June 23 2015 at 7:30 in Sebringville on this issue see Perthcounty.ca for details. When, as in one example this winter, a $1.5 million sale of bare farm land attracted capital gains taxes at under 10% of the sale price - if the vendor had been married, there would have been no taxes at all. In St. Pauls Tuesday, Perth South Council received an update from County Planner Allan Rothwell regarding proposed amendments to the county’s official plan that would permit surplus farmhouse severances. You are not. My parents severed a farmhouse just 1/2 mile from Perth years ago. This will be the third home lost on this 1 1/4 miles in the last 20 years. Although local municipalities do not have the authority to approve/deny severances, So, there you have it folks, effectively we have an admission that both SM and the surplus house severance regs are indeed both deemed subsidies. Their mandate is to provide a 'service' to eligible farm BUSINESSES.

“The livestock farmers are concerned surplus farm dwelling severances could have an impact on their ability to expand or enlarge their livestock operation because of the minimum distance separation calculations.”. Wong on Sept. 26. So how is he supposed to bid with the big established boys who do comply with the rules? Perth County Warden Mert Schneider says some of the restrictive criteria are open for discussion, including that the surplus farmhouse must abut the retained property and that the proposed severed lot and retained property must be in the same name and be owned for a minimum of five years.

The Perth County Public Works department is responsible for 492 km of roads and 114 bridges, across the four area municipalities. BF. I just want to be able to farm in Huron County, but they won't give me the money.

That rain is tax time. Located was just inside Huron, 1/2 mile from Perth. Privacy Policy  |  Disclaimer  |  Report a Bug. Huron county not only has a surplus house severance policy, they are currently being far more flexible in applying their policy. Rothwell notes after much discussion, a more agreeable policy came forward this fall in Mitchell. Both municipalities have tried before to get an exception to the ban. So, get off your idealistic rose-colored high horse and let farmers do what every other person is allowed to do. Their decision could take place at their next regular meeting on Thursday, May 5. But in Perth County’s case, with its single, county-wide official plan …

The left wing of society has long complained about a real or imagined lack of corporate social responsibility. Allan Rothwell, Perth County’s Director of Planning …

Copyright © St. Marys Independent Newspaper. The residents of Perth South have wasted no time in taking advantage of Perth County’s new policy that allows limited severances for farm houses on rural properties. Again, you limit your "logic".

In Perth County, Perth County Emergency Services and the County of Perth have worked with the Heart and Stroke Foundation and its partners Cowan Insurance and the Trillium Foundation of Ontario to place 46 AEDs in public buildings across the County.

“PCFA supports the current county official plan as it puts strong emphasis on the needs to protect the agricultural base that we already have,” Foster said, reading a pre-written statement. At Perth County’s special public meeting at the Elma-Logan Arena in Monkton on Thursday, April 14, speaker after passionate speaker and letter after frustrated letter focused on the need for Perth County Council to not only follow through with plans to begin permitting landowners to sever surplus farmhouse dwellings, but to think again when it comes to instituting restrictive regulations, which residents say would benefit no one. Perth South Councillor Bill Jeffrey gave an analogy of Perth County as an apartment complex with a leaky roof: “The North roof, it’s in good shape,” he said.

Maybe you thought you were talking about a building lot . If you wish to be identified by name, which will. “Are your County Council members truly representing the best interests of the rate payers?”.

Do we want a county with no people in rural areas and no tax base?

I guess you have been living in a shell or under a rock . As pointed out before, the entire severance issue is a "red-herring" clouding (probably deliberately) the truth that supply managed farmers have the clout to buy, no matter what severance legislation might be in place, additional farms on which they don't need or want the house, but individual non-supply managed farmers who want to buy the same farm and live in the house, cannot afford to bid against the supply management monster. Allan Rothwell, Perth County planning director, says the draft amendment to the county’s Official Plan allowing the severances, if certain conditions are met, is on the agenda for the May 19 council meeting.

My parents sold quota and surplus housing.

Since it is a legislated entitlement then it is no different than lavish legislated quota income that Stephen claims is being used essentially as a subsidy in inflating the price of land. Economic Development. Unattached properties, or properties located across roads or sideroads, would be ineligible.
McKenzie doubts there is a possibility of any further appeals after an OMB ruling. Perth County is holding a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss farm severances. “Council came back again to the public in September of this year with a policy which was much more flexible,” says Rothwell. We, in agriculture, are at substantial risk of "hollowing-out" local communities because of our opposition to rural severances. The meeting began with Perth County planner Allan Rothwell giving a background of the issue, including the Sept. 2011 decision by the Ontario Municipal Board to uphold Perth County’s decision to continue preventing the severances, and the June 2015 public meeting in Sebringville, at which several of the same people who spoke Thursday presented the same types of arguments.

The Perth County Land Division Commit- tee (LDC) has the authority to approve or deny severance applications. The meeting began with Perth County planner Allan Rothwell giving a background of the issue, including the Sept. 2011 decision by the Ontario Municipal Board to uphold Perth County’s decision to continue preventing the severances, and the June 2015 public meeting in Sebringville, at which several of the same people who spoke Thursday presented the same types of arguments. “There are some people that want the severance policy … Perth South and West Perth are appealing the ban to the Ontario Municipal Board. In 1997 the County of Perth Official Plan banned severing surplus farm homes. Tomorrow’s meeting is aimed at getting input from the public on the issue. Hogwash. Severances have almost nothing to do with farm land values, supply management does. Further the Perth Federation of Ag and OFA all need to wake up and get with the times . Therefore a farm with no residence has the value of the workable acres but a farm with a separable residence can and does reduce the total cost of the remaining workable acres.

the surplus farmhouse must abut the property it’s being severed from, it has to be on the same side of the road as the retained property, and.

Liberal gov every small acerage is considered a farm with the support of Buy Local Buy Fresh . Comments are modified or deleted at the discretion of the editors. The federation is still opposed to the county allowing them, however, unless provincial legislation protecting farmers from nuisance complaints is strengthened first. Cheap shots, unsubstantiated allegations, anonymous attacks or negativity directed against people and organizations will not be published. Last year the owners of the farm decided to sell, and the young couple purchased the farm also. “This is never advised by any accountant, financial or succession planner, to have all farm properties in the same name,” she said. “I hope you listen!” said Downie farmer Keith Finnie, to some applause from the crowd. As for any suggestion that severances are a subsidy to anyone is patently absurd. Perth County is holding a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss farm severances. To the South, there’s a hole in it. The average house in Toronto is now worth $1M and when the owners sell, they pay 0% on the sale. If severances are available , and if the intention is to sever the house and sell it, nothing will be devalued at the point of sale - the property/properties will be valued by competing buyers at the sum-total of what they would be worth as individual units, in exactly the same way developers value farm land in terms of building lots rather than as farm land.

In my travels around Huron County, I see oodles of empty farmhouses that were, not that many years ago, in good condition and which housed families whose children went to local schools, and which housed parents who worked in local hospitals, stores and industries. There are also amendments and practices that can be used to mitigate the smell . In her letter, Mills also came out against the proposed regulation requiring all of the land involved in the severance to be held in the exact same ownership.