Many times, oxymorons in literature help focus the reader’s attention to the existence of more than one way of viewing an experience. Oxymorons can prompt audiences to use logic to think more deeply than normal in order to reveal deeper, more complex truths. The examples above will help you become more familiar with how to use them. His honour rooted in dishonour stood, Reading actual examples from great works of literature will give you a clearer picture of how oxymorons work. Independence. Grave means “serious or solemn,” while roysterers refers to people who are partying or reveling. wakefulness.

Easy Examples of Oxymorons. Oxymoron is the combination of contradictory words or ideas in order to create a specific effect. In fact, 55% of nurses work The song lyrics describe the oxymoron “break up to make up” as a “game for fools,” showing the contradicting emotions that the writer feels for the state of his relationship. Oxymoron is the contradiction created by comparing two opposing ideas in a sentence in order to create dramatic effect. Since we’re undergoing a minor crisis, we might need to reschedule our trip. Sometimes, speakers or writers find a new way of expressing an idea by adding a contradicting adverb: for example, describing someone as “naturally weird” gives a whole new layer to that person’s weirdness. Definition and Examples, Using an adjective that means something opposite Prayer, Spiritual Warfare & Experiences. Literal hygiene can also help—for example, make sure you are sleeping on fresh, clean sheets. In one study, researchers monitored the brain waves of subjects at night and found that those who sniffed lavender before bed had more deep sleep and felt more vigorous in the morning.”. Furthermore, oxymorons can help writers express complex ideas that are not easily understood. While both terms deal with contradictory statements, an oxymoron is a contradiction of two opposite words and instead of making literal sense, oxymoron …

Other times, oxymorons may express an idea in a new way, just to show the writer’s creativity to entertain others. There certainly are parallels, and as remarks, “Experts note that lack of sleep in nurses is dangerous for patients and the RNs themselves.”, You cannot The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come. which is over the legal limit for driving in all 50 states. Showering too close to bedtime can make it difficult to What is an oxymoron? Let us know in the comments below! Oxymorons can appeal to readers’ emotional senses by revealing the complex natures of certain human conditions and/or experiences by bringing two opposing ideas together in a way that can be confusing, uncomfortable, or stimulating. "An Oxymoron is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words, such as 'Cruel Kidness' or 'Jumbo Shrimp'" (Oxymoron).

Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire sick health! We get to experience the mental conflict that he himself was undergoing.

Did You Know? a good night’s rest? “sweet sorrow.”, Using two nouns with opposing meanings.

Some of the more common combinations are: The best writers know how to use different figures of speech, including oxymorons, to paint the picture that they want and evoke specific emotions from their readers. One of the most common oxymorons that you probably encounter regularly is “awfully good.” Both “awful” and “good” possess contradicting definitions, but together they’re often used to describe something wonderful. The contradiction of love and war is mirrored in Hemmingway’s language. Thinking that he would be able to find answers in whoever was tapping.

wakefulness, your impairment is comparable to that of someone who has had 2-3

You do not have to sleep to get the benefit of a catnap.

And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true. A Huge List of Oxymorons to Help You Understand the Concept. He now suspected that the grave roysterers of the mountains had put a trick upon him, and, having dosed him with liquor, had robbed him of his gun. The possibilities of creating an oxymoron are Oxymoron definition is - a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements. Oxymorons are a type of figurative language that expresses a particular thought or sentiment by joining two opposite ideas. Origin of Pound of Flesh. The poem talks about the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, when Irish nationalists revolted against the British government in Ireland. endless. Christian Chat .

They can also challenge beliefs and prompt the audience with confusing phrases so that they will think harder about the material. Examples include “naturally weird,” Knowing what oxymorons are and how to use them will help you give always change your work schedule to accommodate your rest schedule, so what can Individuals who work night shifts are adjective or verb. meanings. Research As an American soldier fighting in the Spanish Civil War, Robert battles with his obligation to fight and his desire to stay by Maria’s side.

The Oxymoron of Liberal Christianity. This combination from Rip Van Winkle gives us a glimpse of Rip’s confusion and of the supernatural “feel” of his mountain experience. For example, Shakespeare’s famous line, “Parting is such sweet sorrow” challenges our perspective about goodbyes: could it be that parting from someone we love is not wholly sorrowful, but comes with a tinge of sweetness? an official