With regular practice of meditation: Meditation makes you aware - that your inner attitude determines your happiness. Read about the various spiritual benefits of yoga and learn why yoga is not a religion. We feature the latest research, stories of recovery, ways to end stigma and strategies for living well with mental illness. Meditation doesn’t have a religion and can be practiced by anybody regardless of the faith they follow. In an amazing number of ways, religious attendance is good for the economy. The 1997 study, also from Duke University Medical Center looked at 1,718 older adults, and found that the highly spiritual participants were about half as likely as those who don’t attend religious services to have high levels of interleukin-6, an inflammatory protein in the immune system linked to certain cancers, autoimmune diseases, and some viral infections. A 1998 study found that religiously active older adults are 40% less likely to have high blood pressure than those who are less active. The mind becomes fresh, delicate, and beautiful. RELATED: 5 Weird Ways Love Can Affect Your Body. Religious beliefs help to improve the physical well being of a person. Spirituality is universal, yet in many ways, it's personal - just like yoga itself. Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state that promotes healing. It is true that man has often misused the ideals of religion for their own selfish ends. , derive from the extra human capital, lower unemployment among the religious, fewer crimes being committed, and other benefits listed above. Arlington, VA 22203, NAMI Required Disclosures For Written Solicitations. The psychological perks and health benefits of religion may stem from the social support offered by religious communities. 4301 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300 Religion is a completely personal choice and should be left to the choice of individuals. Doctors explain how to tell if you have a head cold or something more serious that requires medical attention, such as the flu, strep throat, meningitis, or mono. In other words, believers tend to have more friends! This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases. Religious participation by kids has been shown to result in less juvenile delinquency, less drug use including less smoking, better school attendance, and a higher probability of graduating from high school. Most importantly: We feature your voices. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. People who made a difference. “Peace, forgiveness, serenity, simplicity, faith, hope, and love to name a few of the many benefits that come from the practice of religion. Please enter email address in correct format. That is equivalent to being the world’s 15th-largest national economy, … More cost savings for those entitlement programs. Different religious traditions have played a major role in the evolution of society. , Comment Closed, March 21, 2014 Religious teachers, such as Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Guru Nanak challenged many social norms, such as caste systems and ossified social customs. But, religion may be the inspiration for someone to lead a better life. feeling connected to others, nature or art), Prompts expression in any form such as art, poetry, myth or religious practice, Inspires appreciation and awareness of a person’s interaction with the physical environment. We which work in a mental health field needs to understand the true make-up of a person to better address life's issues. I have a particular focus on government policies that strive to redistribute income or wealth either openly or in indirect ways. In honor of Christmas and the holiday season, I thought I might write a little lighter column, with a religious focus to fit the festive mood. Meditation doesn’t have a religion and can be practiced by anybody regardless of the faith they follow. Any in my area are certainly welcome at my church, Central Presbyterian Church of Athens, Georgia. Their beliefs in the supernatural are strengthened and confirmed. The takeaway is that: If presented in a supportive way, religion and spirituality can help people improve their mental health and promote recovery. According to a 201o study in the American Sociological Review, this is likely because regular church attendance leads to strong social bonds within congregations. years of life expectancy. They also end up on welfare and unemployed less often. This suggests that the mechanism for these benefits may be as much or more the social network that a religious community provides than the actual practice of the religion in a theological sense. Exploration of spirituality results in the personal growth of the followers. a ceremony for the loss of a loved one), Provides structure, regularity and predictability, Allows for time to rest as well as holidays and other special times of the year, Provides guidelines to live by (i.e. The simple declaration read: “We must treat others as we wish others to treat us”. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Each religion has its own beliefs and ideologies and should be mutually respected by others in the world. Stay in your living room and still spike your heart rate. While religion and spirituality are similar in foundation, they are very different in practice. To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. Others are monies saved (for example, by not imprisoning as many people), so they do not actually contribute to GDP or other visible statistics, but they save society money. Is Your Doctor Gaslighting You? However, faith IS a very big part of recovery. Taking a generally free…. Congregation members of any religion enter into wonderful friendships that last for their lifetime. There have been cases where physically unwell people have regained health after they became followers of a particular religion. , Erwin Z, Comment Closed. But, there are also teachings and a culture which can help lift up man to live a better, more fulfilling and more selfless life. It cleanses and nourishes you from within and calms you, whenever you feel overwhelmed, unstable, or emotionally shut down. Excited about the Pope's visit? Religious people report more happiness and score higher in terms of life-satisfaction than non-believers. “, – Sri Aurobindo (Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, p.211). Includes St Francis of Assisi, Mirabai and Guru Nanak. Meditation can bring about a true personal transformation. The researchers from Duke University Medical Center measured the blood pressure of almost 4,000 participants, and surveyed them on their religious participation, and while the results were positive for spiritual people, the researchers couldn’t figure out why. The researchers theorize the many social benefits of a religious community may help keep people healthier for longer. On top of all these economic benefits, one that cannot really be quantified is that people who are religiously involved are also happier. Some of the benefits are direct gains that show up in economic statistics. To learn more about how faith and spirituality can benefit mental health, go to www.nami.org/faithnet. Religious faith can be a source of courage to fight oppression. My faith is not part of my illness; it can't be. EEA countries and Switzerland are not available to select due to GDPR (European data privacy law). Even if nobody starts going to religious services because of this column, perhaps, as we are counting our blessings in this holiday season, we can be thankful for all the economic benefits religion is bringing us on top of the spiritual rewards that are its main purpose. Religious teachings provide insights into human nature and many of life's mysteries. “The idea of religion and spirituality is like a rectangle versus a square. This principle of selfless service is found in all the main religions and has led to the foundation of many charitable works. Role in promoting ethics in political life. In a meditative state, you are in a space of vastness, calmness and joy and this is what you emit into the environment, bringing harmony to the Creation/planet. Effortless transition from being something to merging with the infinite and recognizing yourself as an inseparable part of the whole cosmos. It results in the general mental well being of the followers. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.”. Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 17). From primitive civilisations to the acme of Western civilisation, there have always been people unsatisfied with a purely materialistic interpretation of life. The 1999 study found that skipping religious services translates into a 1.87 times greater risk of death versus those who (heh, religiously) show up. The self-expression of God is in the endless variety of creation; and our attitude toward the Infinite Being must also in its expression have a variety of individuality – ceaseless and unending.”. Religious faith has often been a source of courageous action. In a 2010 study of religion’s effect on older people’s health, researchers found that men who are very involved in organized religion have the best mental health. Other great leaders inspired by religious teachings on forgiveness include Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the 14th Dalai Lama. Answer: Religion has a positive effect in many ways, including giving individuals a sense of meaning and moral guidance. In Indian and Asiatic religion there is a similar strand of richly devotional music, that has enriched human culture. At the World Parliament of Religions (1993), a declaration towards a Global Ethic was made. The researchers interviewed 345 late-stage cancer patients, and assessed their spirituality up through their death. , Comment Closed. Benefits Of this is because it advances our need for care. That is about one-sixth of our total economic output. Religion can become stale and ossified itself, but religious leaders and new spiritual movements have the capacity to think outside the box and offer different paths for people to follow. By agreeing to the Terms of Use, I am willing to receive emails from The Art of Living about our Future Programs. Here are some of religion’s main mental health benefits. Within the context of religion, some of the most profound, moving and sublime music has been created. All other programs and services are trademarks of their respective owners. Less juvenile delinquency also provides big savings through the avoided costs of incarceration and rehabilitation.