Here are a few common 2-month-old sleep problems you might face, and how to solve them: Constant nighttime feedings. I sleep beside the crib in the nursery. In the next few months, you might notice that her distance vision has improved if you see her staring out the window, for example. Wake time length: 45 minutes to 1 hour and 45 minutes She may end up falling back asleep on her own. Depending on your situation, different factors may come into play as you decide if and when to go back to work, including your finances, maternity leave options, and general family considerations. 4:00 — Feed The Baby Sleep Site® is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other product affiliate programs. Usually, babies this age can snooze for nine to 12 hours at night and three to four hours during the day. How often and how much should your baby eat? Generally, if your baby is happy and isn’t acting overtired, and she’s sleeping roughly 15 hours a day, then she is doing well. She takes little catnaps throughout the day (mostly while being held, which I know is "bad," but she wakes up whenever I put her down), and we put her down for the night whenever she looks tired, anytime between 8 and 11 p.m. She'll usually wake up for a feeding twice at night and then sleep till around 8 a.m., then after another feed, she'll go back to sleep for a couple more hours. He'll slowly develop the ability to bring his hand to his mouth — initially it might happen by accident, but eventually he will place his hands in his mouth on purpose as sucking his knuckles will be soothing. Your attention tells him that his voice is important too and helps build trust. She doesn't understand that I need to focus on him because he's a baby. He gets really happy and giggly while I'm doing all of this, so I sing and talk to him. Hi @Rini – This should really help!! Not all babies are active and playful after a feed – some have their playtime once they wake up, which is okay! Here are some of the baby development milestones your 2-month-old baby may be approaching. As your baby grows and matures, he or she will consolidate sleep and transition to just 3 naps by 5-6 months old. [Accessed December 2015]. Be clear about what you need help with and consider having it in writing. At this stage, some (but not all) babies even manage to sleep through the night, meaning about six to eight hours in one stretch. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Speaking of growth, you may have noticed that your baby's nails seem to grow at the speed of light. There are many types of birthmarks and their appearance and duration vary. I put him in his crib groggy but awake, shut the door, and let him sleep. Around 1 p.m. he gets another feeding, I pump, and I try to get him to take a nap. Due to misinformation and our own lack of knowledge on the subject, my wife lost her milk after a few weeks. 8:30 — Nap (*Fixed Point) Tummy time involves laying your baby on his tummy on a firm surface like the floor — just make sure you're watching. 10:00 — Wake and Feed Your baby may sleeping in longer stretches at night within the next few weeks, and being awake more during the day. Note: This schedule somewhat follows the eat-play-sleep routine, however, it is sometimes hard to do at this age when the amount of time between naps is not long enough and your baby wakes too early from his nap because of a feeding. [Accessed December 2015], NSF. Do you count your baby’s age in weeks or months? Bedtimes aren’t always very early at this age given babies aren’t yet sleeping 11-12 hours, yet, as they will at 4 months old. Your child will then show you the amount of sleep that is normal and healthy for them. You may not have to worry about reminding yourself — you'll know it's time when you or your baby get scratched! Love this post! We struggle around 5 p.m. Most babies have established a fairly solid sleep schedule by 8 months. After eating, he swings in his swing, watches his mobile or sometimes TV, and then falls asleep for a short nap. KellyMom has a great page with helpline resources you can check out here: Everything you need to know about baby sleep and baby sleep schedules through the first year, including: Newborn Sleep Schedule 2 Month Old Sleep Schedule 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule. Most 2-month-olds sleep 9-12 hours at night and 4-6 hours during the day broken into several naps. About 30 minutes before she tends to fall asleep, start preparing your baby for bed. When he “talks,” try not to interrupt or look away. Since we mostly work with sleep, we are not really qualified to answer specific feeding questions, especially since your answer would depend on how much you’re producing, etc., and we want to make sure your little one is getting enough You can check in with your pediatrician or lactation consultant, or call a breastfeeding helpline in your area for more support. Day-night confusion should be subsiding, and you may see baby settle into a rough pattern of 60 to 90 minutes of awake time followed by 30 minutes to two hours of napping.