Instead, test it out. If you’re getting wounded through your connection to him, perhaps step away for now and let yourself heal. I think she was closer to sex neutral when we started this relationship but she has recently shared that she believes that she is moving in a direction where she doesn't want sex at all... To preface a few things, my primary love languages are physical connection and words of affirmation. It's ours. that really sucks. Where you were or are at now I have been a few years ago. Not being around friends and family and colleagues, is the pits. But I don't know if I can take the feelings of rejection and loneliness anymore... On my worst days I just feel like acts of service for her are acts of slavery and that all I really represent is a relationship of convenience and a paycheck. Am I the only one that loves going to the grocery store? Of course you didnt, he is the sole owner of his body and responses. It can’t be easy to see someone you love having a child with another, and don’t get so caught up in his story that you neglect your own. I have been always told to be assertive and ask for what you need or want. The only thing I know for certain is that he will be a great father. If you both are unable to meet each others needs as painful as it may be it might be time to end the partnership. I really try to speak her love languages to the best of my abilities, but honestly I don't feel like she puts any effort at all into speaking mine... these stand out to me as highlighting an underlying problem. chasing butterflies in my garden most likely, AVEN Unofficial discord and other resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, AVENues July/Aug/Sept 2020 - Ace Activism, 20th anniversary celebration of Haven for the Human Amoeba is 11 October.   Your previous content has been restored. It’s the one big question that, no matter where I’m asked it....making groceries, walkin’ the levee or just sittin’ on the porch, I don’t have the answer to. I just don’t know anymore. Trapjesus, February 20 in For Sexual Partners, Friends and Allies. So, I avoided it all. If you happen to be in the middle of an intersection and a drunk idiot runs the red light, chances are YOU’RE GOING TO DIE and GOD doesn’t pull you out of the way, I just doesn’t work that way. Paste as plain text instead, × But, the great unknown remains whether or not we’re gonna have that much-needed distraction that sports provides this fall. Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. Now he feels guilty. Let it pass through you, nod and smile, reach deep for your heart and understanding and let his arrows settle. So you likely only have the options of open relationship of breakup remaining if the other 2 are off the table. First, on his side. Over a year ago I decided to end the relationship it was to the point that it was so unhealthy. Even if she is a wonderful person, she may not be right for you or you for her. Breast Augmentation Complications - I just don't know anymore... - This week has been a really hard and depressing week for me. I learned so much about myself and I took responsibility for many things I blamed him for. I definitely think you need to have a conversation about this, whether with a counselor or just the two of you. I just hate that I can’t give them the answer that they want to here. I’m sorry for the stickiness to what you’re going through, and the suffering that comes with it. Click here to read more. Don’t take what I say for granted. From what you write, it sounds like she's avoidant of working together with you to both be happy. × I'm not quite sure if my "hairline" has stayed where it is or receded but it damn sure has thinned out. But... we dont have sex in between us. I can't give much advice on this but I guarantee you will not benefit from allowing yourself to resent her for who she is or yourself for that matter. This is actually the most I’ve struggled to hit the publish button with a post. She hasn't been willing to go to therapy with me... Not that there is anything wrong with her, but I feel we need a safe space and a third party to navigate our way through this.