So fear is the answer, nothing but fear. “I always think it will never happen. All is quiet around the Quangels. No, he says to himself, almost aloud. Even when you are in a relationship, it takes the pressure off of needing to sate all of your sexual desires and proclivities with one human being who may not be into everything you're into and/or not in the mood. What we make of ourselves we make not for ourselves, but for others…”, “Imam gospodaricu koju sam dužan da slušam, ona vlada mnom, vama, svetom, čak i ovim današnjim svetom napolju, a ta gospodarica je pravda. Sometime she will be weak and do it, and in the instant that she’s done it, the tiny instant between life and death, she will be sorry, more sorry than for anything in her life: by her weakness and her cowardice she will have robbed herself of the chance of maybe seeing Otto once more. Six months—no woman can keep a secret for that length of time!”. La posso mangiare? Maybe he did it in an ugly way, by capitalizing on the death of his son, but where does it say you have to play fair with those monsters? Eventually, the day will come when I’ll go down there never to come up again. Wir denken nur an das, was mit uns geschehen wird, nie an das, was den andern geschieht.”, “Anna Quangel felt herself trembling. They saw each other, so to speak, with a single glance, they smiled, each knowing that the other had just thought about their next card, or the effect of their cards, of the steadily increasing number of their followers, and of the public that was already impatiently waiting. It's one person wide. „“And you fully understand what lies in store for you? „“No, it’s not that either, Obergruppenführer. „Now, thought Quangel. #12. And the two of them in this little room in Jablonski Strasse.”, “Anna Quangel wishes she could stroke her husband's hand, but she doesn't dare. It was like listening to myself from one year ago. And then it’ll be too late.” […] “As soon as they’ve arrested us, we’ll be separated, Anna. He wants to tell that fanatic to his face what panic, ruin, and hardship he has brought to so many people. Look at the people around you. Only I would do it very differently.”, 38. ‘There are so few of us, and all those millions for him, and now, after the victory against France, there will be even more. „What’s the point of her life, why has she had children, taken pleasure in their smiling and playing, when in the end they just become monsters? But the fig leaf nudes and YouTube vids sound pretty tame and like they aren't eclipsing his life. So let me tell you what I've learned. We know what the risks are, and we’re ready, ready any-time—but with luck it’ll happen a long way down the road.” “No,” she said. But there’s no other way for me. 34. Your email address will not be published. Is "men have higher sex drives" a valid reason? We will survive the war, survive the Nazis, and then…”, 30. Non andrò forse più in fabbrica, e che cosa farò tutto il giorno? Look at the people around you. But if the answer is that porn is not aligned with your values, then you might want to address it with him—and if he is resistant, consider another partner. It doesn’t matter if one man fights or ten thousand; if the one man sees he has no option but to fight, then he will fight, whether he has others on his side or not. Would you regret anything? He's been a great boyfriend, telling me how I'm "the love of his life," but I can't help but feel inadequate. "Everyone dies alone. The first postcard in the war that was started by the death of their son is rightly about him. 44. No, Borkhausen, io non voglio diventare ricco e in questo modo, poi, certamente no. „Old proverb: “A good conscience is a soft pillow.” 2. She is calm now; Otto has considered everything; Otto is dependable, come what may. Postcards with slogans against the Führer and the Party, against the war, for the information of his fellow men, that was all. Different people have different takes on porn. She wanted to be active, to do something with results she could see! Let him; the more he writes, the more he gives himself away. Another thought is that you deserve to be with someone who treats you well and to find someone who is kind to you, but I'm thinking that you aren't looking to go that direction. It will be difficult, but maybe she’ll manage it. We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and—in spite of True Romance magazines — we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way… And much more, it will have helped people everywhere, who will be saved for the righteous few among them, as it says in the Bible. 26. Would that make your life more meaningful, or you more OK with you? No, I’m certain you don’t believe in him. „And as she knits, she dreams. 40. The man didn’t even read to the end of the card; he barely got past the first line before being overwhelmed by fear. 27. A new chapter in their lives. 22. But we can be sure the other won’t weaken, that we can depend on each other, in death as in life. Almost always.”. He was free. „For instance, I don’t think this man, here,” he taps his knuckle against the card, “is afraid. Refresh and try again. That's what makes it fantasy. You know I can get you put in a concentration camp for defeatist muttering like that? But that doesn’t mean that we are alone.”, “Not that she's a political animal, she's just an ordinary woman, but as a woman she's of the view that you don't bring children into the world to have them shot.”, “It doesn't matter if one man fights or ten thousand; if the one man sees he has no option but to fight, then he will fight, whether he has others on his side or not.”, “She had known for a long time that you had to pay for everything in life, and usually more than it was worth.”, “I don't want any funny business, and above all I don't want to be dragged into other people's funny business. But inside, everything is different, they are at war…, 20. Every Man Dies Alone Quotes Showing 1-30 of 33. — We’d love your help. The thought he has given to everything! My crime was thinking myself too clever, wanting to do everything by myself, even though I know really that one man is nothing. I’m too much of a coward. You do it for money; perhaps you don’t even believe in the man. “One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.” – Friedrich Nietzsche #15. I just need to sit here, stay alert, and one day—bingo—he’s mine! I’m curious what Anna’ll have to say to all this. Am I just an uber-monogamous insecure loser? „They are both silent, dazzled by their prospects. “People fear death even more than pain. Obscure characters, extras. If it’s to be my head on the block, I want to know what it’s doing there, and not that it’s some stupid things that other people have done. But we’ll get through undiscovered, Otto, I feel it!” “You see, Anna,” he said, without responding to her latest assertion. Would you like any of what we’ve done to have remained undone?” “No, nothing! And now to see them alone, exalted, separate from the others, not to be confused with any of them. Anything fun can become a problem if we make it the answer to life's stress or develop a compulsion around it. „There were now forty-four such flags on the map; of the forty-eight postcards that the Quangels had written and dropped in those six months, all but four were now in the hands of the Gestapo. Nothing in this world is done in vain, and since we are fighting for justice against brutality, we are bound to prevail in the end.”. But I’m no good to you, Otto Quangel, I can’t carry on your labor. Or is it just an excuse? Anna is in no condition to cope with a disagreeable surprise. 12. Buy So Sad Today: Personal Essays on Amazon, and follow her on Twitter. Danger is somewhere else, but I can’t think where. Are you sure it's you who depressed him? We will have to die alone too, Anna.”. Видимо, его заменили за непригодностью, он был слишком человечен для этой службы.”, “Even death row speaks, breathes, lives. He can sense it, he knows it, he has outfoxed them all. Everyone dies alone. In a small town everyone was fully exposed; you couldn't even disappear in the crowd.”, “The air was thick with betrayal. Welcome back. it will have helped us to feel that we have behaved decently till the end . He did some things that were scary, and when I told our mutual friends about it he got mad, like he was trying to control what was said about him. He’s got to catch him; he doesn’t care what happens afterward. "I mean, even though some people die with others at their bedside, don't we all face death alone? She just brushes it, as if by accident, and says, 'Oh, sorry, Otto!' We will never regret anything. “That’s the way I like you. They couldn’t hand them in quickly enough, and most of them hadn’t even read them all the way through…” […] “And one other thing, Quangel. You know, Doctor, if I were granted one wish before my death, it would be to see you with your baton conducting a big symphony orchestra. 6. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. 31. And I hope you know what you’re doing, too, Inspector!” “Oh, and what’s that, then?” “You’re working in the employ of a murderer, delivering ever new victims to him. There are plenty of people out there who suck in their own special ways without being emotionally abusive. 1. . Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I would ask yourself some of these questions that you are asking me.