this castles is to build it and succeed in dismantling the tower's structure. A castell is complete when all members have climbed into their places and the enxaneta climbs to the top and raises her hand with 4 straight fingers. The aim of this castles is to build it and succeed in dismantling the tower's structure. A castell is a human tower built traditionally at festivals in Catalonia, the Balearic islands and the Valencian Community. I say Catalan wedding because there are some things that are different from Spanish weddings. Apart from all people that climb to create the human tower, others are needed to create the "pinya" which is the bottom base of the castle that sustains the weight of the tower. I would like to explain to you how a Catalan wedding looks like and how was ours this year. In Cat…, Humans of Barcelona is the project by the photographer Enric Mestres. Castellers - Jane (24 May 2013 - 10:15). There may well be a fun fair and various live music acts on stage. The Castellers: a true tradition in Barcelona. We have very interesting things that are unique of Catalonia and part of our identity. A castell is a castle translated in English, els castellers are a group of people that climb into each other to built a castle (human tower). Traditions in Catalonia is something I am very familiar with being a Catalan and I would like to share a bit of my culture with you. Since 2010 els castells were declared Unesco to be amongst the masterpieces of oral and intangible heritage of humanity. Menorcans love to celebrate and there will be lot's of music and alcohol consumed eg Pomada ( with good humour and behaviour ) as well as events organised for residents. A castell is considered a success when all stages of the assembling and disassembling can be done to complete the structure. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. I first met Enric when he was taking pictures of myself in the staff party at work, and I thought OMG he captured my beauty...I really liked the photos and digged a little deeper on his work. ¿What do you think? Castells –a Catalonian word that means castles– are a cultural phenomenon particular to Catalonia and consist of erecting human towers. Humans of Barcelona started named as Lalala Barcelona with the same concept as Humans of New Yo…. But independence goes far beyond that and the feeling of the nation starts long ago. Two riders will 'race' each other along a city street. Will be in Barcelona June 18 - 17 and would love to see a Human Tower in Barcelona or a village not too many hours away by bus or train. The tradition of building castells started in Valls, near Tarragona at the end of 18th century. The motto of Castellers is: strength, balance, courage and common sense. The building of castells is a rather rural tradition, which also explains why the first club in the city, the Castellers de Barcelona, was founded quite late in 1969. At these festivals, several colles castelleres (teams that build towers) attempt to build and dismantle a tower's structure. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Here are most common terms used to indicate how many people are in each level or tower of els castells: A lot of people ask me what is going on in Catalonia about the independence. It has the status of a public-interest association. Els castells are traditionally built in festivals all around Catalonia. Some think, that the country has woken up one day and all the movement began. A castell is first built by la pinya at the bottom to hold the structure and after that the tower levels from bottom to top, slowly and carefully. This gesture with the fingers erect symbolizes the four stripes of the Catalan flag. The pinya (often men) act as well as a safety net in case the human tower collapses. are a group of people that climb into each other to built a castle (human tower). Since 2010 els castells were declared Unesco to be amongst the masterpieces of oral and intangible heritage of humanity. The origin of “The castellers” in Catalonia is found in the old “Dance of Valencianos” of the XV century, which ended with a human tower its performance. Since 1981 it became popular in other parts of Catalonia. The highest structure of castellers is around 9 or 10 storeys up. So you can tell a lot abou them only with their sentence. One of the crucial moments in history for Catalans was Franco's regime, Catalan …, Oh, weddings, some hate weddings, and others love them. The Catalan tradition of building human towers or castells (the Catalan word for ‘castle’) originated in Valls, near the city of Tarragona in Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain with its own distinct language and culture. On November 16, 2010, castells were declared by UNESCO to be amongst the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The founding members of the coll are mostly former citizens of Villafranca, not far away from Barcelona. Help others with your opinion and experience.