My daughter brought this in today and I haven’t no idea what it is. Excellent information just as the ones on the different birds over the last months. The size of the eggs is related to the size of the parent, so small eggs will belong to small birds and large eggs to larger birds. Reference to BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) would probably clarify. First thing in the morning, remove the sheet and watch as the birds start arriving. Blackbird eggs can range from green to blue in appearance but are identifiable by their brown specks. Nest: In a dense ivy or thicket, roof thatch or holes in old buildings. Found in a plant pot in a friend’s garden (NW England) Can anyone identify. if you’re looking to welcome some feathered friends into your garden. call us today on 01778 342 665, Kennedy Wild Bird Food Ltd Peterborough The Warehouse, 74, Station road, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8RQ Company number 7458120, Copyright © 2018, Kennedy Wild Bird Food Ltd. | Site by FireCask, Birds nest near food sources, so grab one of our tried and tested. Birds’ eggs are a nutritious source of food, so it’s hardly surprising that lots of animals eat them. Found this nest in rose bushes in Missouri. I’ll make sure this is included in the identifier. Measuring 22.5 x 15.5mm in size, house sparrow eggs are often white with brown and grey freckles. In Cheshire, UK, single egg found under a garden tree in December intact and possibly fresh, white about 40mm long, traditional egg shape? Squirrel? Use this guide to garden bird eggs to help you identify eggs, bits of shell or nests you come across. They could be the nest of a house sparrow! eggs! We have lots more small birds in the garden, all hopefully nesting in our hedges. Got a question for us? Located in Georgia. I did not see any nests nearby. The lack of any markings looks to be Wood pigeon. We never condone taking eggs or disturbing nesting sites, as this can be severely disruptive and harmful to birds and their young. How to Identify Bird Nests and Eggs Well now is as good a time as ever to spot nests already built or to keep an eye out for those that might still be under construction. Like many other bird eggs, they also have pale brown freckles. It would have been a long drop! They’ll usually breed from the months of April and May, laying anywhere from 3 to 8 eggs. It looks like it might be a Goldfinch, the speckles vary which could account for the difference. Should we attempt to put it in a nest if we can see one easily? Our bird egg identifier can help you out! 27-31mm long. Eggs: Lays 4-9 clear blue/green eggs. Remember, before trimming any hedges or pruning shrubs and trees in spring, search through them carefully for any indication of an active nest. A stick nest 20’ up. What about coal tit, wagtail, greenfinch, etc? ((: Would you help me identify this egg. Found this dark green egg laying on the lawn in Norfolk UK just managed to rescue it from the chickens, Have never seen one like that before, have you any idea what it came from. 13-16mm long. The mistle thrush can lay 4 or 5 eggs per brood, with two broods occurring each year! Last one was on 4/28/18 Thank you. Thanks John. This was an unusually open (exposed) at low-level, (about three and a half feet, actually…), Wood Pigeon’s nest – in a Hawthorn sapling – ‘snapped’ a couple of years ago, now. Eggs: Lays 3-7 very pale bluish or off-white eggs, irregularly stippled with brown, usually denser at the rounded end. It has bluish -white or greenish-white background spotted (usually heavily) with grey markings. The goldfinch lays white bird eggs that are dotted with some pale, brown freckles. Could somebody help me identify this egg. i have found a white egg 3.5inches long on top of the ground what type of bird would it belong to? It’s not uncommon, particularly in spring, to happen upon bird eggs, pieces of shell or nests. What could this be please? Builds a rough nest, with an outer frame of twigs and grass, neatly lined with moss, hair or wool. Looks similar to a great tit’s nest (above). Ideal for growing on a windowsill to enjoy fresh herbs through winter. I found same type of egg shells (hatched) under a tree in my yard. IMG_2477.jpeg. Nest: Famous for nesting in any hollow in a steep bank, creeper thicket, hedge or fallen flowerpot at the back of a shed. Dunnock eggs can often be found in a nest of grass, leaves and root but often fall victim to the egg mimicking. Eggs that are pointed on one end may help to keep an egg from rolling away or off of a cliff. Size-wise, they are usually 29 x 22mm. Everyone thinks we put marbles in a nest, but no, they are eggs and the mama bird continues to nest. I am in New York, Latham. She laid one egg per day (in a nest built in the wreath in my front door) for five days. It doesn’t look like a photo has been uploaded. Found in Austin, Tx, on 5.30.2018 in our yard.