Seamus' first D.A. When Harry went down to breakfast the morning of his first Quidditch match with the broom, Seamus served as a "guard of honour" to protect the broom. He lives in London, and was born in Belfast Northern Ireland on 1 March 1949. This charm is an incredibly advanced piece of magic and is proof of superior magical ability. [17], Seamus Finnigan's Patronus during a D.A. Tilting his head from side to side, Seamus expressed his opinion that, tilted right, the tea leaves did resemble a Grim, but tilted left, it looked more like a donkey. When Dean eventually did return to Hogwarts in 1998 to fight in the final battle, Seamus was ecstatic to see him, and ran to hug him. Boggart Me dad's a Muggle; Mam's a witch. In 1982, at the invitation of Kariel Gardosh, the Israeli Cultural Attaché in London, Finnegan's play James Joyce And The Israelites was performed at the First International Conference and Festival of Jewish Theater in Tel Aviv. [10], Seamus and Neville Longbottom in Gilderoy Lockhart's first DADA lesson. Finnigan is an Irish name that includes finn (white, fair) and means "fair-haired one. Ron helped Seamus to his feet, apologising profusely. Species While practising, Seamus managed to set fire to their feather with his wand, and Harry had to put it out with his hat. A devout reader of the Daily Prophet, Seamus's mother believed what the papers were saying about Harry and Albus Dumbledore, and had been very reluctant to allow Seamus to return to school. Seamus Finnigan (b. His uniform was always scruffy and untidy, making him look like a slob. A running gag in the films is that Seamus keeps causing things to be set on fire and (sometimes) burning his eyebrows off. Over the summer of 1994, Seamus and his mother, along with Dean, attended the Quidditch World Cup between Bulgaria and Ireland. Seamus' first day of classes did not sit well with him. Seamus and Harry were soon friends again. The D.A. When Ron had a row with Harry himself about the Goblet of Fire choosing Harry as a champion, he spent a lot of time with Seamus and Dean. Seamus asked how one could be "nearly" headless, to which Nick demonstrated by pulling his head off of his neck, which disgusted most of the table. Seamus was among the students to witness Hagrid carry Harry's "dead" body back to the school grounds, when Neville shouted "Dumbledore's Army," Seamus was among those in the crowd that roared with cheers, provoking Voldemort. Not to be confused with Dumbledore's Army § Seamus Finnigan. During Seamus's final year at Hogwarts, his face had been battered and bruised by the Carrows to an extent that neither Harry nor Dean Thomas could recognise him, until he spoke with his distinct Irish accent. Instead of giving the class a straight answer, Lockhart showed them by letting them loose; most of the class, including Seamus, dove for cover. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, File:Harry-potter1-harry seamus charm lesson.jpg, File:Harry-potter1-Quidditch cheering.jpg,, File:B6C30M1 funeral of Albus Dumbledore.png, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Fighting with Seamus, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Seamus apologizes, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (video game), Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film), Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1,, Articles with information from Pottermore. Pale[5] On his first night back at school, Seamus got into an argument with Harry Potter about the latter's claim of Lord Voldemort's return. Wand Nationality When the sixth years learned about Apparition lessons in the spring of 1997, Seamus was among the group of students who were impressed that Harry Potter had already experienced it through Side-Along Apparition with Albus Dumbledore. Neville managed to melt Seamus' cauldron and was drenched in their potion. Seamus remained in the D.A. After joining the Gryffindor table, Seamus was introduced to the Gryffindor house ghost Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, who students often called "Nearly Headless Nick." Finnegan's first major play Act of Union was produced in 1980 at the Soho Poly Theatre[2] with the support of Bill Ash and of which Irving Wardle wrote in The Times: "It may seem a negative compliment to this extremely informative and well-written piece, but its main achievements are to have developed a highly theatrical pattern from dislocated fragments, and to have exposed some of the tangled loyalties and hatreds of the divided country without the smallest trace of sectarian bias". It disappeared after only a few moments, but was "something hairy." He was partnered with Ron, and at one point, Ron's damaged wand malfunctioned and knocked Seamus to the ground. He was also the best friend of Dean Thomas. Once in the hall they were joined by the other Houses, in an attempt to keep the students safe. [3] "An evening of undivided enjoyment... a non-Jewish play on a Jewish subject done with much understanding and sympathy" (Jerusalem Post). Magical characteristics When Neville arrived in Gryffindor Tower with his legs stuck together, Seamus was among those who burst into laughter. Before leaving Hogwarts for the Christmas holiday, Seamus lent Harry his Wizard's Chess pieces so Harry could learn how to play. Loyalty When the students returned to school after Christmas break, Dean Thomas led Seamus to attend his first meeting of Dumbledore's Army. Seamus was born to Muggle Mr Finnigan and his witch wife[10] at some point between in 1980. When the banshee began to shriek, Seamus used the Riddikulus charm to take her voice away; for his participation, Seamus earned five House points. Seamus, Hermione, and Neville cheering on Gryffindor during a Quidditch match. Soldiers, North and Mary's Men soon followed in the quartet of 'Troubles' plays. In his first class, Herbology, he was required to collect bubotuber pus for Professor Sprout. 1979/1980) was an Irish half-blood[1] wizard, son of Muggle Mr Finnigan and Irish witch Mrs Finnigan. Blood status When Professor McGonagall asked the first years to form a line to head into the Great Hall, Seamus ended up in front of Harry Potter. Seamus's best friend was Dean Thomas, one of his dormmates, during their first year at Hogwarts, and the two remained best friends throughout their school years. Even more curiously he is mostly always seen next to a boy whose appearance matches the movie - Dean Thomas - and who is a Hufflepuff. Later on, Ron would get romantically involved with Lavender and there were no signs of bitterness between him and Seamus, which may indicate that Seamus and Lavender were never a couple. However, Harry felt it was the right choice, because Dean had outflown Seamus during the try-outs. When Voldemort's army attacked the castle, Seamus was among many of those who stayed to fight. Seamus also seems to have been friendly with classmates and fellow D.A. In the mid-nineties, Finnegan was writer in residence at Mishkenot Sha’ananim in Jerusalem, where he collaborated with Israeli dramatist Miriam Kainy[4] on Hypatia and began work on his book about Israeli playwrights, Dialogues In Exile, with the help and support of Dani Horovitz, another Israeli dramatist. Sandy[4] He was charged with blowing up the Wooden Bridge to prevent Snatchers from entering the school. In the spring of 1996, Seamus sat his O.W.L. 1986 saw the production of The War Trilogy which included The Spanish Play, The German Connection and subsequently for BBC Radio 3 The Cemetery of Europe. Alfie Enoch and Devon Murray have both expressed that they like the fan theory of Dean and Seamus ending up together. His Patronus was in the form of a fox. Fox[8][9] When Seamus ran into Harry, Ron, and Hermione, they assured him that they would be supporting Ireland, as well. He later moved to London where he taught at the Jews' Free School from 1974-1978. members Hannah Abbott, Ernie Macmillan and Susan Bones; during the Battle of Hogwarts, he was frequently seen fighting alongside them, even though his best friend Dean Thomas had returned to Hogwarts. When Harry's broom became enchanted by Quirinus Quirrell, Seamus was impressed (as was the rest of Gryffindor) that Harry managed to stay on the broom. meeting. When Seamus' name was called during the Sorting ceremony, he waited for almost a minute before the Sorting Hat placed him into Gryffindor. They attended the 1994 Quidditch World Cup together[19], and one of Seamus's main reasons for doubting Harry Potter's story that Voldemort had returned was his mother's belief in the Daily Prophet's version of events[15]. In Gilderoy Lockhart's first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, in which he showed the class a cage of Cornish pixies, Seamus asked if they were dangerous or not. After lunch, Seamus had his first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Remus Lupin. On Christmas Day, Seamus attended the Yule Ball with Lavender Brown. When the Gryffindors learned that Sirius Black had attacked the Fat Lady, they were all sent back to the Great Hall. Mr Finnigan did not learn this until after they were married and it gave him a "nasty shock" when he first learned it. meeting where he manages to (for a few seconds) conjure a corporeal Patonus. Seamus also witnessed Harry Potter's final defeat of Lord Voldemort and the end of the Second Wizarding War. Seamus in the very front next to Hermione Granger during his Sorting. [15], Seamus at tryouts with his fellow Gryffindors. He survived the Second Wizarding War and was seen sitting with Dean Thomas and Aberforth Dumbledore once the battle had ended. Seamus Finnigan (b. Mr Finnigan did not learn this until after they were married and it gave him a "nasty shock" when he first learned it. Signature Seamus was also displeased when Dean was chosen as the replacement Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team over him when Katie Bell was injured, but again, the two still remained close friends. In his first Potions lesson, Seamus told Harry and Ron that Sirius Black, an escaped Azkaban convict, had been spotted near the school. 1979 / 1980) was an Irish half-blood wizard, son of Muggle Mr Finnigan and Irish witch Mrs Finnigan. He and Harry had small fallings out over Harry being chosen as a Triwizard Champion[20] and Seamus's doubt over Harry's claim that Lord Voldemort had returned[15], but managed to patch things up. Dean, Seamus, and Aberforth after the battle. Mr Finnigan did not learn this until after they were married and it gave him a "nasty shock" when he first learned it. meeting of the year. It can be assumed that he largely spend this trip with his best friend Dean. Hair colour However, when Seamus expressed his disbelief about Harry's statements that Lord Voldemort was back, Ron supported Harry and got very angry with Seamus. Seamus had plans to annoy Fergus back, once he passed his apparition test. Seamus discussing the appearance of Sirius Black near Hogwarts. Devon Murray has the record for breaking the most fake wands on the Harry Potter set. When Professor Lupin resigned at the end of the year, after being exposed as a werewolf, Seamus was among the students who were sorry to see him go, along with the other Gryffindor students.[13]. It can be assumed that he attended the 2014 reunion of Dumbledore's Army. He told Harry that he now believed Voldemort was back and had sent a copy of Harry's interview to his mother.