Linguistics - A study of the Kumeyaay language by Margaret Langdon, a respected expert on native languages. After the Spanish arrived in the 18 th century, many Kumeyaay from different clans came to be associated with Mission San Diego de Alcalá. HARD ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE clearly suggests the Kumeyaay Indians have lived in the greater San Diego and northern Baja California Mexico area for some 12,000 years (600 generations)! In August, a dozen artists and community members completed a Chicano Park mural depicting the Kumeyaay people’s creation story, designed and planned by artist Carmen Linares Kalo. She instead suggested using the pillar at the intersection of Logan and Cesar Chavez Parkway (which was then Crosby), which ties together three different communities: Golden Hill, Sherman Heights and Logan Heights. | FIRST SETTLERS 1776 | MISSION PERIOD 1769-1823 | WARS | TREATY OF GUADALUPE HIDALGO 1848 | GOLD RUSH | GENOCIDE "IN THE NAME OF THE CHURCH" | 20TH CENTURY SURVIVAL | 21ST CENTURY & CULTURE | KUMEYAAY CASINOS | RESEARCH GUIDE | TRIBES & SOVEREIGNTY. “It’s got a lot of different little meanings. SO-CALLED MODERN EXPERTS have detailed Kumeyaay history in numerous books and articles, so my essay reflects a general overview, a timeline of California tribal history in San Diego County with LINKS to Kumeyaay historical experts and how to identify and research San Diego County tribes on the Internet — including the four federally-recognized US tribes presently considered indigenous to Imperial County and San Diego County: Pretty 18-year-old Citlalli Salazar, Kumiai models an antique basket hat (probably desert Cahuilla). She worked with another artist on a mural in the park, honoring two deceased elders of the Barrio Logan community. The name Kumeyaay (or Kamia) originally to referred to people in the south of the territory. Diegueño (early Spanish) “That was very important for me. The Kumeyaay of Pre-Contact wanted for nothing. Kalo, who has an indigenous background but is not Kumeyaay herself, wanted to go about the process of proposing and creating the mural in the most respectful way to the Kumeyaay community. The Southern Diegueño are the direct ancestors of the Sycuan Band currently living in Dehesa Valley.... Southern California has always been a haven of good weather, and good life. aka: She is pictured on her reservation holding a large "mano" stone above a very old hole worn into a granite boulder, San Diego County, 2006. For anyone counting backwards, that's the year 10000 BC, and that's more than 9,000 years BEFORE the Great Pyramid of Giza was built!!! Kalo had a different perspective. And though the animals have disagreements with each other, the common grief they share eventually brings them together. The process of creating it took just two weeks, but for Kalo, it’s been a work in progress for 26 years.