I also find it really useful to have a few when playing a duke strategy, as you can find yourself full of duchies pretty quick. Embargo was changed so eac… - Envoy left the set and then became a promo. Scout depends on the game, it’s useful in games with Action-Victory or Victory-Treasure kingdoms. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than it. To me that meant making it the most true to the main set. The main set didn't have those things in part to keep it simple for new players and in part because you can only fit so much in 25 cards. Each of these functions would join the arsenal of basic Dominion card-design elements and go on to be reused by Donald X. Vaccarino in multiple future expansions. ( Log Out /  You have some really good articles and I think I would be a good asset. W. Eric Martin is the one who reported a friend of his getting over 50 coins in a turn with this. There are secret plots brewing, you're sure of it. I tried three different versions of it, all one-shots, and well people don't like one-shots. Individual analyses of Intrigue cards are linked below and also collected here. The second edition has removed both Saboteur and Tribute, and has a slightly modified Masquerade which has been revised to avoid the most punishing use from the first edition version. A passing servant murmurs, “The eggs are on the plate.” You frantically search your code book for the translation before realizing he means that breakfast is ready. It introduces 26 new Kingdom cards. The box contains 25 sets of Kingdom Cards. Intrigue is the first expansion to Dominion designed by Donald X. Vaccarino, released in 2009 by publisher Rio Grande Games. The Bridge effect is instant, right? If the first expansion was especially exotic, then when only the main set and that expansion were out, half the game would consist of this exotic stuff. The game can be played alone by players experienced in Dominion or with the basic game of Dominion. There are victory cards that do something before the end of the game, cards that interact with victory cards, and underlings that give you a choice as to what they do. It has 300 cards, with 26 new Kingdom cards. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Excellent. - There were two other cards that let you discard stuff for an effect, both of which could make it somewhere eventually in some form. Excellent. Thanks. Everything is going according to plan. The first-edition of Intrigue developed a somewhat unfounded reputation as a highly attack-heavy expansion: in actuality, Intrigue contained fewer Attack cards than the base set and fewer than the next expansion, Seaside. Terms of Use | Game designer Donald X. offered some insight into some themes of the set here, with how the Kingdom cards fit into that theme: Second Polish Edition (by GFP - note: this is still Intrigue First Edition). This page was last modified on 19 August 2020, at 19:34. Talk about crowd-pleasing. I’ve also used Scout with Loan and Venture to ensure that neither one discards a good action and to ensure that Loan trashes a Copper or that Venture hits a Gold. But the thing is, we found out we needed the promo the same day it was needed. There are victory cards that do things for you, underlings that give you a choice as to what they do, and a variety of other cards. This could be useful fairly often if you stock up on coppers, however I only use it early game as I trash my coppers afterwards. - There was a vanilla card. (Although when used in moderation, these cards COUNTER trashing attacks for exactly this reason: they keep some of your good cards safe in your hand where they can’t be trashed.). However, it’s really, really bad at this, its one function, so it’s best ignored. Privacy Policy | Coppersmith is pretty simple: when you play it, every copper in your hand gives two coins instead of one. Village. Exceptions – for example Mine – are stated on the card text. images © Rio Grande Games Dominion: Intrigue 2nd Edition is the 1st expansion to the game of Dominion. Moneylender, Throne Room, Minereceived a "you may" wording for accountability purposes 2. I like scout only if you have Great Halls on the board. Ironworks has that slot now. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. What function does the Scout have? Dominion: Intrigue adds rules for playing with up to 8 players at two tables or for playing a single game with up to 6 players. or only +2? Your opponent’s Swindler never gets a shot at them. For more detail on the design of the cards see Secret History of the Intrigue Cards or the cards themselves. You are allowed to put the non-victories back in any order. Compared to the first edition of Intrigue, six cards were replaced and one added. It has 300 cards. Intrigue is the 1st expansion to Dominion. ), choose one: +1 Action; or +1 Buy; or +$3; or gain a Gold. It worked for me last night, but as always IDOTCTAO. Gain a card costing up to $4. Well if I make a fixed-up version I will tell you all about it then. Steward helps, then later is +$2. This page has been accessed 193,721 times. That seems more reasonable. Minion has a semicolon where a comma should be, which messes up the meaning. Estates in hand might be good with Baron. These days a lot of the front page articles are chosen from there. At the very least, there are yours. The choices must be different. These cards were included in the first edition, and removed from the second edition. In principle, it also has synergies with multi-type victory cards (harem, nobles), but again, this is a very unreliable effect and you ought to be able to do better with your $4 on just about any board. Torturer and Village), do I get +4 actions? If the gained card is an…. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Anyway there was one and it didn't stick around and that's why. It's just sad to have this early on because each card matters more now; with just the main set you only have 25 cards and this one does not carve out much new territory. When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. Coppersmith is pretty simple: when you play it, every copper in your hand gives two coins instead of one. - There was another attack that trashed cards; Saboteur replaced it. Cards with an asterisk (*) were added in the second edition. Individual analyses of Intrigue cards are linked below and also collected here. There was an exotic one-shot that became a non-one-shot and moved to a later set. A second edition was released in Fall 2016, updating wording and formatting on cards, removing the basic cards, and replacing 6 first edition cards with 7 new ones. The first edition contained Basic Supply Cards to support up to 4 players, or up to 6 players when combined with those from base Dominion. The mechanics in the first expansion are things that to me are just a basic part of the game; later expansions may not have as many victory cards that do things or cards that say "choose one," but they'll have those things when they're wanted. In general you probably can't tell anything from the names of transplanted cards, which may have been changed anyway; but in this case they weren't and you can: feasting and chancellors fit right into this set. For the most part, these wording changes have no effect on how the card is played; however, a few received functional changes: 1. Chapel. , If you are able to get your victory cards on your hand though a card such as scout, it will allow your next hand to be significantly better. If the second expansion is the first exotic one, then it's down to a third of your cards (if you have the first expansion too) (of course it's even less if not all of the second expansion is exotic). Workshop. It was considered for the promo but just hadn't had any fans.