Select a subject to preview related courses: The creation story has two themes that show up in many creation stories around the world. This story uses two common ideas in creation myths: the earth diver and the cosmic egg. Väinämöinen was sick and tired of being trapped, so he prayed to the Great Bear in the sky for help, and he was able to finally escape and be born into the world. After Agricola wrote about the 12 gods, it wasn't until the 19th century when someone wrote down stories from Finnish folklore. Väinämöinen was described as an old and wise man, and he possessed a potent, magical singing voice.[2]. He prayed again, and a boy was sent down to earth to plant seeds and make the land green and growing. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. How Long Does IT Take To Get a PhD in Law? [1][2] In Estonian mythology, it is called Toonela or Manala. In neighbouring Scandinavia, Odin shares many attributes with Väinämöinen, such as connections to magic and poetry. In Finnish Christianity it is often interpreted as the place of the dead before the Last Judgement. He identified 12 gods, and that also happens to be the number of gods in the Greek pantheon. Väinämöinen was an important figure in the rest of Finnish mythology and had almost magical powers; in fact, he may have been the inspiration for Gandalf the wizard in the Lord of the Rings! Tuonela, Tuoni, Manala and Mana are used synonymously. Väinämöinen is a demigod, hero and the central character in Finnish folklore and the main character in the national epic Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot. You can test out of the The Kalevala has been translated into English and many other languages, in both verse and prose, in complete and abridged forms. It wasn't until the 16th century that anyone tried to write down some of these stories. When people finally decided to write some of these stories do… Väinämöinen also demonstrated his magical voice by sinking the impetuous Joukahainen into a bog by singing. just create an account. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons So, we can never be too sure what was part of the original folklore. Tuonela is the realm of the dead or the Underworld in Finnish mythology. Because Finnish mythology was shared orally for so long, we don't know what some of the original stories and gods may have been. Väinämöinen (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈʋæinæˌmøinen]) is a demigod, hero[1] and the central character in Finnish folklore and the main character in the national epic Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot. When the eggs become too hot, she moves her leg, causing the eggs to crash into the water and form the earth, moon, stars, and sun. They are not the characters from the legend though but may have been inspired by them. Realm of the dead or the Underworld in Finnish and Estonian mythology, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles needing additional references from July 2010, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 July 2020, at 15:51. Cosmic egg stories can be found from India to Greece. [6] Stripping Väinämöinen from his direct godlike characteristics, Lönnrot turned Väinämöinen into the son of the primal goddess Ilmatar, whom Lönnrot had invented himself. It is a concept album based on the myths and stories of Väinämöinen. For a mythology based on word-of-mouth tale-telling, Finland has better Godly documentation than some other places we could mention. Tuonela is best known for its appearance in the Finnish national epic Kalevala. Agricola supplied a list of purported deities of the Häme (in Swedish, Tavastia) and Karjala (Karelia), twelve deities in each region, with their supposed functions briefly set out in verse form. Because Finnish mythology was shared orally for so long, we don't know what some of the original stories and gods may have been. His name is believed to come from the Finnish word väinä, meaning stream pool. According to traditional Finnish religion, the fate of good and bad people is the same and the dead wander the afterlife as shadow-like ghosts. Visit the World Religions Lesson Plans & Resources page to learn more. Following this, the baby is baptized and named king of Kalevala. Instead, she continued to float and swim for 700 years! In this way she made all that is. Due to the lists, … Ilmatar continued to float in the waters. For more details see list of Kalevala translations. Media related to Väinämöinen at Wikimedia Commons, Main character in the Finnish national epic Kalevala, "Wainamoinen" redirects here. The work also inspired many literary and artistic works by … The bird laid six eggs, five gold, and one made of iron. Väinämöinen was described as an old and wise man, and he possessed a potent, magical singing voice. First, you will learn a little about how we came to know about Finnish mythology, and how the creation story was first written down. This idea is very common in Native American creation stories, and it might be an idea that peoples in Eastern Asia shared, and brought over to North America and west to Finland. This is a common theme among epics, for in the tale of King Arthur, Arthur declares a similar promise before departing for Avalon. That book is the sequel to her Hugo Award-winning novel The Snow Queen. In the original 1888 translation of Kalevala into English by John Martin Crawford, Väinämöinen's name was anglicised as Wainamoinen. A song on the album Archipelago by Scottish electronic jazz collective Hidden Orchestra is also named "Vainamoinen". courses that prepare you to earn imaginable degree, area of He swam through the water until he found land, but the land was barren. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? Finns have been telling each other stories of their gods and guardians for centuries. And just like the Finnish story, often the egg hatches on the primal waters that existed before earth. In reply, the newborn child, mere two weeks old, chides the old sage for his sins and transgressions, such as allowing the maiden Aino, sister of Joukahainen to drown herself. Thematically, the 50th poem thus echoes the arrival of Christianity to Finland and the subsequent fading into history of the old pagan beliefs. study Likewise, Treebeard and the Ents in general have been compared to Väinämöinen.[8]. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The Kalevala helped create a national identity for the Finnish people by presenting a common mythology filled with familiar heroes and gods. On the journey, he meets the ferryman, a woman, Tuonen tytti, or Tuonen piika (Death's maid), who takes him over the river of Tuoni. In stories with a cosmic egg, the universe or the earth comes into existence after hatching from an egg. He interviewed many different Finns to collect old poems and songs from the folklore. The first extant mention of Väinämöinen in literature is in a list of Tavastian gods by Mikael Agricola in 1551. There is also a direct reference to him in their song "One More Magic Potion", where they have written "Who can shape a kantele from a pike's jaw, like the great One once did?". Services. How Long Does IT Take To Get a PhD in Philosophy? Ilmatar was thrilled with what had been created, and she continued to shape the land by stomping around and swimming. In his final words, he promises that there shall be a time when he shall return, when his crafts and might shall once again be needed. Tuonela is the realm of the dead or the Underworld in Finnish mythology. Väinämöinen's end is a hubristic one. Eventually she was burned by the heat and responded by moving her leg, dislodging the eggs that then fell and shattered in the waters. Another Finnish metal band named Amorphis released their tenth album The Beginning of Times in 2011. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. But Sky also had a daughter named Ilmatar. Finnish mythology comes from oral tradition going back hundreds of years. 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He possessed the wisdom of the ages from birth, for he was in his mother's womb for seven hundred and thirty years, while she was floating in the sea and while the earth was formed. He and other writers described Väinämöinen as the god of chants, songs and poetry; in many stories Väinämöinen was the central figure at the birth of the world. Väinämöinen also slays a great pike and makes a magical kantele from its jawbones. Among them is Väinämöinen, who, among other things, complains that one only gets women by playing the electric kantele.[9]. The series follows the Tempe, Arizona-based 2,100-year-old Irish Druid, Atticus O'Sullivan. Create your account, Already registered? Her footprints became pools for fish, and by pointing she created contours in the land. 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