Aims and objectives. Your completion status may be shared with them. Aims and objectives. A reference list contains details of all sources cited in text. A bibliography includes all sources consulted for background reading, even if they are not cited in the document. If you use someone else’s work or ideas in an assignment, you must reference their contribution to your work. Albanese, A (Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government) 2009, Fairer compensation for air travellers, media release, 29 January, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Canberra, viewed 30 January 2009, . At the end of the module, you will be able to: plan your assignment understand why you should reference to avoid plagiarism. The same method of presentation is used for both a reference list and a bibliography. provide guidance on referencing assignments. A reference list is arranged alphabetically by author. 44-6. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2010, Child protection Australia 2008-09, Child welfare series no. 49-52. Academic writing. Commas are used to separate each item of the reference/citation. Sjostrand, S (ed.) Business Communication Quarterly, 74(3), 342-346. doi: 10.1177/1080569911414555. Research tools & techniques. A reference list is generally placed at the end of a work. Bourassa, S 1999, ‘Effects of child care on young children’, Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the International Society for Child Psychology, International Society for Child Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. Pring, R 2004, Philosophy of educational research, 2nd edn, Continuum, London. This module will: cover planning assignments. The Harvard style is a generic author-date style for citing and referencing information used. The “APA style” is an author-date style for citing and referencing information in assignments and publications. At the end of the module, you will be able to: Bailey, S. (2006). Abbreviated journal title. A referencing style is a set of rules to tell you how to acknowledge other authors and resources you have used in your work, Make sure that your referencing style is consistent throughout your assignment. Reid, DH, Parsons, MB & Green, CW 1989, Staff management in human services: behavioral research and application, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield. Title of article. Jull, G, Sterling, M, Fallah, D, Treleaven, J & O'Leary, S 2008, Whiplash headache and neck pain: research-based directions for physical therapies, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Sharpe, Armonk, N.Y. Willmott, WF 2006, Rocks and landscapes of the national parks of central Queensland, Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane. Managing your time efficiently will help you plan, write, edit and proofread your work before your assignment is due. Huffman, LM 1996, ‘Processing whey protein for use as a food ingredient’, Food Technology, vol. Australian Government Publishing Service 1987, Commonwealth printing and publishing manual, 2nd edn, A.G.P.S., Canberra. Academic writing: a handbook for international students (2nd ed.). If you have more than one item with the same author, list the items chronologically, starting with the earliest publication. Plagiarism is a disciplinary offence at UQ and taken extremely seriously. Bernstein, D 1995, ‘Transportation planning’, in WF Chen (ed. Bhattacharjee, M 1998, Notes of infinite permutation groups, Lecture notes in mathematics no.1698, Springer, New York. 1, viewed 30 January 2009, . 2, pp. Neville, C. (2010). Be, know, do: leadership the Army way 2004, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Write, cite and submit. Murray, N. & Hughes, G. (2008). For example - (as cited in Lewis, 2019). This guide is based on the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" 6th edition (2010). At the end of the module, you will be able to: Check what you know and get a certificate if you pass! Knowledge and skills you can gain to contribute to your Graduate attributes: Access UQ services to assist you with personal or study-related issues. Graves, N. & Epstein, M (2011). For electronic sources, use angle brackets (<>) to isolate the web address/URL from the rest of the reference. Attribute our work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 47. ePortfolio is an online collection of evidence of your lifelong learning including academic and work achievements such as volunteering. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Open University Press. explain how assignments should be submitted. Pike, ER & Sarkar, S (eds) 1986, Frontiers in quantum optics, Adam Hilger, Bristol. QUT write booklet and supplementary writing guides. Berkman, RI 1994, Find It fast: how to uncover expert information on any subject, HarperPerennial, New York. Add "as cited in" before the author in the in-text reference. ), The civil engineering handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. CWS 35, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, viewed 06 November 2012, . Writing up your university assignments and research projects: A practical handbook (Open UP study skills). Bowden, FJ & Fairley, CK 1996, ‘Endemic STDs in the Northern Territory: estimations of effective rates of partner change’, paper presented to the scientific meeting of the Royal Australian College of Physicians, Darwin, 24-25 June.