Rates of crime remain high in Mexico and conflict and violence of drug mafias has not been stemmed. The Mexican president persuaded him not to do so. May 2: Telésforo Santiago Enríquez, radio commentator in Oaxaca; murdered. The Getty Images design is a trademark of Getty Images. "[243], Mexico and the United States reached a new trade agreement on 27 August 2018, and Canada agreed on 30 September of that year. Petroleum is at the center of his energy policy and has in essence banned private investment in that sector. Often described as a center-left progressive democrat and economic nationalist,[3] López Obrador has been a national politician for more than three decades. On 31 July, in an act of civil disobedience, he organized a blockade of 12 kilometers of one of the most important roads in the capital, Paseo de la Reforma, which houses several important hotels, corporate main offices and the Mexico City Stock Market. VideoFrench police station attacked with fireworks, Author shares his Covid-19 intensive care nightmare. [13] López Obrador went on to finish high school and, at age 19, went to Mexico City to study at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). [26][27] Although in March 2018, he declared, "When I am asked what religion I adhere to, I say that I am a Christian, in the broadest sense of the word, because Christ is love and justice is love. After Congress voted in favor of removing López Obrador's immunity, he asked for leave from his post for a few days. Consequently, the Court ruled that both interferences could not be considered as a sufficient judicial cause to annul the election. [193], The human rights group Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) largely praised in October 2019 president-elect López Obrador's anti-corruption efforts, noting that most prosecutors are autonomous, citing his austerity plan and support for whistleblowers, and investigations into the Estafa Maestra ("Master Scam") and the Odebretch scandal, both which involve several former high government officials. President Peña Nieto and Mr Calderón immediately rejected the accusation, with the latter calling it "absolutely false and reckless". AMLO trouble: Mexico's economy shrinks for first time in 10 years, La Bolsa mexicana aspira a cerrar 2019 con ganancias, A partir de este miércoles sube el salario mínimo en México, http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/education-rankings-by-country/, México tendrá más de 126 millones de habitantes en 2019: Conapo, "Inegi registra 36 mil 476 homicidios durante 2019 (+Infografía)", Suman casi 3 mil mujeres asesinadas en México en 2019; solo 726 se investigan como feminicidios, 2019, con récord de policías asesinados por el crimen organizado en México, "2019, el año en que asesinaron a 10 periodistas y a 12 activistas en México", "Seis presidentes municipales asesinados en 2019 en Oaxaca", "2019 inicia con políticos asesinados: un pendiente para AMLO", More than 61,000 missing in Mexico amid spiralling drug violence, "Nacen siete antilopes en zoologico de Chapultepec", "Nacen dos hienas moteadas en el Zoológico de Chapultepec en la CDMX", "Nacieron 6 lobos mexicanos en el Zoológico de Chapultepec de la CDMX", "¡Llegó la cigüeña! [117] Peña Nieto vowed to imprison anyone – including members of the PRI – if they are found guilty of electoral fraud. ALM's content plays a significant role in your work and research, and now through this alliance LexisNexis® will bring you access to an even more comprehensive collection of legal content. His policy was not a harsh crackdown, offering "abrazos, no balazos"" ("hugs, not gunshots"), which confused and demoralized the security forces. A group calling itself #FueraJuecesCorruptos has convoked a march against corrupt judges on August 18. [49] According to an article by Reforma newspaper, he kept 80% of the promises he made as a candidate.[50][51]. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { [141] It was a partial coalition that supported López Obrador as the presidential candidate and divided the legislative elections between the three: MORENA chose candidates in 150 federal electoral districts (out of 300) and 32 Senate rates, while the PT and the PES each nominated 75 candidates for the Chamber of Deputies and 16 for the Senate. There won’t be expropriations or nationalizations. [525], A report published October 24, 2019, by El Economista shows that Nuevo León (54%), Sinaloa (41%), and Morelos (40%) are the states with the greatest increases in murder rates during the period July–September 2019. [79] Business groups said the blockades cost Mexico City businesses located near the areas of conflict daily losses of 350,000,000 pesos (about US$35 million). He was president of the PRD from 2 August 1996 to 10 April 1999. Sixty-three percent of those polled also said that the former candidate had lost credibility. [148] In February 2018, French deputy and former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, founder of the La France Insoumise party, met with López Obrador, before the official start of the electoral campaign in Mexico, and described his possible victory in the following terms: "If they manage to thwart the plans against them and win the elections, it will be a great change for Mexico and all of Latin America. He has implemented a wage increase for workers by 16.21% in 2019 and by 20% months later. [5] He left office with an 84% approval rating, according to an opinion poll by Consulta Mitofsky. He joined the PRI in 1976 to support Carlos Pellicer's campaign for a Senate seat for Tabasco. [19], After attending school from 1973 to 1976, he returned to his native Tabasco where he held various government positions as well as being a professor at the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco. He was the national leader of the PRD between 1996 and 1999. var myDate = new Date(parseInt(1601302532000)); López Obrador led a rally on the day of the state of the union speech, where sympathizers celebrated the President being prevented from delivering his speech inside the Congress chamber. Pemex is deeply in debt as of June 2020, and its bonds devalued to junk bond status, a drag of the national economy. The new trade agreement is called the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). [208] He has proposed amnesty for some drug war criminals,[217] for which he would seek the aid of international NGOs, Pope Francis,[218] and UN Secretary-General António Guterres. © 2020 Getty Images. BORTECK & CZAPEK P.C.takes pleasure in announcing that DOUGLAS A. BEIMFOHR has become a Partner of our firm. The TEPJF determined that it was not possible to accurately evaluate the influence this interference had had on the election results, but estimated the impact of Fox's interference as insignificant. "We have to take advantage of this locomotive that we have on the other side of the border," she said. 11, … [96], Reactions to the "legitimate presidency" varied widely. [219][255][256], Lopez Obrador has reduced the presidential salary by 40% to MXN $108,000 (US$5,000) per month and has limited what public servants and members of the judiciary can earn. He's floated amnesty for drug criminals. [281], Prior to taking office, from 22 to 25 October, he held an impromptu vote, organized by supporters of his own party, on whether or not the New International Airport for Mexico City was to be scrapped, citing that the project was rife with corruption, cronyism, and a waste of taxpayer money. The hit was never carried out. It was announced on 5 July 2018 that Héctor Vasconcelos would be replaced at Foreign Affairs by. [147], In Paris, France, there is the "Official French Committee of MORENA", on which several occasions have presented their support to the candidate in small rallies in that European country. [305], During the coronavirus pandemic, Mexican drug mafias have been handing out food relief in some places. [312] Soon after, women groups called for two days of action, a massive demonstration in Mexico City on International Women's Day (8 March), following by a strike on 9 March 2020. Minimum wage: MXN $102.68 daily (16% over 2018). [308], López Obrador has been accused by the opposition of being slow to respond to women's demands to act on the issue of femicide. Progress and Continued Challenges at the Federal and State Level", "Anxiety rising over fate of Mexico's energy reforms", "Mexico's Obrador Backs Private Oil Contracts, Top Adviser Says", "No habrá gasolinazos ni aumentos al gas o la luz: AMLO", "Incoming Mexican president: 'neo-liberal' oil plan shelved", 'Huachicoleo': Oil theft in Mexico and around the world, Death toll from Mexico pipeline explosion increase to 119, "Mexico gasoline theft cut by 95%, says Pemex", Serán siete las refinerías de México en 2022, Construcción de la nueva refinería de México arranca en agosto, confirma el ministerio de Energía, Nueva refinería en México costará entre 6,000 y 8,000 mdd, dice la Sener, "Si llega a la Presidencia, López Obrador suspenderá examen de admisión a universidades", "Reitera AMLO propuesta de "becarios si, sicarios no, "AMLO reitera rechazo a reforma educativa", "AMLO responde a Nuño: "como si la Reforma Educativa fuera cosa muy buena. [121][122], Following the 2012 presidential election loss, López Obrador told a rally in Mexico City's main plaza, the Zócalo, on 9 September 2012 that he would withdraw from the Democratic Revolution Party "on the best of terms". David Peinado / NurPhoto via Getty Images. [25], During his first presidential run, there were reports identifying López Obrador as a Protestant; in a television interview, he self-identified as a Roman Catholic. This proposal was intended to appeal to popular resentment over U.S. actions in "Operation Fast and Furious", in which U.S. ATF agents allegedly engaged in "gunwalking". Hasta me da risa, "Con "abrazos, no balazos", AMLO promete reducir violencia", "Mexico presidential favorite puts himself at heart of security plan", "He's been running for president in Mexico for more than a decade. Video, Teachers turn to loudspeakers to beat Covid fears, Supreme Court confirmation hearing. For other uses, see, Head of Government of the Federal District (2000–2005), Response to femicide and women's activism, Publications inspired by or about López Obrador. Enrique Peña Nieto OMRI GCB (Spanish pronunciation: [enˈrike ˈpeɲa ˈnjeto] (); born 20 July 1966), commonly referred to by his initials EPN, is a Mexican politician.He served as the 57th President of Mexico from 1 December 2012, to 30 November 2018. Venezuela's Maduro Wins UK Appeal Over Access to $1B in Gold Reserves, NY Federal Court Allows Foreign Litigants to Obtain Documents Located Outside US, Adjusting the COVID-19 Response: How Law Firms Are Altering Austerity Measures, You Can't Manage It If You Don't Measure It, The Future of Investigations Part 4: X-Factors, The Future of Investigations Part 3: Transformation in Asia. According to Jorge Zepeda Patterson's [es] Los Suspirantes 2018, José Ramón found a pistol, played with it, and it slipped out of his hands, firing a bullet into his head. Your article was successfully shared with the contacts you provided. There was empathy between the two because the young man raised his concern for the Chontal Maya. Ana Citlaly, 19, of Matehuala, San Luis Potosí; beat to death. Avenida López Obrador, San Vicente Chicolapa de Juarez, This page was last edited on 11 October 2020, at 14:50. Judith Abigail Jiménez Pulido, 28, missing since August 9, becomes the 54th victim of, Óscar René González Galindo, former mayor of, Gildardo Lópéz Astudillo "El Gil", who is suspected of involvement in the, Alejandro Jacobo and Josué Reyes are given 55 years of prison for the, Three underage (14 and 17 years old) hitmen are killed by municiapal police while in the process of murdering 19-year-old Julián Adán Rodríguez in, One person dies and at least 16 are injured due to a fireworks accident in, A group of armed men burn a bus used for public transportation in, Pedro Salmerón Sanginés resigns as director general of the.