By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Dark Souls The Board Game Wiki. This cuts grinding way down but doesn't give you more total souls. double souls received from encounters, start with half the number of sparks. I've recently started seperating the deck into tiers which makes campaigns run better. Obviously you have only 5 black dice anyways, but you would reroll one after noting what it was. These form the shop items. We only have one, to reduce grindiness without balance change. Tier one encounters give you 2 souls per player, tier two gives you 3, and tier 3 gives you 4. And since treasure costs souls, I think it's relevant. Comics? Re: Hollowed update, cool! 1 soul encounter cards give 2 souls, 2 soul encounter cards give 3 souls, and the large soul encounter cards give 4 … Double souls received from encounters, start with half the number of sparks. Cons: Scales poorly to 4-player games (1 spark is too harsh). The rules advise replacing 15 random items with the 15 treasures from an expansion - would I try to do 7/8 from tier 1/2? It wasn't my intended purpose to have such a gap in power, will work on making the rule better. That way you're reward more souls defeating it on a solo run. According to the first variation, Sentinal would roll 6 black dice. This stagger skips 1 of their attacks (draw the attack, but nothing happens) allowing some breathing room in the boss fights. But unless you're playing solo, you don't have that luxury; you have to play every encounter with your best loot anyway. If you manage to kill him early, you don't lose out on all the potential souls you'll likely need for the second half of the game. We've also considered separating the class loot pile and the main loot pile into two. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You don't get any extra treasure or extra boss info, and the encounters will be roughly as hard or as easy as the previous ones. From there, you would block 4 damage out of whatever Sentinal would roll. Well said! What I found that was kind of strange was that there's very little reason to keep any souls between encounters. Just wondering if folks use any house rules for treasure decks. To represent the risk vs reward factor in the actual Dark Souls Games, I created a rule that after an encounter, you could go on to the next encounter without returning to the bonfire, and if you defeat that encounter, you gain 1 extra soul per person. Rules . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DarkSoulsTheBoardGame community, Continue browsing in r/DarkSoulsTheBoardGame. I like the idea of starting the party with 8 souls, which gives you some motivation from square one. This caused my players to argue among themselves on whether or not they should go greedy for the extra souls or call it a day and rest at the bonfire. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I found this was more fun for the players as they felt more of a sense of accomplishment as the game progressed. When they're turned up, place an open chest instead of a chest or gravestone. Press J to jump to the feed. In the second variation that I decided to use with them over the previous, Sentinal would roll 2 blue die total, so it's garunteed to do damage and most likely hit like a truck. Pros: Easy to explain; eliminates grinding; preserves total souls received; preserves randomness; compatible with shop rules. So homebrew at your own risk ;), I haven't played enough yet but it seems annoying that the souls you get don't scale with encounter difficulty. Let me start off with some of the most common house rules: Double Souls Half Sparks: Double all souls you receive. Certainly in a solo campaign, the 16 starting souls are the key reason the game doesn't take 5 hours. Created by Steamforged Games. The rules advise replacing 15 random items with the 15 treasures from an expansion - would I try to do 7/8 from tier 1/2? I think the designers wanted you to have multiple gear sets for different encounters, so you could put on your Knight-Killer poison whip or your Sentinel-Killer greataxe as needed. We noticed it early on and switched to a system where we'd shuffle all the loot together, draw 60 cards, and then add class loot. ooohhh nice! In one especially irksome run, none of the three heroes had more than 2 blue block by the main boss. Welcome to Dark Souls: The Board Game. room 3 would give 2 souls/person, room 4 would give 3 souls/person. Armor, weapons, spells, and upgrades. Where are you gathering your lore source material from for these quests? Overview of a Playthrough . I'm looking to start a recurring legacy(ish)-style game in early August - think the updated rules will be ready by then??? You could try to stagger the heat up attack, which could be argued part of skill and memory but kind of defeats the purpose of the stronger attacks/heat up moves. After playing a little with my friends, we kept dying to the boss, so we thought "What would be a fun house rule to make the bosses a little easier, but still hard?" Ooooh I like that!! Plus, come on, you should get more souls for harder battles. The mini boss drop 9 souls per player, then that's multiplied by # of sparks remaining. Just like in the normal rules, when one player would die, all their souls would drop and the spark counter would go down. You would spend 2 or 3 souls to draw from the class loot pile instead of 1. Splitting the deck up also added another layer of strategy--my group would spend time discussing whether we were shooting for better armor, or upgrades, or whatever depending on how we felt we were doing with the encounters. We decided that every time the boss take 10 damage, they get staggered. The grind is definitely tedious and that's what led to our desire to change things up. Finally, more than $3.7m was raised. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Before adding your class or legendary loot to the loot pile, shuffle the loot pile and cut it in half. I really enjoy your house rule! That way you can attempt to kill him at the end of each round of encounters instead of farming the maximum number of times first. Each rest, replace any face-up encounter cards with new ones from the same encounter level deck. Dark Souls board game was released in 2017. Also, whenever you're supposed to draw a random card, you can either pick one of the piles to get a random card from, or just roll a d4 to see which stack you should pull from--we have played both ways. Ive just been going over the rulebook to make custom maps and questlines (with npc sidequests in the style of the game) based on lore that hasn't been touched on that much in the main series. That particular group I DM for are gluttons for punishment. I've actually been having a lot of fun with the game as it is designed, but I did want to scale the reward up for harder difficulty encounters so I made lvl 2 encounters reward two bonus souls and level three reward three bonus souls. Or... Something like law? I'm really reluctant to make a house rule to any board game before playing a dozen full games, but running the same strategies against the same enemies in the same places was just tedious. Prepare to Die. In 2016, Steamforged Games launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $50k for creating the game. I'm no sadist, but it's nice to see the players suffer the consequences of greed. Dark Souls The Board Game Wiki has the best information on weapons, armor, classes, items, locations, secrets, bosses, walkthroughs, and maps. It would make the probability of class-specific treasures and transposed treasures coming up a lot, lot less common if I added the 45 extra treasures from Dark Root/Iron Keep/Explorers - would that mess with game balance? The loot bloat has been a problem. It should go without saying that implementing too many house rules, or rules that would make future play throughs of the game too repetitive, may kill the fun of the game! I think the initial idea from SFG is that you only add those items if you're gonna play that xpack, but in reality people will just mix and match. I usually split my treasure deck into four different decks. Yeah it's a bit of an issue that all the new items bloat the decks a bit. 1 soul encounter cards give 2 souls, 2 soul encounter cards give 3 souls, and the large soul encounter cards give 4 souls. This page will be updated with the rules of the game. We've played through several times and love the game, but we've implemented a few homebrew / house rules to enjoy it more! character specific, as I allow these to be used by anyone if they have the stats for it) and draw 66 cards. I typically use the hollowed edition rules (tier 1 + tier 2 decks), but how to deal with expansion decks? This is especially nice when playing with few players because you'd otherwise probably have to farm through the same level 1 and 2 enocunters ~4 times to thin out the treasure deck enough to let you get to the good stuff after the mini boss. Rules in Dark Souls the Board Game will be covered on this page. After dying horribly, we looked at the deck and realized that we had almost the best armor already. It would make things much faster if I just combined ALL treasure items from expansions into my tier 1/2 decks - would that work? If items are sold back, they get added to the bottom of the treasure pile. Similarly, I'd love to organize my game so setup is faster. Only use one of those halves as the main loot pile. That was our last game, so I'm not sure what we'll do going forward. As for class items, in the upcoming update for Hollowed Ed. Just some ideas from our end! Prepare to Die. The game's difficulty seems fine, nothing I want to change until I see repeatedly that something's off. Just wondering if folks use any house rules for treasure decks. Created by Steamforged Games. This stagger skips 1 of their attacks (draw the attack, but nothing happens) allowing some breathing room in the boss fights. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Mini Boss should be 14 souls by default. Dark Souls™ - The Board Game. When they're turned up, place an open chest instead of a chest or gravestone. So why not make it more interesting? I'm going to start using that as well now I think. Pre-game - select the mini-boss and boss you wish to play against, arrange the appropriate ai, encounter, treasure, and … I further expanded on this to make it every damage that the enemy dealt to you would be a blue die. We've had a problem where a certain card will be under-represented. For example, Sentinal deals 6 damage, but you block 4 of it. When they made a B-line to the dropped souls, sometimes someone would randomly die and they would watch all of their hard work disappear. This just eliminated a lot of grinding. Personally, I will mix all treasure cards (incl. It also got rid of the expansion item issue. We've played through several times and love the game, but we've implemented a few homebrew / house rules to enjoy it more! More posts from the DarkSoulsTheBoardGame community, Continue browsing in r/DarkSoulsTheBoardGame. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Some other suggestions from the comments below: Each rest, replace any face-up encounter cards with new ones from the same encounter level deck. I use a simple house rule: double souls received from encounters, start with half the number of sparks. They could only use these on leveling up stats. We let the mini boss drop 9 * number of players * number of sparks left souls when he's defeated. Dark Souls board game is developed by Steamforged Games. Lastly, not a treasure house rule but a souls house rule. One party member had never played Dark Souls ever, while another party member started out with 10 souls. Your maximum sparks are cut in half (round up). I really like this rule, but if I use it for the games I play, I might reconsider drawing an attack. It keeps the challenge and will to stay alive with the higher risk due to lower spark count!