Arthur and Harry join the throng of witches and wizards walking through the Atrium, passing the Fountain of Magical Brethren as they walk towards the security desk on the left of the hall. Harry, however, overheard their conversation. However, since childhood I have had a great fondness for the Family Mustelidae; not so much malignant as maligned, in my opinion." He is particularly fascinated by Muggle technology, collecting batteries and plugs (GF4) and quizzing every Muggle-born he meets about anything from “escapators” to bus stops (CS4). Together, Arthur and Percy incapacitated Pius Thicknesse. They were members of the Order who fought together at the Battle of the Seven Potters and the Battle of Hogwarts. It is comprised of the Germanic terms ‘wil’ … Excédé par les railleries de Lucius Malefoy à propos du manque d’argent de sa famille et des gens qu’ils fréquentent, Arthur se jette sur lui chez Fleury et Bott. After the Dark Mark is conjured, Arthur is horrified to see several Ministry wizards attempting to Stun Harry, Ron and Hermione, and hurries over to help them. Draco Malfoy | Arthur fought, along with the rest of his family, in the Battle of Hogwarts in May, 1998. He asks Harry for help erecting the tents, as he is determined to put them up by hand, as a Muggle would. Published on Feb 7th 2020. -- Arthur Weasley when his sons flew in his enchanted Ford Anglia (CS3). "They run off eckeltricity, do they? Percy Weasley | Arthur est un bon père et un bon époux, qui essaie d'épargner sa famille et ses amis des pires soucis. In the end, he managed to get the fire lit with Hermione's help. Ernie Prang | Chiara Lobosca | Arthur curses furiously every time the lift stops and pummels the button for level nine. On the Sunday before the children are due to return to Hogwarts, Arthur arrives in the kitchen at The Burrow, having been at work. When Arthur returned to the Burrow after a night of Ministry raids, he was pleased to find out the car could indeed fly, until he caught his wife's eye; he then reprimanded the boys for doing so. He also enjoys enchanting Muggle objects, such as a Ford Anglia he bewitched to fly (CS5). They all thought Remus was a good teacher. 6 February, 1950[1]) was a pure-blood wizard in the employ of the Ministry of Magic, as well as a member of the second Order of the Phoenix. Il entre à Poudlard en 1961 et est réparti dans la maison Gryffondor. Oktober) ist die Frau von Arthur Weasley. Arthur was not an official member of the first order, but he became during the Second Wizarding War. Arthur travaille au ministère de la Magie au Service des détournements de l'artisanat moldu et il effectue les changements nécessaires dans la loi pour qu'il puisse modifier une voiture sans risque. The Arthur and Molly Weasley Quiz. As this was a serious potential breach of the Statute of Secrecy, Mr. Weasley faced an inquiry at work over the incident. Minerva McGonagall | Il se passionne pour tout ce que fabriquent les Moldus et travaille pour le ministère de la Magie. Even though his Family is pure-blood, He is obsessed with learning about Muggle customs and inventions and owns a large collection of things mostly used by Muggles. Colin Creevey | fathers Bill Weasley | She also had two children with Ron, who were Arthur's grandchildren; Rose and Hugo. Arthur's confrontation with Lucius Malfoy in Flourish and Blotts. and Mrs. Weasley usually wore long robes in varying states of shabbiness.” (GF4). Arthur leads the rest of the group through the campsite towards their reserved pitch spaces. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. However, during the Second Wizarding War, Arthur appeared to have been more protective, because he was afraid of what happened to his children. Arthur et Molly se sont mariés juste après leurs études (au tout début de la première guerre des sorciers [années 70]) et avaient au moins 20 ans lors de la naissance de Bill). During the wedding of Bill and Fleur, Kingsley Shacklebolt's Patronus arrived, informing the guests that the Ministry of Magic had fallen to Voldemort and that Scrimgeour was dead. One evening, while on guard duty outside the Department of Mysteries, he was attacked by Voldemort’s snake, Nagini, and nearly died (OP21). Arthur and Molly Weasley at 12 Grimmauld Place in 1995. Join the Harry Potter Fan Club for free to discover your Hogwarts house, plus sign up to our weekly newsletter & explore our new range of collectible pins. While Arthur Weasley was often seen as "fun" in the earlier years, with the return of Lord Voldemort and the gathering crisis in the wizarding world he shouldered a role of increasing challenges, assuming duties within the Order of the Phoenix in addition to new responsibilities at the Ministry. Justin Finch-Fletchley | However, this promotion by Rufus Scrimgeour might have been a way of trying to warm Harry up to the Ministry, given the time frame of events that took place; Scrimgeour was put down by Dumbledore on the idea of Dumbledore approaching Harry on Scrimgeour's behalf to get Harry to become a "mascot" for the Ministry of Magic. However, Harry saw Arthur again while disguised as Albert Runcorn by use of Polyjuice Potion when he, Hermione, and Ron infiltrated the Ministry of Magic. Arthur was also friendly with Nymphadora Tonks. Membres Abelforth Dumbledore • Alastor Maugrey • Alice Londubat • Arabella Figg • Benjy Fenwick • Caradoc Dearborn • Dedalus Diggle • Dorcas Meadowes • Edgar Bones • Elphias Doge • Emmeline Vance • Fabian Prewett • Frank Londubat • Gideon Prewett • Hestia Jones • James Potter • Lily Potter • Marlene McKinnon • Mondingus Fletcher • Peter Pettigrow • Remus Lupin • Rubeus Hagrid • Severus Rogue • Sirius Black • Sturgis Podmore, Membres Abelforth Dumbledore • Alastor Maugrey • Arabella Figg • Arthur Weasley • Bill Weasley • Charlie Weasley • Dedalus Diggle • Elphias Doge • Emmeline Vance • Fleur Delacour • Fred Weasley • George Weasley • Harry Potter • Hermione Granger • Hestia Jones • Kingsley Shacklebolt • Minerva McGonagall • Molly Weasley • Mondingus Fletcher • Nymphadora Tonks • Remus Lupin • Ron Weasley • Rubeus Hagrid • Severus Rogue • Sirius Black • Sturgis Podmore, Groupes de personnes Armée de Dumbledore • Club des Chasseurs sans tête • Fantômes de Poudlard • Professeurs de Poudlard • Élèves de Poudlard • Ministère de la Magie, * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. He found out that Arthur was under surveillance by the Voldemort-controlled Ministry for his "blood traitor" status. An affable, light-hearted man, he tends not to be the authority figure in the family; his wife Molly handles that area.