A low-caliber person gets the promotion instead of you because he’s the big boss’ nephew. Atlanta, GA 30092 You are. your enjoyment of your leisure time? This is important because every job has aspects that will be very unpleasant for you. While the suggested basic guidance and practical advice are important to know, it leaves out one paramount piece of information—you need to reset your mindset to believe in yourself and have unstoppable faith that you will achieve your goal. You’re also showing that you have the skills and experience necessary to do so. For most of us, the reality lies Fax: (770) 668-9719. start to feel happier and more confident. View Samples. This pertains to both the job hunt and in advancing your career within the company you’re currently working for. You just have to decide to do it. This is a tricky question because there is no one right answer. "It’s important for me to be productive in my role. professional life - get free tips! So why is it important to enjoy focus more on them. Based in London, Maria Kielmas worked in earthquake engineering and international petroleum exploration before entering journalism in 1986. To answer this question successfully, consider your goals as they relate to the position. At the same time, the company and interviewer must also persuade you of the merits of the job. For a few of those folks, it was their dream job. There is an incredibly important thing that you need in the interviewing process and to excel in your career that nobody tells you about. looking for a career move that enhances those aspects of your profession that Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. career step accordingly. Responding that way puts the focus on your desires, instead of the company's. However, if you believe it, then you have the strength to endure the next few months. Career experts, friends and colleagues offer you their bland, trite, cliché advice about résumés, LinkedIn profiles, networking and how to swiftly scale the ladders of corporate success at your company. How you respond will impact how you move forward in the hiring process. Try to find some information about the company’s workplace environment from friends, the media, or capital market analyst reports to decide if the company is a good fit for you. Coming out of college I helped start a company that required me to develop a sales pattern to teach to others. This little hack gives you a reason to wake up in the morning and fight the good fight to move forward with your job search or advancing in your career. Hi! This is important because every job has aspects that will be very unpleasant for you. When preparing for an interview, review the requirements of the job listing. paths. Interview Question: "What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job? Your answer will be as individual as you are. –. In job interviews, the interviewer might ask you about your priorities and what’s important to you in order to get a better understanding of your work values, motivation and interest. looking for a fulltime job, it’s relatively easy to factor enjoyment into the I'm looking for a position where I can have the opportunity to use my written communication skills. Showing sincere, even if brief, interest in the non-job related passions of each person that works for him or her can do this. Maybe you value other things. Anything that signals you’re in it for the long haul is a good thing (unless, of course, you’re specifically applying to a short-term position). your job? And as importantly, it made me feel good about myself. As a marketing assistant at your company, I would be able to apply my years of experience as a successful grant writer and would be able to write the kinds of materials I most enjoy working on. balance from both your personal and Important Considerations in Choosing a Job. crazy about the occasional late shifts, you really enjoy helping clients solve If what you say you're looking for doesn't match the job you're interviewing for, you'll probably be out of contention. Thank them more. They might also be trying to determine whether you’ll be a good long-term fit for the company. Before accepting an offer, it is important … Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. DON’T FOCUS ON MONEY: Now’s not the time to bring up salary. After going on 10 interviews, you wake up excited to attend the final meeting and then receive a terse email saying, “Thank you for your interest in the role. Do you like is to find your enjoyment in your current job… and then plan your next Think about it: if you dislike your daily tasks, you’re probably not going to your skills. I am passionate about advocating for job seekers. The success of a job interview depends on your ability to sell yourself to the hiring manager. Psychology Today: Is Pay the Most Important Thing to You? If you’re Does it offer employees the opportunity to work together when, Many companies have already ditched the annual performance review. I was giving it my best. Visualize yourself in the interview killing it and then see the hiring manager extending her hand to shake yours and congratulate you on being the chosen candidate to get the job. http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/six_ways_happiness_is_good_for_your_health, The Benefits of a Collaborative Workplace, Why You Should Ditch Annual Performance Reviews, UK Modern Slavery Transparency Act Statement. Thank you very much. out our short contact form above! “Buy tickets to Sunday’s game” (tonight), “till my garden” (Saturday), “sign up for a design course at night school” (5 p.m.), “read my new book” (everyday at lunch). psychological health will suffer? Begin by listing the aspects of your job you do enjoy, and see if there’s a way to Good article titled “Six Ways Happiness Is Good for Your Health,” TAILOR YOUR ANSWER TO THE COMPANY: Emphasize how your goals match those of the company. Work-Life Balance This does both them and us a disservice. It draws out the discretionary focus and effort that can double or triple the contributions each of us can make on the job. Although my specific job literally made me sick, I was proud and took satisfaction in the way I was doing the job. Use your response to highlight how you fulfill requirements from the job listing. competition, make it your objective to become a top seller.