She is also mature and truthful about anyone or anything. "What's going on?" Weight Eventually, she infiltrated the home of the cursed sword, Osthreinsburg Castle. As she gazed at her damaged sword and shield, the image of her sister and her young niece and nephew flashed through the back of her mind. For the fatal hit, she places her shield & sword over her butt before smashing down once more with a pink heart covering part of the screen. She made up her mind to free the city. She holds up the sword, with the broken piece seemingly fixed but then it falls back off. Cassandra can place a lot of pressure through her rush-down capabilities, combos, stuns and throws. After they laid Rosalind to rest in a small cemetery, Crowley rode with Cassandra to Castle Araluen. So great was Cassandra's concern about the weapon, she forgot that she destroyed the demonic blade. "No… I can't give up." Her sister's precious sword and shield bore the scars from countless battles. In the mountains to the east, she happened upon a city where the residents had lost their minds from the effects of evil energy. Female This is all your fault!" She also appears as an NPC in Soulcalibur VI, appearing in her new timeline counterparts story mode. Height By the time Cassandra woke up, her surroundings were warped into a strange place. She is also known as a seductress, able to get any man to fall for her. Debbie Rogers (Soulcalibur II)Sue Nelson (Soulcalibur III)[1]Heather Halley (Soulcalibur IV - Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, Soulcalibur: Lost Swords)[2] One day, an Astral Fissure opens up and she is confronted with her past self. Her only company in that time was a tomcat, Arhu who loved her dearly, but she sought more than his feline companionship; by giving him human form the depth of her conversations and connections to the feline were deepened. Choose your favorite cassandra original artwork from the hundreds of thousands of artists. Birthplace SCII Cassandra, in Greek mythology, the daughter of Priam, the last king of Troy, and his wife Hecuba. Cassandra decided to follow the man to Osthreinsburg and find out. Final Crush: In Cassandra's Critical Finish, she slashes her opponent then playfully knocks them over with her butt. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, She destroys the cursed sword, but is thrown back by the force released by the cursed sword. He would always escape from them when they reached port but got caught each time, since the pirates were vampires who presumably turned him. She returned to Greece to consult with her blacksmith brother-in-law, Rothion. The Originals Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Cassandra Cassandra, statue at the Flower Garden of Kroměříž, Cz.Rep. Cassandra leaps from the shrine and hastily leads Sophitia away, telling her they should go home. Cassandra's true strength lies in her belief in herself, as opposed to otherwordly deities, in which to secure her choices and destiny. Cassandra, statue at the Flower Garden of Kroměříž, Cz.Rep. In Soulcalibur III, Cassandra still has her tights and white boots, but she now wears an indigo jacket with a white shirt underneath, a pink ribbon held down by a silver pendant loosely around her neck, and a pauldron on her right shoulder. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Cassandra's meaning is to "excel and shine". In Homer’s Iliad, she is the most beautiful of Priam’s daughters but not a prophetess. Soulcalibur II His eyes were stained red; she was reminded of the story she had heard about a swordsman who had led the mad townsfolk. Half-crazed however, she launches herself in a frenzy after her younger counterpart but ultimately loses. Aware she was on her deathbed, Rosalind had Crowley Meratyn promise to keep her daughter safe. She also has long, white gloves, pauldrons, brown tights, and short, white boots. This article was most recently revised and updated by, Modern American Poetry - Cassandra in the Classical World, Cassandra - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Gender In her wanderings inside the Astral Chaos, Cassandra ends up in a parallel world and is found by Edge Master. Apache Cassandra is a free and open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. She felt completely helpless—she may have used her sword and shield a bit roughly, but she couldn't believe that arms made from holy ore could be damaged. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Athens, Ottoman Empire (present-day Greece) Cassandra does not know that she's following Soul Calibur, the spirit sword that was made to destroy Soul Edge. Ω Sword & Nemea Shield (Soulcalibur II)Digamma Sword & Nemea Shield (later games) When Sebastian was eight, his parents sold him to pirates and he grew to despise that life. I'll let you live... for now.". Status First game Heaven's Guardian: This is her unblockable attack. Angel Judex: That's her second hit of Guardian Wings, which sends the enemy in the air even if he's lying on the ground. Cassandra appears in Tower of Lost Souls Ascend mode as boss under the floor "Uber Airhead" and also appears in "Unfailing Tower" & "Envoy Of Destruction", TOLS Ascend Mode Boss: Uber Airhead (Floor 23), Partners: Beleth & Helios (Uber Airhead Floor 23), Sophitia & Talim (Envoy Of Destruction Floor 57). In Soulcalibur IV, Cassandra's 1P costume is based on her 2P costume design from the previous games, lacking the brown tights she wore in the previous two games. Rosalind went into labor one month early, successfully giving birth to Cassandra. 5'5" (164cm) A lively and informative new podcast for kids that the whole family will enjoy! Father: AchelousMother: Nike (Deceased)Older Sister: Sophitia (Deceased)Brother-in-law: Rothion (Deceased; does not know of passing) Niece: PyrrhaNephew-in-law-to-be: Jurgis (Does not know; deceased)Nephew: Patroklos Younger Brother: Lucius Cassandra is a new upcoming character that will appear in Call of Magic. Angered by her sister's panicked reaction to the shard, Cassandra ran to the Hephaestus Shrine. She realized then that Soul Edge was still alive. With the destruction of Soul Edge, the Astral Chaos that corrupted the castle began to contract quickly. For this impiety, Athena sent a storm that sank most of the Greek fleet as it returned home. After a hard fight, she was able to finally land a blow on her assailant, but he only sneered at Cassandra and vanished, "So, girl, you can ward off evil, though not as strong as the Holy Stone. Around the time when light began to filter in from the eastern skies, the holy weapon disappeared from the temple. She's wearing what appears to be the top of a blue, with straps on the top part and a tied pink ribbon. Appears in and then launches Stardust Strike, Shield Nova, Holy Smash and her Seraphim Cyclone grab. I can feel it," the man said, and in an instant he was upon her. There she saw a familiar metal shard. she said to herself. She is a witch that's been trapped in a magic prison and she's out looking for vengeance. Her older brother was Hector, hero of the Greco-Trojan war. Cassandra, in Greek mythology, the daughter of Priam, the last king of Troy, and his wife Hecuba. Dragging her injured body along as she looked for Sophitia, she finally found her sister's collapsed body in one of the castle's rooms. Japanese voice actor She need not worry, for surely her sister would be overjoyed with her safe return. She set out to learn more, and then a rumor caught her attention: a man carrying a mass of crystal as tall as himself was on his way to Osthreinsburg. In the mountains to the east, she happened upon a city where the residents had lost their minds from the effects of evil energy. There, she was united with he… A laugh echoed around her. Blood type The rape of Cassandra by Ajax was a favourite scene in Greek art. "; in the Japanese version, she further ridicules the opponent by playfully showing disappointment. In modern usage her name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate someone whose accurate prophecies are not believed. Feeling deeply apprehensive, there was nothing Cassandra could do but to flee the city. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Cassandra was reputed to be a daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. It was undoubtedly a fragment of Soul Edge. If the crystal he bore had the power to smite evil, then that could only mean some evil presence lurked in the ruined castle there. She also wears a silver eye mask that partially covers her identity. Relationships In Homer ’s Iliad, she is the most beautiful of Priam’s daughters but not a prophetess. Therefore, when Sophitia disappeared again a few years later, Cassandra was certain that her sister had left to contend with Soul Edge once more. Birthdate According to Aeschylus’s tragedy Agamemnon, Cassandra was loved by the god Apollo, who promised her the power of prophecy if she would comply with his desires. Cassandra and Sophitia look down to see the broken piece of the sword, which Cassandra had dropped. After Sophitia expresses how relieved that she's okay, Cassandra replies that she's fine, but the sword isn't in the best shape. Cassandra set out once again for the town she has visited before Eastern Europe, hoping to find more clues that would lead her to Soul Edge. She slumps back and cries, "I don't know how to fix it...". Panicked, Cassandra searched her tunic, but the fragment of the cursed sword was gone. She's also briefly mentioned on Sophitia's Soulcalibur profile as well, as she witnessed Taki bringing her unconscious sister home, and goes on a shopping trip when Sophitia meets her future husband, Rothion. Interesting. But who stood in her path was none other than Sophitia, who surrendered to the evil sword after her daughter was taken hostage. Her voice reverberated throughout the desolate hallowed grounds. Cassandra is known for her overall well-balanced, yet aggressive fighting style. As they leave, the sword falls down in two pieces behind them. "Damn you, Hephaestus! As, Sophitia expresses how relieved that she's okay,Cassandra leaps from the shrine and cautiously approaches Sophitia, telling her that she's fine. The sister of the tyrant Braccus Rex, Cassandra was trapped in a tower by her brother.