So enough with the “I have been playing for X number of years, so I can answer from your perspective.”, as thjs isn’t EXACTLY the problem, The CF increase those rewards as well, but it sounds like you've already decided the answer. Production Bonus It's broken (I hope you don't read this Inno, this strategy has made my diamond farms obsolete!). Château Frontenac. The Château was built near the historic Citadelle, the construction of which Frontenac had begun at the end of the 17th century. I'm not that advanced or an old timer (LMA, 654 days oldest city), but I'd also forgotten how much I didn't know when I was only a few months in. A Château hírneve és az általa nyújtott luxus neves vendégeket vonz magához a világ minden tájáról. The Chateau is much easier to get. I agree that it's valuable early on; as said, the CF allows you to eliminate goods buildings and associated housing, freeing up space for FP producing buildings. It doesn’t allow you to. I am in OF and levelled my CF up. Le Château Frontenac est un hôtel des plus majestueux qui domine l'horizon de la ville de Québec. I make sure to use Reno Kits to keep them up to date, and I'm getting around 90 current era goods from these each day. It’s why I’m asking here instead of on my guilds. Aller à : navigation, rechercher. I make loads of gold and buy FPs. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. producing 135 fp per day and arc at 80 , worth the time and effort of level up frontenac to 60? Ir para: navegação, pesquisa. I do see a point in selling kits - it's just not something I am particularly interested in doing, least not in this scale. Eles estão dispostos a pagar generosamente pelo conforto que o hotel oferece. Ère Progressiste You mention just coming out of Iron Age, making 20 fps a day, and being advised to build the CF next. A good start. No, you all seem to be confused as to what I’m even saying. Château Frontenac. Production de pièces Dominating the skyline of Quebec City, the Château Frontenac is a hotel that's as grand as it gets. You really only need one or two military buildings depending on your needs though. CF totally useless if you’re not getting recurring quests and still only getting daily and story quests. The diamonds might be nice - someone told me that some story quests can give obscene amounts of diamonds, which is nice, but also not critical for me. I also get some unrefined goods from the few old GBs I still have around (eg St Marks), but these aren't interested. Yes, a level 80 arc can produce 30 goods for each recurring quest - but the flipside is that you need to cancel 7 quests in between donating x FP, and you have to keep doing this over and over again. But it's so much more valuable to raise than any other gb not named Arc. Size When I had no military buildings, I did receive some random troops from my age. Rb – big /reward; 3. 5x6 After looking it up and seeing that CF, while an awesome building, really only makes sense if you’re getting recurring quests and have exhausted all daily and story quests. Because I fight through GE3, and possibly 4, I get a lot of goods from the Guild Expedition as well, which is adds up to the goods I already produce. In this regard, CF is not anymore expensive when compared to most other gbs. Forge Point rewards, Incidents and … I have zero need for medals. Construction Cost I don't think I am, and I'd like you to try and convince me to do it anyways :P, I generate about 300 FP per day from collections, 80 current era goods and about 120 unrefined goods to boot. Do you use these goods for anything, or are you just keeping them for a rainy day? A high lvl 80 CF will be: 2nd best source of medals behind arc, 1st place source of goods- it has potential to produce more than all other lvl 80 goods gbs combined, 2nd to 4th best source of fps, behind arc, AO or cape (depending on their level). Okay, you can send it to neighbors too :) If you change the range of displayed levels or bonus from The Arc, it will also be included in the link. Properties Progressive Era I've been levelling mine but am considering stopping. ffead5 At the moment, my city is pretty tightly set up. Other data is calculated on this website. Château Frontenac great building bonus scroll.png Z Forge of Empires - Wiki PL. CF + high fp spend in 1.8/1.9 threads = over 1k current age goods per day. Terrible advice to give to someone who really really should just get a Zeus first, build that up to level 7, then a COA, then a CDM. SS ProgressiveEra Landmark2.png I think I can manage without such excessive measures for now! I think some of that is simply due to lazy thinking rather than not remembering what it was like to be starting a city with limited resources. you really cannot abort all side quests. The Château Frontenac was named after Louis de Buade, Count of Frontenac, who was governor of the colony of New France from 1672 to 1682 and 1689 to 1698. Da wiki Forge of Empires - Wiki PT. Your focus should really be on coming out of Iron Age only bringing in 20 fps a day. Uit Forge of Empires - Wiki NL. As a … No other GB offers that. You really don't need any military buildings with the Traz, unless you want a specific troop. It's also possible in the LMA, but otherwise you need a much higher level Chateau. It will be worth it to level CF, sure, but only if you're interested in cancelling a lot of recurring quests. 70490d I couldn’t find one on Wikia. The Château Frontenac Der Ruf und der Luxus des Châteaus ziehen gut betuchte Gäste aus aller Welt an, die mehr als bereit sind, ihr Geld für die gebotenen Annehmlichkeiten aufzuwenden. Right? It boosts the Coins, Supplies, Goods Medals and Diamonds earned from completing quests, and provides Coins every 24 hours. The Château Frontenac opened in 1893, only 6 years after the Banff Springs Hotel, which was owned by the same company and similar in style. When i hit mars i can produce goods fast and sell for FPs if the GBs are good. CF + inno = no houses. Since I can fight, I don't need that many goods to negotiate, and the 80 is 560 per week or 112 of each good per week. All is event buildings, farms and SOKs. CF is the gb that let's you sell kits. The newer portions of the hotel, including the central tower, were designed by William Sutherland Maxwell. There must be a bug with mine, then. ffb065 Don't, they are largely not worth it. Renoma i luksus tego miejsca przyciągają bogatą klientelę z całego globu. I'd like to start a healthy conversation about the value of CF, especially considering the latest additions to great buildings, such as the Himeji Castle, which can give a very nice amount of goods each day. Forge Point rewards, Incidents and Daily Challenges rewards are not boosted. And I have 1.4B coins, 115M supplies, 45k diamonds, plenty of blueprints. Notes: Recurring Quests are included in the boost. Hover over the graph to see the exact values for each level of the Great Building Château Frontenac. A community to discuss all things Forge of Empires! Coin production Without knowing what you already have placed, I'll take a risk and say that advice is poor. A major reason for the construction of the Chateau Frontenac was to accommodate tourists for the 1893 Chicago World's Fair; however, the hotel was never finished in time. It was nice to build and the added bonus is fine, but I am a bit daunted by the thought of leveling it to 80. Na oplátku očekávají splnění všech jejich občas extravagantních přání, aby byli plně spokojeni. Sometimes what younger cities JUST STARTING OUT truly need are goods buildings and buildings that give population. If you're not willing to do recurring quests, building a Chateau makes no sense. This page was last edited on 19 March 2020, at 13:28. I think you got troops from a quest or from the continent map, you didn't get any from your Traz. Der Ruf und der Luxus des Châteaus ziehen gut betuchte Gäste aus aller Welt an, die mehr als bereit sind, ihr Geld für die gebotenen Annehmlichkeiten aufzuwenden. Dominando a linha do horizonte da cidade de Quebeque, o Château Frontenac é um hotel cuja grandiosidade não tem limites. An Iron Age city could easily bring in triple that. Ces derniers sont plus que disposés à dépenser leur argent afin de profiter du confort de l'hôtel. great building bonus coins.png How many more big event buildings or SoKs would you be able to fit into your city without houses, supply or goods buildings getting in the way? A fama e o luxo do Château atraem hóspedes abastados do mundo inteiro.