15, 1.— Hence,II Meton., of the gods, patrons, tutelary deities of agriculture, as Ceres, Bacchus, Faunus, etc. In the fifth campaign, [100] Agricola, crossing over in the first ship, [101] subdued, by frequent and successful engagements, several nations till then unknown; and stationed troops in that part of Britain which is opposite to Ireland, rather with a view to future advantage, than from any apprehension of danger from that quarter. No less grave and no less urgent is another duty: that of the religious and economic assistance of the campesinos, of that not small portion of your sons forming the population, mostly, Christi rursus audiamus verba: “Ego sum vitis vera, et Pater meus, to the words of Jesus: "I am the true vine and my Father is the. 14. For we have neither cultivated lands, nor mines, nor harbors, which can induce them to preserve us for our labors. What does the Latin word agricola mean in English? agricola in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press; agricola in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers; … a peritis viris in sua efficienda arte iuventur. Latin to English translations; Latin to French Dictionary; Latin to German Dictionary; Lewis and Short; Ask at the forum if you have an Ancient or Modern Greek query! Thus the winter passed without alarm, and each garrison proved sufficient for its own defence; while the enemy, who were generally accustomed to repair the losses of the summer by the successes of the winter, now equally unfortunate in both seasons, were baffled and driven to despair. Instigated by such suggestions, they unanimously rose in arms, led by Boadicea, [73] a woman of royal descent (for they make no distinction between the sexes in succession to the throne), and attacking the soldiers dispersed through the garrisons, stormed the fortified posts, and invaded the colony [74] itself, as the seat of slavery. He maintained the same tenor of conduct when praetor; for the judiciary part of the office did not fall to his share. March then to battle, and think of your ancestors and your posterity. The most difficult point, assembling for the purpose of deliberation, was already accomplished; and there was always more danger from the discovery of designs like these, than from their execution.". agricolûm, Lucr. 15. [110], 29. agricolūm in 4, 586, but reg. 46. As Agricola upon this event was hastening to perform the duties of filial piety, he was overtaken by the news of Vespasian's aspiring to the empire, [27] and immediately went over to his party. [43]. [115] Our wives and sisters, though they should escape the violation of hostile force, are polluted under names of friendship and hospitality. He therefore caused the senate to decree him triumphal ornaments, [129]--a statue crowned with laurel, and all the other honors which are substituted for a real triumph, together with a profusion of complimentary expressions; and also directed an expectation to be raised that the province of Syria, vacant by the death of Atilius Rufus, a consular man, and usually reserved for persons of the greatest distinction, was designed for Agricola. 1, 5, 27: so caelites agricolae, die Schutzgötter des Landbaus, Tibull. The cause of this stagnation I imagine to be the deficiency of land and mountains where tempests are generated; and the difficulty with which such a mighty mass of waters, in an uninterrupted main, is put in motion. Such was the state of Britain, and such had been the vicissitudes of warfare, when Agricola arrived in the middle of summer; [82] at a time when the Roman soldiers, supposing the expeditions of the year were concluded, were thinking of enjoying themselves without care, and the natives, of seizing the opportunity thus afforded them. This depends not only on the level of development of agricultural technology but, workers and, finally, on the level of awareness. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. His mother was Julia Procilla, a lady of exemplary chastity. ", 33. , having been sent by Mucianus to conduct â levy of troops, and having done his. I shall only add one circumstance: that the dominion of the sea is nowhere more extensive; that it carries many currents in this direction and in that; and its ebbings and flowings are not confined to the shore, but it penetrates into the heart of the country, and works its way among hills and mountains, as though it were in its own domain. Latin to English Translation provides the most convenient access to online translation service powered by various machine translation engines. The situation and inhabitants of Britain have been described by many writers; [36] and I shall not add to the number with the view of vying with them in accuracy and ingenuity, but because it was first thoroughly subdued in the period of the present history. soceri mei destinatus, professione pietatis aut laudatus erit aut excusatus. Pagkakaiba ng pagsulat ng ulat at sulating pananaliksik? person who works the land or who keeps livestock. Terror and dread alone are the weak bonds of attachment; which once broken, they who cease to fear will begin to hate. a time which others spend in vain display and a round of ceremonies, chose rather toil and danger. We honestly hope that our automatic translator will help and simplify Latin - English translation of texts. Well acquainted with the temper of the province, and taught by the experience of former governors how little proficiency had been made by arms, when success was followed by injuries, he next undertook to eradicate the causes of war. The civil wars soon succeeded; the arms of the leaders were turned against their country; and a long neglect of Britain ensued, which continued even after the establishment of peace. The Britons, however, display more ferocity, [51] not being yet softened by a long peace: for it appears from history that the Gauls were once renowned in war, till, losing their valor with their liberty, languor and indolence entered amongst them. We gave, indeed, a consummate proof of our patience; and as remote ages saw the very utmost degree of liberty, so we, deprived by inquisitions of all the intercourse of conversation, experienced the utmost of slavery. 16: (Deiotarus) optimus paterfamilias et diligentissimus agricola et pecuarius, devoted to agriculture and cattlebreeding, id. It was also discovered from the captives, that the Britons had been struck with consternation at the view of the fleet, conceiving the last refuge of the vanquished to be cut off, now the secret retreats of their seas were disclosed. ablative singular of agricola; References . agricola: IPA : /aˈɡri.ko.la/, [aˈɡrɪ.kɔ.ɫ̪a] agricola: (Ecclesiastical) IPA : /aˈɡri.ko.la/, [aˈɡriː.kɔ.la] [125]. gén. 28. 9: sed venio ad agricolas, the farmers, id. Hunc Britanniae statum, has bellorum vices media iam aestate transgressus, invenit, cum et milites velut omissa expeditione ad. Dej. 42. integreque ac strenue versatum vicesimae legioni tarde ad sacramentum transgressae praeposuit. 8. 40. Agricola, in the meantime, had delivered the province, in peace and security, to his successor; [132] and lest his entry into the city should be rendered too conspicuous by the concourse and acclamations of the people, he declined the salutation of his friends by arriving in the night; and went by night, as he was commanded, to the palace. It is the hard condition of military command, that a share in prosperous events is claimed by all, but misfortunes are imputed to one alone.