So far, we've looked closely at the Daba, Kia-Kia, Tunga, Indartsu and Kaha tribes. Translations complete, now in layout phase, then final review.Spanish PDF - translations by Roberto Zaragoza Gascón and Astrid Dalmady. I assumed you would need to put them all in the bottom the box. Tell us anything you want to see!This past weekend, we turned on cameras at Breaking Games West in Los Angeles, opened the first case of production copies and hosted the first ever Rise of Tribes tournament! If so, we're officially with landed inventory for all backers, and that is truly exciting. A finished product that you helped create and realize. Leader powers are easy to mix into gameplay - just choose which side you want to be your power for the game. WAYFARERS - This is a very flexible power, often useful late game to stop someone's village that is too far away or help yourself get a land for a last minute majority/control. NOTE: If you think you are missing either dice or an action board, please be sure to double check, as these items are sneaky and sometimes hiding from you. Some folks were making Rise of Tribes their first unboxing video. We also hear from Geoff on GameTek, and answer a few questions! The biggest news is for the US backers, as Blackbox reports that the warehouse handling these orders is ahead of schedule and expects to ship all US bound copies by the end of the week. FARMING - This is a great way to get tribe members on the map, and keeps you viable even in games when you don't get pottery (bonus grow effect) or mild winter (more tribes). You'd have to be willing to talk on all the BGG forums, FB groups and such. Keep in mind that while the product may arrive at port in early/mid June, it's just the beginning of your game's journey to your table. ), Current Top Ten List: Games that Break Vasel's Law, Devil May Cry: The Bloody Palace - Daily Game Unboxing. Before i announce the winner of this contest, we want to say how blown away we were by the number of videos and the creativity in all the fun entries. All rights reserved. About The Dice Tower. Yes, you'll have to convince the other tribes to leave your scout alone, but this fits with many of the achievement and development cards. I know we are all eagerly awaiting the boats, and game arrivals. We do video reviews, and an audio show, and more. To celebrate our July lucky dice roll, we've sent a copy to the fine Dice Tower folks. Translations complete, main rulebook complete, pending bonus layout, final review.Mandarin PDF - translations by Wei-Chun Yang and Mike. Two things to be careful about - you have to keep moving tribes OFF those village spaces to avoid internal conflict, and watch out for building too many villages too fast and becoming a target! Well, it took a bit of time to get these from dock to Snakes and Lattes in Toronto. I loved the depth and the simplicity. As we are now approaching our next phase, we are looking to LOCK ALL SHIPPING ADDRESSES as of end of day, SUNDAY, JUNE 10. It's about to be very, very real. Previously, we looked closely at the Kia-Kia and the Tunga tribes. If you are wondering if your specific country is shipping soon, the answer is YES. I want to offer my sincerest thanks to those backers who have been working on these and Chris Strain on our team for helping get the finals finished.Here's a brief status of each language, in the order I expect them to complete. We've heard reports of tribes making seemingly great military positions for the stone age, truly using borders and position to advantage. We would be happy to talk about a pass to the show, meals and games in return. O Canada! But good news - these are being shipped by early next week at the latest, hopefully with tracking slips generated this week. CRAFTY BUILDERS - If you are ready to go village building hard core, this is the power to choose. Also a shout out to Mike Vander Veen at Print and Play for jumping in and answering a ton of BGG questions and running our Breaking Games account on BGG! TRADER - over powered? Please bear with us if the delivery does not match day and date with receiving your copy. Congrats Kyle and Katrina - you've won a $10 gift card at Breaking Games site!ROUND 2 Unboxing Contest - July 16 - Aug 1But wait, there's more!