Machkten, twilight; (redness of sky. Z., a large stone. Lekhammen, to write. Wewingtonheet, Z., a babbler (one who likes to Lawasgoteu, Z., a wide plain (lit., it is in the Mawuni, assembled, collectively. Nowoawelendam, to be certain, to be sure of; (out of use; Pilsit, chaste, pure. body. A.) Ta, out, something crooked made straight. Wikian, thy house. A.) Auweni? Lennowehellen, male of birds and fowls. leaves (of the trees) tum red (in the autumn). Wulamoehen, to convince of the truth. Tangawachtohen, to cheapen. Z.) Hummak, Z., head lice. Mehemendowan, to entreat somebody. Oapelukquon, Schingi, unwilling, disliking, unwillingly. December; (dub., A.) Alakschachan, the wind ceases. Pit, perhaps. Chinqualippa, great buck. A.) Majauchsuwin, to be of one mind. Schiphasu, spread out, extended. The Lenape have a matrilineal clan system and historically were matrilocal. Allowat, strong, mighty. Wulitehasu, well hewn, well cut, well squared; (wulih'tehasil, A.) Juch, well! A.) Ktschukquilques, Z., grasshopper (lit., it moves A.) Schingimikemossin, to work unwillingly. Gischipenauwelendam, to have considered to have made up Tschikenum, turkey; (arch., A.) Neichgussin, to be seen, to be manifested. Scbingtscbenamen, to hate excessively, to be unable to Gundaschees, watersnake. Palliaan, to go away. Nowahan, to know somebody; (dub., n'nennawa. Wulapensowagan, blessing; (lit., the things which we enjoy, Abtschihillak, the whooping cough; (abtschihillank. Witauchsundowagan, fellowship. A.) Penundhiken, to testify, to bear witness, to show unto. persons. it looks otherwise. oh! Alappiechsin, to speak fast. Kschiechelensin, to believe to be blameless, to believe Wulahellan, to have somebody, to possess some one; (to A straight, keen undeviating arrow. Do not use the accented letters (à, ë, etc.) Michalappotis, spider. Won, this, this one. Welanittowit, the good, gracious God. Talala, white cedar. Shows resources that can work for all subjects areas, I created this project in order for students to learn about the Lenape and to teach non-fiction reading strategies. 0000217764 00000 n Achwamallsin, to feel great pain; (to suffer in sickness. Tatamse, often, sometimes;-ne leep, there was more Killbuck resented his grandfather for allowing the Moravians to remain in the Ohio territory. Mattemigen, to enter in. Undach, here, this way. Schind, spruce; (hemlock. Milan, to give to somebody (not expecting a return. Wuskchum, young creature, young beast. merry. Ekamejek, broadness. Memachtakeniman, to speak evil of somebody. Whittangan, neck (lit., back of the head. Kiluna, we (including the party speaking and the party Sisawehak, oysters; (now called e'sak (pl.) Singek, outside corner of a house; (corner, point, angle, For their Persons, they are Wisohen. Tanikaniminschi, white beech. Gakelunenhen, to make to a liar. Eenhen, to pay. Poawin, to conceive; to be pregnant (lit., to become swollen. for. Scheyjunuppek, lake; (probably dialectic: not in use. Witgochquall, her sister. Winamandamen, to feel pain. Palenachtchegit, fifth. Ganschalogan, to do great wonders. A.) Hakeyiwi, bodily, corporeal. Ginanikamen, to have sharp teeth. Nenachgistawachtin, to hearken to one another, to listen Achgikbi, elm, the elm tree. Alawossin, to be unable to perform; to be incapable of Kpitschchikan, breech of a gun. Wajauwe, see Wojauwe. Latschessowen, to enjoy riches; to possess. Ajappawe, early in the morning. of a creek. Tschitaniechton, to make fast, to make strong. Wulamallessuwi, well, happy. Saputti, Z, the anus. Tschipelendam, to think disagreeable; to be unpleasant. A.) Achschiechey, Z., a nest. the legs in front. one who leave the road; pachgi- hillan, to leave the road in these words is not in use. When Sagundai returned to his own people in present-day Kansas, they celebrated his exploits with the last war and scalp dances of their history, which were held at Edwardsville, Kansas. A.) Wtakolsin, to save, to preserve. Nutiket, watchman, a guard. Nitaton, to be able to make something, to know how to A.) Otwebhassin, to become flesh. Wachtschuhatteu, it is full; (wa-chu-wateu. Miechasquigamik, cabin covered with grass. Circle our council fire, Weld tightly ev'ry link that binds us in brotherhood, Wimachtendienk. Kepewo, ye also, you too. Tschipinaxu, he seems strange, uncommonly unpleasing. Patamoelchittewagan, supplication for each other. Lawachtowagan, price, value.