James enjoys writing about education and adrenaline-boosting activities. The Food and Drug Administration approved the rapid coronavirus tests used by the White House for use only “within the first seven days of the onset of symptoms.” These tests frequently miss infections in people without symptoms. SEPT. 26 Rapid tests were used to screen guests ahead of President Trump’s announcement of his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court at a ceremony in the Rose Garden. Some experts say a short, circuit break lockdown could lower the UK's infection rate and prevent the need for a longer lockdown later. SEPT. 30 White House staff members, including Ms. Hicks, walked to board Air Force One en route to events in Minnesota. Families will be told to choose one member to visit elderly relatives in care homes. The tough new regional lockdowns to be unveiled on October 12 are expected to see hundreds of pubs in the north-west of England closed for four weeks from 5pm on Wednesday. Households and "support bubbles" that exceed six people are exempt from this rule. Boris Johnson announced on September 9 that plans to pilot larger audiences in venues later in September would have to be revised. The orders of service will be disposable and cash donations will be discouraged. Muslims should also bring their own prayer mat to services. They will still interact with their friends, but physical distancing recommendations might take their toll on the process of socialization. The professors and the remaining school staff must provide emotional support to students during the pandemic. Speaking at a Downing Street briefing the Prime Minister said face coverings should be worn over your mouth and nose "if you're in an enclosed space, and in close contact with people you don't normally meet". Tier three could see people ordered not to have any social contact with anyone outside their household together with the expected closures of pubs, bars and restaurants. At least eight people aboard those flights, including Ms. Hicks, Ms. McEnany, Mr. Miller and Mr. Stepien, have since tested positive for the virus. The NHS Covid-19 app, which forms part of the wider Test and Trace strategy, will have only a "limited effect" on containing coronavirus because too many people are waiting more than 24 hours for their test results, a Government adviser has warned. And while officials had given the impression that Mr. Trump was getting tested every day, the White House has since conceded that tests were not as frequent and has refused to reveal the last time Mr. Trump tested negative. "Pandemic fatigue" has set in across parts of Europe, where the outbreak is on the rise again in some countries that were hailed early on for stamping out massive outbreaks. On Sept. 30, Mr. Trump flew aboard Air Force One with staff members and members of Congress to Minnesota for a fund-raiser and rally. "Let's follow the rules, wash our hands, cover our faces, observe social distancing, download the app, and together we will fight back against this virus, protect the NHS and save more lives.". Read more: What do the new Covid rules mean for gyms, pubs, restaurants and universities? In depth: Coronavirus vs flu and cold symptoms. advises contact tracing for close contacts of people who have tested positive for the coronavirus or are considered probable cases. The restrictions will be in place for the next six months unless there is "palpable progress", the Prime Minister said. The rule of six has now been extended to all adult indoor team sports. the experience of getting your hair cut is very different, How new lockdown guidelines effect cinemas gif, This is what the Covid cinema experience is actually like. Pubs across central Scotland have closed for just over two weeks as part of circuit-breaker measures aimed at reducing close-contact transmission. — Gov. On Monday, she said she had tested positive. top military officials to go into quarantine, C.D.C. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has assured university students that he would allow them home for Christmas. Although hair salons reopened, the experience of getting your hair cut is very different. Swimming pools are also believed to be another area of concern. If the schools follow these guidelines effectively, they will reduce the risks of COVID-19 clusters in their environment. In depth: This is what the Covid cinema experience is actually like. Tom Brenner for The New York Times. OCT. 2 Ms. McEnany held a news conference on Friday, after Mr. Trump and Ms. Hicks tested positive. However, there will be no pick 'n' mix or other self-service snacks. Within those venues, however, there must not be individual groups larger than six and groups must not mix socially or form larger groups. says those who have been in “close contact” with someone who tests positive should quarantine for 14 days, starting from two days before the infected person’s illness onset. The goal is for players to win the game by stopping all four deadly diseases from spreading across the world map. While a travel restriction is not being enforced on people in these areas, Nicola Sturgeon urged residents not to travel beyond their own health boards, and for those elsewhere in Scotland not to visit them. C.D.C. Visitors to hairdressers, gyms and leisure centres, dentists and opticians are not required to wear face coverings. Liverpool is expected to go into a tier-three lockdown, Joe Anderson, the city's mayor, told the BBC after discussions with Downing Street officials. No hymns should be sung or wood instruments used as they create an “additional risk of infection”. The Prime Minister will give a statement in the House of Commons that will seek to clarify the myriad rules and regulations introduced since infections started to climb once again. Some areas of England are already in a local lockdown (see more below). The Government's call for people to return to the workplace, a measure seen as critical for the survival of cafes and other businesses which rely on commuters and office workers, has been dropped. "Education and work settings are unaffected. Mr Johnson announced on September 9 that Border Force would also step up the enforcement of quarantine rules for travellers into the country. Mr Johnson said: "There will be some limited exemptions; for example, if a single household or support bubble is larger than six, then obviously they can still gather. Wedding ceremonies and receptions are capped at 15 people. guidelines for essential personnel. The duration of activities such as check-in should now be kept as short as possible, and keys should be cleaned in between guest use. At least 100 people attended the indoor reception, including Adm. Charles Ray, the vice commandant of the Coast Guard, who has since tested positive, prompting many of the country’s top military officials to go into quarantine. Social gatherings of more than six people are illegal (the rule of six). Manchester City Council has called for local authorities and police to have greater powers of enforcement which would enable them to close offending premises. "But as your Prime Minister, I must do what is necessary to stop the spread of the virus and to save lives. Customers are not obliged to wear a mask, but can if they wish to. Casinos, bowling alleys and skating rinks reopened on August 15. The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. Government guidance for the care sector – which bans flowers and hugs – says homes can begin allowing visitors shortly after they have undergone risk assessments of safety protocols. That number includes the couple, witnesses, officiants, guests, photographers, security or caterers, but does not include staff employed by the venue. Fines will be levied against hospitality venues that fail to ensure that their premises remain Covid-secure. 8, 2020, Person later tested positive for the coronavirus. "Covid-secure venues like places of worships, gyms, restaurants, hospitality venues can still hold more than six in total. Both were with Mr. Trump at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after he was hospitalized over the weekend and joined the president in the Oval Office on Wednesday, six days after the president’s positive test. The measures came into force at 6pm on October 9, for 16 days until October 25. Previously, the fine was £100. While Mr Johnson has made clear that schools will be the last sector to shut if more restrictions are required, a growing number of scientists have suggested that universities may be forced to shift back to virtual teaching. Mr Johnson has confirmed the Government's reversion to its stance that all those who can work from home should do so. Tier two could ban households from mixing in homes, gardens, pubs, bars or restaurants. There is also concern that a mooted shutdown during the October half-term – which would theoretically minimise disruption to the economy by not requiring schools to close – would be too late amid Britain's caseload now regularly exceeding 13,000 a day (see graphic below). A family of five will only be allowed to meet one grandparent at a time, while families of six or more will be banned from meeting anyone at all. This was followed by Mr Johnson's imposition of tougher new rules two days later, which introduced the 10pm hospitality rule as he reiterated the importance of the rule of six. Up to 30 people can still attend a funeral. The three-tier system will see different parts of the country placed in different categories dependent on rates of infection, with areas in the highest level expected to face the toughest restrictions. Here are the key points from the Prime Minister's statement to the House of Commons last month: Read more: New local lockdown restrictions. ", In depth:  How to get travel insurance should you choose to ignore Foreign Office advice. Pandemic … Some say it could help to take the strain off the NHS during a second wave exacerbated by flu season, and it could also buy time to sort out the test and trace fiasco. "Spoken responses during marriages or civil partnerships should also not be in a raised voice," the official guidance says. Telephone: 01983 898288 Chief medical officer for England Professor Chris Whitty has said that rates in school age children below the age of 17 "are really not changing very much". Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own devolved governments and separate health systems. Anyone who was in close contact with Ms. Hicks in the two days before she started feeling symptoms should have quarantined. According to the plan that was published in late August 2020, pupils in all year groups returned to full-time schooling from the beginning of September. The Government has considered a two-week national shutdown, with similar restrictions to the rules at the start of the pandemic. With these new standards, the educational process should remain undisturbed. The rule of six replaces both the existing ban on gatherings of more than 30, and the current guidelines on allowing two households to meet indoors. Manchester faces similar restrictions to Liverpool, but was resisting on Sunday night as council leaders threatened legal action unless the Government increased its financial aid. The White House says it is following C.D.C. Drew Angerer/Getty Images. A prioritisation list drawn up by health officials suggests routine testing would no longer be offered to swathes of the public, with tests restricted to hospital patients, care homes, certain key workers and schools. The hospitality sector is now restricted to table service. Hotels, holiday apartments, caravan parks and campsites can now operate as long as shared facilities are kept clean. Mr Johnson said he was "sorry" that two whole households would no longer be able to meet if their total exceeds six people. The new restrictions will not apply for weddings which are already booked and funerals. The nation’s health protection agency also recommends hosting gatherings outdoors when possible. The students will feel disconnected. Mandel Ngan/Agence France-Presse. Where worshippers are unable to do so, books should be cleaned and quarantined for 48 hours since their previous use. Communion is allowed if it is deemed "essential", but worshippers should not drink from the same glass or share the same bread, which could come pre-wrapped.