Czech. Your team always goes first in a two player game and your opponents always pick one of their own agents and then end their turn. This is possible because your Spymaster will give you a one-word clue and a number. For example, if two of your clues are sea animals like whale and dolphin a spymaster might say “sea, 2”, but you can not use the number as part of your clue, so if trying to get your teammates to guess lemon and octopus you can not say “sour, eight.” The words your spymaster uses for clues cannot be any of the words visible in the grid either. OBJECTIVE OF ONE O FIVE: Be the first player to ... To be the team to guess all their clue first. This is the “secret key” that reveals the identities behind the codenames. The agents may never view the secret key. The objective of codenames is to correctly guess all of your teams’ code words on the board before the other team does and without guessing the assassin. There a few official rules about words you can use for clues, but any other words not falling into these categories are up for the spymasters’ decisions. The disadvantage is that the agents won’t know how many words relate to the clue that was just given. In this case the agents are allowed unlimited guesses. They may guess up to the limit imposed by the spymaster but may always add one extra guess. The official rules include: a clue must be about the meaning of the words and must not allude to letters in the word or the position on the table, Letters and numbers are valid clues but only if they refer to the meaning of the words, the. All other teammates may discuss on what they think the clue could mean. The team going first takes their 8 agent cards and the double agent and is placed in front of that team’s spymaster. The spymaster may use 0 to indicate that “none of our words use this clue”. Name: Comment: Human Question: Which game starts with the same letter as Mancala? The number is used only for the spymaster to tell the guessers how many code words his clue refers to, and can not also be a part of the clue. If your team guesses one of the other team’s clues then their spymaster will cover that clue with one of their clues, but if your team guesses the assassin then the game is automatically over, and your team loses. There are also different variations of how to play based on if you only have two or three people playing. You are not allowed to give extra hints. If your own agent is revealed, then your team has guessed correctly and may guess again, but not receive another clue. The spymaster must keep a straight face and give no other clues. It is possible to win on your opponents turn if they contact your last agent for you. This will be the key for which clues belong to which team, with the blue squares belonging to the blue team, red squares belonging to the red team, white squares are civilians, and the black square is the assassin. Your clue cannot be any of the codenames visible on the table. The game is over. You may spell out your clue if it will help avoid confusion between two words that sound the same or if you don’t want to commit to a specific pronunciation of a word that has more than one meaning. Shuffle the codename tiles and place 25 of them (face up) in a 5 by 5 square. you must play in English, you can’t say words visible on the table, you can’t say parts of compound words on the table. Your team is unlucky, and hits the neutral one in the first guess. Guessing ends for your team when you guess all your clues and win the game, guess the max number you are allowed this turn, make a wrong guess, or when every team member decides to pass. Shuffle the codename tiles and place 25 of them (face up) in a 5 by 5 square. This is possible because your Spymaster will give you a one-word clue and a number. How to Play Codenames in 3 Minutes - The Rules Girl - YouTube You are not allowed to give extra hints. 8 Blue and 8 red agent cards, one double agent card that is blue and red, 1 assassin card that is black, 7 civilian cards that are white, double-sided codename cards and key cards. Making contact If you wish a more regulated game then there is an app available for this game that will keep proper time limits… or… you can just use the included sand timer. You may only guess the number of times equal to one more than the number your spymaster gave you. The spymaster for each team sit next to each other, but across the table from their own team. Your clue must be about the “meaning” of the word. You'll be working as a team to try and complete the challenge. Invalid clues include the spymaster giving body language or signals to their agents. If your team incorrectly guesses a clue a few things can happen. If they allow it then its allowed. Invalid rules must be caught and called out at the time that they are given or else they become valid. Game type: Cooperative, Teams, Verbaleval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'howdoyouplayit_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',114,'0','0'])); Number of players: 4+ with the option for 2 or 3 players. You may pick which agent is revealed strategically if you wish, or just leave it up to random. The objective of codenames is to correctly guess all of your teams’ code words on the board before the other team does and without guessing the assassin. There are a lot of rule variations for what is an allowable clue and what is actually invalid. On later turns, some codenames will two player games include a “simulated” opponent and a three player game can be all 3 on one team against a simulated opponent, or two spymasters sharing an agent. Clues consist of one word and a number; The word is what the clue is and should focus on the cards that belong to your team, while the number is for how many cards this clue alludes to. This is the “secret key” that reveals the identities behind the codenames. Play Codenames online across multiple devices on a shared board. You can’t give a clue towards its spelling or letter arrangements. On later turns, some codenames will be covered up, so a clue that is not legal now might be legal later. The game can end a couple of ways. Every other player is an agent for their team. It's always a bit of a stretch. If there are codenames that say “pig” and “farm” then the spymaster might say “livestock:2”. The spymaster should make a point to not give away any additional information, even nonverbal information. . Using this information and similar clues throughout the game your team will try to interpret the spymaster’s clue and guess each code word. If you can get all your words covered then your team will be the winner. You may only guess the number of times equal to one more than the number your spymaster gave you. Once the agents of that team decide on a single tile, the agents tap it with their finger, and then the spymaster checks their answer against the key and places the corresponding card (agent, assassin, bystander) over the top of the codename (and leaves it there). The first spymaster will start the game by giving their team the first one-word clue. There a few official rules about words you can use for clues, but any other words not falling into these categories are up for the spymasters’ decisions. No changes can be made once a card has been touched. The agents may also decide not to pick a card and pass the turn. great rules! Chairs Rules: How Do You Play The Chairs Game. Try to hint three or four codenames in the first move, even if you also have to cover a few neutral ones, or maybe even one of the opponent’s. If a bystander is revealed then the turn is passed. but the word “elude” should be changed to “allude.”. Dutch. Catalan. If you've lost your original rule set, you've come to the right place. When guessing you must guess at least once, but after one guess you may decide to stop guessing at any time. Please keep in mind that the official Codenames rules and instructions could be different depending on the game version you have. Once they have their guesses they may start locking them in, and this happens when a teammate touches a card. Using this information and similar clues throughout the game your team will try to interpret the spymaster’s clue and guess each code word. The spymaster may also indicate “unlimited” as their number. Spies, codes, and secrets. Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about how to play, problems with the directions or anything you want about Codenames. The official rules for the Codename board game. Imagine you give a hint that covers three of your codenames, and one neutral one. Each team should then appoint a spymaster, they will be the clue giver for the game. Official Codenames Game Rules And Instructions. Clues consist of one word and a number; The word is what the clue is and should focus on the cards that belong to your team, while the number is for how many cards this clue. To create a new game or join an existing game, enter a game identifier and click 'GO'. Invalid clues are penalized by automatically revealing an opponents agent and ending your turn. Albanian. The agents may never view the secret key. If enabled a timer will countdown each team's turn. Each team then chooses a spymaster. You've selected 400 words. The following are the “base line” rules that should be followed, but try not to be too strict; it’s generally up to the other spymaster to call out invalid rules. You may not use a foreign language to identify the word unless its a commonly used/accepted word in the language being used for the game. The team that goes first is indicated on the keycard by the color that runs along the border, and this team will also take the double agent tile because they will have one more card to guess. If the assassin is revealed then that team loses instantly. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours. The spymasters then should shuffle and deal out 25 codename cards and arrange them in a 5X5 square. Clues are only given by the spymasters and these clues are the only time during the game that a spymaster should talk. number after the clue cannot be part of the clue. Blue squares represent blue agents that the blue team needs to contact. You may regain the use of that word if the codename is revealed. The number that they may say is the number of cards on the board that this clue applies to. Codenames. For example, don't say, "This may be a bit of a stretch…" You are playing Codenames. When guessing you must guess at least once, but after one guess you may decide to stop guessing at any time. The rules below are some of the exact directions that came in the original packaging. Go. Timer OFF. The most important: Be aggressive with your first hint. When board games are your Friday night out! If a civilian is guessed the spymaster will cover that card with a civilian tile. Your clue must be only one word. The official rules include: a clue must be about the meaning of the words and must not allude to letters in the word or the position on the table, Letters and numbers are valid clues but only if they refer to the meaning of the words, the number after the clue cannot be part of the clue, you must play in English, you can’t say words visible on the table, you can’t say parts of compound words on the table. For example, if two of your clues are sea animals like whale and dolphin a spymaster might say “sea, 2”, but you can not use the number as part of your clue, so if trying to get your teammates to guess lemon and octopus you can not say “sour, eight.” The words your spymaster uses for clues cannot be any of the words visible in the grid either. INTRODUCTION I love, love, love hidden role games. Codenames is a game of guessing which codenames (i.e., words) in a set are related to a hint-word given by another player. Guessing ends for your team when you guess all your clues and win the game, guess the max number you are allowed this turn, make a wrong guess, or when every team member decides to pass.