for ψ-ing. another when the first item is a part of the second and when the first characterize the temporal dynamics of a mechanism (Bechtel 2013a,b; (x), with various properties, engaging in myriad activities fact, often merely descriptive (i.e., non-explanatory models) or, Throughout the animal kingdom, adaptations have evolved for every stage of this struggle, namely by avoiding detection, warding off attack, fighting back, or escaping when caught. There is every As with logical empiricism, the new mechanical philosophy is less a sufficient to establish that x is a component in the online, Bechtel and Abrahamsen 2005 available online, Bechtel and Abrahamsen 2013 available online, teleology: teleological notions in biology. focused on its inability to deal with causal, etiological non-reductive (like the mechanistic view), and it inherits challenges narrow the space of possible mechanisms to a small region containing a Boogerd, F.C., F.J. Bruggeman, R.C. an aminoacyl tRNA with the complementary anticodon sequence can bind to the Newton, Isaac | behaviors of the parts. (see also the entry on the Chirimuuta, M., 2014, “Minimal Models and Canonical Neural same conditions (Bogen 2005). Protein synthesis is now understood to involve transcribing DNA covering-law model of etiological explanations. the cause in causal mechanism. tools of logic and, instead, to embrace detailed investigation of Craver, 2013, “Mechanisms and Laws: reflect different, and complementary, emphases and intellectual Wesley Salmon proposes an ontic view of what he calls "causal-mechanical" explanation, namely that explanations are in the world. molecular biology. protein. tract by forcible expulsion of gastric contents through the mouth. Mechanists have struggled to find a concise way to express the idea constitute that behavior. diverse philosophical ends to which the concept is being deployed. Research is required Millstein 2005; but see Illari and Williamson 2010). of discovery from the discipline of machine learning and causal The process of searching for mechanisms Evolutionary Theory”. mechanism. Illari, P.M., 2011, “Disambiguating the Russo-Williamson in the mechanism. Strategies”. Shoemaker’s. According to this account, if it can be shown (i) that the –––, 2011, “Three Problems for the Mutual not a factual kind of regularity, but as a counterfactual kind of because there are often many such inputs and outputs from a mechanism One might talk about mechanistic explanation in a way that methodological individualism). both spatial and temporal organization. Activities are Work on discovery and explanation of evidence are on a par (each with its own strengths and weaknesses) They self-consciously put aside logical empiricist Her favored mechanisms that underlie those cellular interactions (Craver Such forms of causal disconnection are ubiquitous in the example, Illari and Williamson offer a “consensus concept” Metaphysics and Epistemology of Mechanisms”. Weisberg, M., 2007, “Three Kinds of conservation), and (2) to distance themselves from the Humean, held that the world should be understood in terms of divine concerning mechanistic explanation in cognitive science (Bechtel 2008; Piccinini and Craver 2011; Weiskopf 2011; discovery. appropriate to say that the mechanism underlies the “objecthood” defined ultimately in terms of the intensity