2. Roden snatched Sage’s apple. Statesmanship & Warcraft . Characters involved in Chapter 31 & 32 are;Conner,Mott,Sage,Princess Amarinda,Princess Amarinda parents,Errol,Tobias,Roden,Prince Darius,King Eckbert,Queen of Carthya,Prince Jaron, and Princess Amarinda’s entourage. Sage attempts to escape but is caught by Mott and Cregan, who then knock him out and tie him up. Change ), https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q4SgpRB3HnoUaf0H2aRDZ0JZPLfW1RhThrU9V_LA7DQ/pub, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CGhx1J3biZH6cMURl_KUxxk5IjoWp1EEuLnRYIatHc8/pub, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lwamv20BkRMA16Lzof43jt6jgukhpAeNWtpVEOCV-cQ/pub, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RFTlCciDUfbgVDplwmDIEUNrqtWsz9atePWoqizlNPQ/pub, https://docs.google.com/a/stpclaverschool.org/document/d/1M57g3eHYLvmYgvZiHHn5bjOcp_hL-G3_Qs4NcmLY81g/pub, https://docs.google.com/a/stpclaverschool.org/document/d/16jiEPh05p446B7BtYj3vOo7MbCo6n3xDNjedgTp5oEo/pub, https://docs.google.com/a/stpclaverschool.org/document/d/1yOc-jtFATlvNbZ7re2vWRRor8ZfYDUnsc-w-V2MLsHY/pub, https://docs.google.com/a/stpclaverschool.org/document/d/1KxANlxsREh6ONErcVfZOSohPfLUykf-jAAP9pobpifg/pub, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lVVAuN4rMKBcOxgXBhdHQTsPeb3G9eX4ajkp3EyUc_Y/pub, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TWsjUvaAysuH3rbvv2oy6GkzLQ1m5RtK8cYvBAvGx-4/pub. Mott had to pull Sage off of Cregan. Chapters 6-10. Matthew – for chapters 31-43, and 44-54 you just have to sum up the chapters in each of these groupings and post once. Also includes sites with a short overview, synopsis, book report, or summary of Jennifer Nielsen’s The False Prince. As Sage moves from a rundown orphanage to Conner's sumptuous palace, layer upon layer of treachery and deceit unfold, until finally, a truth is revealed that, in the end, may very well prove more dangerous than all of the lies taken together. Sage mentions how they do not get along well at all. Reviews | Sage distracts Tobias, and then attacks with his own stolen knife, blackmailing Tobias into backing down and lying to cover up Tobias the following morning when the wound Tobias gave him is discovered. Words I did not know, but looked up are;extravagant-spending much more than is necessary,whim-an odd notion or desire,darted-a sudden swift movement. As they head into the castle, they are confronted by Cregan and Roden, who intend to stop them and have Roden crowned king instead of Jaron. "With enough twists and turns to keep a well-oiled brain humming, Nielsen trusts in the intelligence of her readers to follow along her delightfully complicated path." Sage is going with Conner. Readers of this multifaceted, well-crafted tale will eagerly await Sage's further adventures." His father explained that Jaron could not return to the castle, because Jaron would be living proof that Avenia had attacked a peaceful ship with a royal on board, and Carthya would be forced into a war they would almost certainly lose, and which King Eckbert was desperately trying to avoid. Chapters 44-54 THE END OF THE BOOK Jaron challenges Roden to a sword fight, and Roden accepts. 1. Connor is discouraged, but Jaron shows him a way into the castle by a walkway along the castle sewer. Jaron was a rebellious child, climbing castle walls at night and doing a variety of other antics, which displeased his father because he was not the model royal his father expected of him. King Eckbert and his wife Queen Erin, a former bar maid, had two children. The information about The False Prince shown above was first featured As Connor adjusts his preparations to fit the change of plans, Sage goes on a horseback ride within the property, retrieving a rock from a riverbed along the way. A major influence for The False Prince, the first book in Nielsen’s Ascendance Trilogy, came from the music of Eddie Vedder, the lead singer of the seminal grunge band Pearl Jam. Praise for the first entry in the trilogy centered upon the book's appeal to a wide age group, as well as for the book's plotting and characters. The main point of Chapter 31 is is Tobias,Roden, and Sage being servants for Princess Amarinda and her parents.Amarinda walked through a door and Sage gave his honesty to her and said there was dirt on her cheek.At the dinner table Sage was so hungry he felt like he was just going to eat one of the rolls on the table.Princess’s Amarinda parents heard rumours that King Eckbert, his son, and his wife went on a trip up north Princess Amarinda heard that that they were poisoned and died the next morning.Also Conner tries playing with Amarinda’s emotions by saying things like their is always hope Prince Jaron might be alive.Princess Amarinda says she would like to go to her room and asked if Sage could escort her and Sage says he doesn’t know the way(LYING) and Amarinda says I know the way I just want someone to be with me.While they are walking Sage tells Amarinda things like Prince Darius is dead and Princess Amarinda tells him that the reason she asked him to escort her was because she knew he wouldn’t lie and she kissed him. She lives at the base of a very tall mountain in northern Utah with her husband, their three children, and a naughty puppy. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Words I did not know, but looked up are;Scrutiny-a searching inspection:examination,Tedious-too slow and long to become boring, and Betrothed-the person that someone is intended to marry to in other words a fiancé. He is stopped by Bevin Conner, who pays for the roast and helps Sage to his feet. - School Library Journal. Sage then made a deal about Errol, if he get his clothes he would get a silver coin. While Conner and his vigils go to collect the next boy, Sage, Roden a,nd Latamer talk about what Conner could possibly want them for. 2. Characters involved in Chapter 33 & 34 are;Princess Amarinda,her entourage,Roden,Conner,Mott,Mistress Havala,Jaron,Sage,King Eckbert,Darius,Cregan,Tobias, and Veldergrath. As the regents meet to discuss who should reign Carthya with the royals dead, and a bell rings to announce the death of the royals to the people waiting outside, the meeting is interrupted with the announcement that Prince Jaron has returned. Chapters 31/32 Chapter9- Conner start talking to the boy about things they need to know about what they need to do to become king. Roden refuses and leaves. Woo-hoo!!! When Connor corners him, Connor tells him that the gold is imposter's gold and that Sage must render it up. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While they are leaving Tobias says to Sage you deserved any punishment coming towards you and don’t judge me because you can’t fake a prince. 352 pages Not long after Latamer's death, Sage and the others reach Farthenwood- Conner's estate. From Vedder’s lyrics “I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me,” Sage, her protagonist, was born. During one of Sage's nightly excursions around Farthenwood, Tobias attacks Sage with a stolen knife in an attempt to force Sage to back down and let Tobias be the prince. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Ages 10+, "Starred Review. First in the Ascendancy Trilogy, this is an impressive, promising story with some expertly executed twists." He then gave the option to leave with no feelings of cowardice and regret. Conner doesn't tell him, but instead shakes his head, and says, "Patience, Sage. It wasn’t because he was embarrassed of his son, but because he knew his family would die, and so Jaron could take the throne.The boys, Conner, and his servants go to an Inn.