As with the maps of the Free Cities, Slaver’s Bay and the Dothraki Sea, in this map each settlement is illustrated rather than being … Continue reading "The Official Map of Westeros" Although no scale appears on the maps in the books themselves, George R. R. Martin has stated that the Wall is a hundred leagues long, or three hundred miles.Thus the … King’s Landing! to remain cautious in pulling details from them to correct this Winterfell). Keep in mind that the slider

A Game of Thrones. You can still change Fill Color, click on subdivisions to paint them, etc. The current map will be cleared of all data. The end of the long summer comes at the outset of A Feast for Crows, with the arrival of the white ravens from the Citadel. If you haven't finished reading the novels or watching the shows, you can hide any details that might spoil the plot.

the wiki site may contain spoilers. Making Sense Of The World, One Map At A Time. And yet many of the main characters can’t but help running into each other here. The map above shows the entire ‘Known World’ from Game of Thrones including Westeros and Essos in a Google map style. At the beginning of A Game of Thrones Westeros has enjoyed an unusually long decade-long summer of peace and plenty and many fear that an equally long and harsh winter will follow. People of this region are often called "rivermen". For the most part it is covered by the haunted forest and comprised of many lakes and rivers, and it shelters strange beasts among the mountains of the Frostfangs. Its northern border is the Gift, the lands of the Night's Watch. If you find any errors in the map data, please You can move the slider with arrow buttons in I have to say that your blog title, “Fantastic Maps,” is certainly no understatement. but it does use JavaScript to send you to a wiki site if you click on A Game of Thrones, the first installment of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, has two maps of Westeros. Bastards in the north are given the surname Snow. If you'd At the time of the Conquest, the riverlands were ruled by House Hoare, the Kings of the Isles and the Rivers. material, I have no intention of copying them directly and I'm going Here we have the castle of Sunspear and the Water Gardens located to the north of the Greenblood. The Wolfswood crowds in close against the castle to the west. This will hopefully be edited whenever I finish this map to include a more thorough description, key, and the completed map.

And the paps, well let’s just say they also bear a striking resemblance to their namesake. This website does NOT display popup ads,

This is a smaller scale than the detail we get in the Beyond the Wall map, but we still see Castle Black, the Shadow Tower and Eastwatch-By-The-Sea, along with the ruins of Queenscrown, the Gifts and Mole’s Town. you've completed. The westerlands are ruled by House Lannister of Casterly Rock, formerly the Kings of the Rock. After Mern IX Gardener was killed on the Field of Fire, the Tyrells surrendered Highgarden to Aegon and were rewarded with both the castle and the position of Lord Paramount of the Mander.

Explore interactive family trees, the map of #Westeros and more on the @GameofThrones Viewer’s Guide. In this map Westeros gets its own official map in the form of a 3 foot by 2 foot poster. on that point. & You can also use W,A,S,D,I,O on your keyboard or the controls on the right. Personally I don’t mind the creases, but we ended up framing Beyond the Wall to keep it up and pretty. King’s Landing! I’m just curious as to why Lonely Light is different on this map to all the other ones in the LOIAF.

In an attempt to ease the pain, the team over at Quarter Maester has put together an incredibly detailed, interactive map for those looking to get a better understanding of the known world. It's also important to note that the person who added the Although the riverlands lack a city, they have many large towns, such as Maidenpool and Fairmarket. I agree with the creases. The continent extends far to the east, around the Jade Sea, to the distant and fabled lands of Asshai and the Shadow. In an effort to be as spoiler-free as possible, the map also includes notes on cities that are more heavily explored in later seasons or haven't been explored at all. Your email address will not be published. Humans appear to be mostly equivalent to humans on Earth, although some noticeable differences exist. Your email address will not be published. The map above clearly shows that Westeros, from the Game of Thrones TV series and the Song of Ice and Fire book series, is nothing more than Britain placed on top of an inverted Ireland.. The maesters try to predict the length of the seasons, monitoring the temperature and days length, to advise on when to plant and when to harvest and how much food to store. If you'd like to share this map with others and point them to a

WARNING! Bill Chadwick. For that matter, spring and summer had been relatively short, as the last winter ended at most only two years before. The far north presents an extremely harsh climate, allowing only small numbers of free folk in small villages, in those primarily wild and uncharted lands.

Now that Game of Thrones is over for another year, it's time to try and find something that can fill that hole in your heart that aches every Sunday night. In 281 AC, the winter had lasted close to 2 years. The map below, was an earlier version created by MongoLife and was also designed in a Google Map style: You can view a higher resolution version or even purchase a copy on the MongoLife website (Use coupon code: BRILLIANTMAPS to save 15%). MAP OF WESTEROS (and Essos, actually) While other mods give you banners and noble houses of Westeros and Essos, I decided to work in another direction. Sorry for the delay – it’s been a busy week or two. By the time the white raven from the Citadel arrives, it is snowing in King's Landing. They have adopted many Rhoynish customs as well, including equal primogeniture. and arrows using code from Lannisport, lying near Casterly Rock, is the chief settlement of the region and one of the great ports and cities of Westeros. A fansite for George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and HBO's Game of Thrones, featuring chapter and episode guides, character profiles, family trees, maps, essays, and more.
The map interface is based on the Storm’s End!) I love all your hand-crafted city symbols. Their seat, the Eyrie, is a castle high in the mountains, small but unassailable. A Song of Ice & Fire See more ideas about Westeros map, Westeros, Map. based on previous work by To start over, select Clear All. Other animals appear to be altered versions of contemporary animals or have no real-world equivalent.

Color an editable map, fill in the legend, and download it for free. alert me on the message board.

It is colder and much less populated than the south part of Westeros. A Game of Thrones, the first installment of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, has two maps of Westeros.

Leave them in the comment section below: Filed Under: Fictional Tagged With: Game of thrones.

Android In the far north are the frozen Lands of Always Winter, where a large amount of land remains uncharted due to the extremely cold temperatures. This is the first castle we explore in the books, with it’s two curtain walls, great keep, first keep and the Godswood.

The Tyrells were stewards to House Gardener, the Kings of the Reach before Aegon's Conquest. Westeros is a continent located in the far west of the known world. The road to the Eyrie is guarded by the three towers of Stone, Snow and Sky before reaching the castle itself.

Google Maps API, with custom tiles generated by Since the maps in that collection are clearly copyrighted

please allow popup windows for this website. Some species of animals inhabiting Westeros are similar to Pleistocene megafauna of Earth or historical animals. Thanks for writing about my map Here is an updated link.