In an Adventure with Scientists!. The next day, Filch was hammering a proclamation to the wall. Umbridge Takes Over Emma Granger The next day, Filch was hammering a proclamation to the wall. Her younger brother was a Squib but she herself was born a witch. Her corruption carried out by the way she gave people who grovelled or sucked up to her, such as Malfoy power in her ranks. She is rendered unconscious during the scuffle that ensues, coming round only after Dumbledore has disappeared. She told her about Dumbledore's "secret weapon", which didn't actually exist, and successfully fooled Umbridge into following her to the "weapon's" location. She wears an unconvincing expression of grief on her toadlike face, a black velvet bow set on top of her hair. She isn't successful, with Hagrid managing to get away thanks to his brutish giant blood. "the sign read. Dolores is offended by any challenge to her limited world-view; I felt her surname conveyed the pettiness and rigidity of her character. Alias Despite this, though, Umbridge still votes to expel Harry from Hogwarts. What's even worse is that it's later revealed in the book that it was she who sent the Dementors - all to land the Boy Who Lived in hot water. ("Retrieving the Locket "). When the Ministry was taken over by the puppet Minister Pius Thicknesse, and infiltrated by the Dark Lord's followers, Dolores was in her true element at last. "Emma exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. When being confronted by Harry, Hermione and Ron under disguise and asked how she came into the possession of a locket which was also a Horcrux for her to replt that was in her family for generations, eraged at her hypocrisy Harry reminds Dolores of what she brutally taught him at school before throwing a spell at her. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 In spite of her best efforts to secure the affections of one of her superiors (she never cared particularly which of them it was, but knew that her own status and security would be advanced with a powerful husband), Dolores never succeeded in marrying. Once they began to write, the message etched itself into their skin. At the age of 17, she started an internship at the Improper Use of Magic Office, and by the age of 30, she became the Head of the Office, due to her ruthless tactics and tyrannical leadership under her sweet attitude. I am always a little wary when talking about these kinds of sources of inspiration, because it is infuriating to hear yourself misinterpreted in ways that can cause other people a great deal of hurt. This was part of a Ministry effort to keep the school and Harry Potter under control. She visibly enjoys seeing Trelawney humiliated and upset, and tells her to leave the school, as she is embarrassing herself. This woman was NOT 'the real Dolores Umbridge'. "To go it alone. Her corruption carried out by the way she gave people who grovelled or sucked up to her, such as Malfoy power in her ranks. "That's it! "I love you Emma Jane Granger. Umbridge was especially disrespectfun towards Professor Trelawney who was a fortune teller and asked her to predict something for Umbridg for her to reply "you are in terrible danger" which Umbridge replies as "good." You'll look after him, won't you? Had two Dementors from Azkaban to attack Harry Potter and his cousin at Privet Drive (Revealed In-book only). Dolores never saw her mother or brother again, never spoke of either of them, and henceforth pretended to all she met that she was a pure-blood. Additionally, she's considered one of the crueler examples of evil fictional teachers considering the harsh punishments she doled out to students who dared to cross her (such as when she forced Harry Potter to slash "I must not tell lies" onto his hand with a magical quill), the obvious favoritism she showed towards those who sucked up to her, and her feverish desire to place Hogwarts firmly under Ministry control with her as a proxy. She said it was one of the most "sickening parts she ever filmed". Lord Voldemort she would smile her sweetest, laugh, and deny any connection whatsoever, claiming that her deceased father had been a distinguished member of the Wizengamot. An accomplished witch, Dolores joined the Ministry of Magic directly after she left Hogwarts, taking a job as a lowly intern in the Improper Use of Magic Office. Umbridge gives Harry lines to write during his detention, I must not tell lies, and hands him a long, thin black quill to write with. After Voldemort's defeat, she was charged for crimes against humanity and she was sentenced to Azkaban for her actions. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dobby warns the students taking DA lessons in the Room of Requirement that Umbridge is on her way, having somehow found out about the group. Umbridge then attempted to perform the Cruciatus Curse on Harry in front of several Hogwarts students. It is later revealed that Umbridge was the one who sent the Dementors as an attempt to silence Harry in order to prevent him from contradicting the Ministry's claim that Voldemort is vanquished. She was portrayed by Imelda Staunton in the films, who also played Mrs. Lovett at the Chichester Theatre Festival's adaptation of Sweeney Todd, and Alexandrina Victoria Hannover in The Pirates! 'Dolores' means sorrow, something she undoubtedly inflicts on all around her. She only declares the detention finished when she is satisfied that the punishment has left a permanent mark on Harry's hand. She dressed only in pink and wore a decorative bow on her head, she decorated her office with cats and enjoyed to drink tea along with cakes and sweets. Umbridge stands at the foot of the stairs in the Entrance Hall, looking at Professor Trelawney standing in the middle of the Hall. Grawp took the handlebars of a bike and rang the bell. Dolores Jane Umbridge was the eldest child and only daughter of Orford Umbridge, a wizard, and Ellen Cracknell, a Muggle, who also had a Squib son. Umbridge was a colossally prejudiced woman as well, she believed that half-bloods (or Mudbloods) were inherently inferior and registered them with extreme cruelty at the Ministry of Magic under Lord Voldemort's fascist reign. McGonagall attempts to come to his defense, though and is hit in the chest with several stunning spells. She gave extremely prejudiced trials to Muggle-borns claiming that they stole their magical abilities and wands from "pure" wizards. This was part of a Ministry effort to keep the school and Harry under control. When Dumbledore escaped, Umbridge became the new headmaster, and she enacted severe punishments on students suspected of participating in secret organizations. She was designated as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by order of the Ministry and was later promoted to Hogwarts High Inquisitor and eventually Headmistress. Umbridge observing a humiliated Professor Trelawney in the Entrance Hall, as Professor McGonagall tries to comfort her. When we next see Umbridge in the Deathly Hallows book and Deathly Hallows: Part 1 movie, she's back to being vile again. "Hagrid, what's going on? Umbridge was xenophobic towards half-breeds as well and because of this she was extremely disrespectful towards Hagrid the Gamekeeper as he was half-giant and spoke in an insulting tone towards the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest. Take power over Hogwarts School (temporarily succeeded).Enforce her rules onto the school (temporarily succeeded).Conceal it from any sign of Dark Magic (temporarily succeeded).Overthrow Albus Dumbledore and have the school be under the direct control of the Ministry of Magic and Cornelius Fudge (temporarily succeeded).Silence and torture any student in Hogwarts who objects to her orders including Harry Potter.Break up "Dumbledore's Army" (temporarily succeeded).Register all Muggle-Born children and the adults to the Muggle-Born Registration Commission (failed). The magical world of Harry Potter's biggest adversary throughout the series was obviously Lord Voldemort - but the repulsive Dolores Umbridge would certainly have to come a close second. The new Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour, had more immediate problems pressing in on him than Dolores Umbridge. I once shared an office with a woman who had covered the wall space behind her desk with pictures of fluffy kitties; she was the most bigoted, spiteful champion of the death penalty with whom it has ever been my misfortune to share a kettle. Her voice was incredibly relaxed and rarely displayed genuine emotion ,aside from sinisterly smiling while making Harry use her "special quill." She also forced her father to quietly retire from his job, severing all ties to him and also denying she was related to him, from that point on considering herself only a pure-blood rather than a half-blood. ("The Funeral"), An unconscious Umbridge at a trial held by the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. A one-stop shop for all things video games. As one of Harry Potter's antagonist, Dolores Umbridge did a lot to make the characters and fans hate her. Dolores Umbridge is considered by fans to be one of the most hated. However, under Albus Dumbledore's persuasion, the vast majority of the crowd – Umbridge excluded – were in favor of clearing Harry of all charges. She sounds callously amused as she questions Trelawney's surprise at being dismissed, and tells the teacher that her pitiful performance during the inspections made it inevitable she would be sacked. As the head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, she has a large wanted poster of Harry in her office, to which she has added the words "To be punished" indicating her hatred of him. However, Harry is forced into using a Patronus Charm on two Dementors from Azkaban jail when they swoop in on him and his cousin, Dudley Dursley, during the summer of 1995. Moral Event Horizon stating that she has been manipulating Fudge from the start. Gillian Berrow, a story writer for the television series. "Aw, Grawpy, I brought you some visitors. Even at a young age Umbridge lacked any moral centre whatsoever which carried out by the size of her wand and not her height. Lord Voldemort | The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. However, before she was able to follow through with the curse, Hermione Granger stopped Umbridge. As one of Harry Potter's antagonist, Dolores Umbridge did a lot to make the characters and fans hate her. Ellen and her son returned to the Muggle world, never to be heard of again. Ellen and her son returned to the Muggle world, never to be heard of again. She later reappears as a judge under Voldemort's supremacist reign in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. ("Dumbledore's Escape"). Umbridge during her inspection at Trelawney's class. He wrenches it out and takes it back which, when you consider how much of a mentor the dead Auror was, is the right and respectful thing to do. Umbridge boots all three of them off the Gryffindor team, all while letting Malfoy off the hook. Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge is a villain from the Harry Potter franchise and serves as the secondary main antagonist in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Now that must have felt good... NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Battle Of Hogwarts Elements The Movie Left Out, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Ron and Harry slightly chuckled, but stopped as soon as she glared at them. "the sign read. When Dumbledore escaped, Umbridge became the new headmaster, and she enacted severe punishments on students suspected of participating in secret organizations.