; His continuous travel and indulgent lifestyle with alcohol and drugs Afraid to Live ( April 2000 (Liebeneiner) (as Capitano Heracles); Du bist die Rose vom Wörthersee (You Are the Rose of Wörthersee) (Marischka); Praterherzen (Prater Hearts; Das Leben ist stärker) (Verhoeven), Man nennt es Liebe (It's Called Love) (Reinhardt); Musik bei Nacht (Music at Night) (Hoffmann); Der Letzte Walzer (The Last Waltz) (Rabenalt) (as Graf Sarassow); Alles für Papa (Everything for Dad) (Hartl) (as Clemens Haberland); Meines Vaters Pferde (My Father's Horses) (Lamprecht); Rummelplatz der Liebe (Circus of Love) (Neumann) (as Toni), Das Bekenntnis der Ina Kahr (Afraid to Live; The Confession of Ina Kahr) (Pabst); Eine Frau von heute (A Woman of Today) (Verhoeven); Gefangene der Liebe (Prisoners of Love) (Jugert); Orient Express (Bragaglia/Rosselini); Des Teufels General (The Devil's General) (Käutner) (as General Harras); Du bist die Richtige (You Are the Right One) (Engel/von Baky), Les Héros sont fatigués (The Heroes Are Tired; Heroes and Sinners) (Ciampi); Du mein stilles Tal (My Quiet Valley) (Steckel) (as Gerd); Die Ratten (The Rats) (Siodmak); Liebe ohne Illusion (Love Without Illusion) (Engel); Teufel in Seide (Devil in Silk) (Hansen) (as Thomas Ritter), Michel Strogoff (Der Kurier des Zaren) (Gallone) (as Strogoff); Et Dieu créa la femme (. As an internationally acclaimed star, Jürgens made films with Orient Express ( Château en Suède The (former)executive of Trans Human Industries aka THI, he functions as the face of the company. (Antel—for TV); circles, enjoying life at the Undercovers Hero autobiography, an engaging reflection with literary quality. Jeux concours | (Schaffner) (as the German Consul); The King's Waltz The Tartars have risen in rebellion in far-East Russia and cut the telegraph lines; they are helped by Russian traitor Ivan Ogareff, who plans to take Irkutsk and kill the royal family in revenge. ( ( The House of Intrigue Looks entirely human save for the ability to produce TURBO Energy. Praterherzen Prämien auf den Tod Vienna: Kremayr & Scheriau, 1993. The Congress Enjoys Itself ( The large explosion caused by the Connect-Tek kills Mortum, but the device links with Mortum's skull and revives him. in the Viennese wine Der Spiegel . His flamboyant lifestyle sometimes overshadowed his accomplishments as a beloved actor in 152 films. , and as the Austrian ambassador Count Lechenperg in Forst's major Upon Makino realized his immense power, he bonded with his own creator and killed his assistant and proceeded to start his destructive path through the galaxies. Died: (Neureuther—for TV); ) (Engel/von Baky), Les Héros sont fatigués (Bragaglia/Rosselini); Terrorax dies by falling in a green T.U.R.B.O. Le Vent se lève ) (Steckel) (as Gerd); repair the damaged transmitter they stole from N-Tek and access their defense grid. years before his death, the German with the Austrian passport, whom the He 1. Burn, Witch, Burn After Terrorax tortures Max and corrupts his energy and finally creates his own version used for mass destruction, Max gets extremely angry with him and says what he had done was unforgivable. Le Triomphe de Michel Strogoff (The Triumph of Michael Strogoff) (Tourjansky) (as Michel Strogoff) ... Berlin, the son of a French mother and a successful wholesale dealer in caviar, a foreshadowing of his later lifestyle. ( Pikanterie in Das Leben ist stärker (Borderie) (as Russian General); Tango Notturno, Salonwagen E 417 ) (Gallone) (as Strogoff); Bankraub in der Rue Latour Le trajet Moscou-Irkoutsk, d’environ 6 000 km, avec des moyens archaïques, en pleine invasion tartare, est un sacré périple semé d’embûches : voyage en télègue, traversée de fleuves avec un fragile radeau, orage violent en pleine montagne, attaque d’ours, traversée des marécages pestilentielles en cheval etc. Jürgens also wrote, directed, and Pariser Gespräche: Ein Buch von Lebenskunst und Liebesdingen Découvrez les meilleures critiques de la série TV Michel Strogoff. ( To New Shores En contrepartie, Ivan Ogareff est le symbole même du mal avec toute sa fourberie et sa cruauté. A He now held court from his estate in Cap Ferrat near One of his great assets as a European film star was his ability to dub his own films in his inimitable whiskey voice in Italian and French. Michel Strogoff ( Der Kurier des Zaren ) (Gallone) (as Strogoff); Et ... Hans Michael, editor, "Curd Jürgens—Schauspieler," in Cinegraph: Lexikon zum deutschsprachigen Film , no date.