The Dr. had also told me that the eye that doesn't focus as much gets lazier and it could eventually lead to blindness in that eye. The first thing to do is bring it up with your pediatrician. You can also take pre-emptive measures and have your child’s eyes evaluated by an optician, yearly. that he was nuts to think that DD would sit for an eye exam at 1 year-old last year (he wanted to refer her since DH and I both have bad vision). Then 'chaos and confusion. Most of the time it's not crossed, but obviously the muscles are going funny. Is it normal for a 1-year-old to recognize words? Ask your pediatrician to dialate the eyes if they do not do this as this will help determine any weaknesses. He's never looked like that before. Good luck! sometimes, at first, she was told to close her eyes and open them again. Strabismus is often referred to as, ‘crossed eyed’, ‘wall eyed’, an ‘eye turn’, or a ‘squint’. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,600],'mamapedia_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',625,'0','0']));Hi S. I have a 17 month old son Dylan who has hypotonia (low tone) and so far the only diagnosis I have for him is Developmental Delay. I am 31 years old, female. He is having surgery in 2 weeks to correct it. I noticed the same thing when my son was 1 and he is now in glasses. Orthoptists are usually based in the eye clinic at the hospital and are recommended to carry out or manage the children's screening service at 4-5 years old. I am not sure if that could be related, but I am concerned. It lasted about 45 seconds or so. Updated on January 23, 2012 M.T. He will be talking to me and he just goes cross eyed, or be playing and will go cross eyed, it lasts about 30 seconds, and then he goes back to normal. Any feedback would be appreciated. She's 5 now. I haven't taken her to a doctor yet, I only noticed it the other day. My three year old has all of a sudden started getting cross eyed. He has a strabismus. I still have glasses (astigmatism, nearsightedness), but I don't have a lazy eye. Then my vision went back to normal. Definitely get her to a pediatric opthomologist as others have suggested. I hope that we don't have to wait too long to see the opthamologist. About four weeks ago (3/28/09), suddenly my vision went cross-eyed. We had NO idea, he acted like he could see just fine--he knew his letters and numbers and could read them written on paper. It was really quite sudden. I would have it checked and dealt with sooner rather than later. after a while, we could see her eye drift or cross and just say "straighten out your eye." when it happened, we told her to straigten out her eyes. 5 year old is angry violent and screams increasingly ? But by the time a baby is 4 to 6 months old, the eyes usually straighten out. My 2.5 yo is doing similar and it's worrisome. Two Year Old Son Looking Cross Eyed All of a Sudden. Any suggestions please? I am not sure if that could be related, but I am concerned. Good luck! A few months ago her dr gave her a clean bill of eye health. one way to treat was the way we did with my sis. HI! this helped him. Good Luck! The next big market mover, according to Wall St. Government UFO cover-up confirmed by Harry Reid. This is a condition that worsens until he is around 8, then gets better, and most likely by the time he is 12 he will no longer need glasses. However, I have noticed in the last year or so it only happens when he is really tired. :/. The dr explained that the right eye compensates for the left eye and the brain is only sending messages to his right eye, hence the wandering his left eye does when focusing. Make notes of when and why so you can share info. DD's dr said if not started correcting by age 5, it is almost impossible to correct. The eyesight is so poor in one eye, the brain is sending messages to the eye that isn't so bad. At age 8 ds's eye would still do this and the dr said that more than likely his will be uncorrectable. Taking a quick peek at the OP's profile, she is still active on the Dis, but most of her recent posts seem to be on the Budget Board. 'Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage' declared a riot, Trump holds 1st rally since contracting coronavirus, Why Ozzy's oldest daughter wasn't on 'The Osbournes', Dungy: Dak injury may be a 'blessing in disguise', First, a vaccine approval. then, he was allowed to wear two visible lenses, not fogged. I got glasses when I was 18 months old. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But I was not intentionally crossing my eyes. There are lots of great things they can do, depending on what is the cause. my sister used to have a "weak eye" per opthalmologist. My 4 year old won’t eat enough food no matter how hard I try. I fretted about it for weeks but it was the right thing to do. Hopefully she'll see this. I am 49 now, but when I was about 4, I had several surgeries to correct lazy eyes. It could be a host of many things and timely correction is of the essence if it turns out to be something serious. My daughter had the same thing at about 1 year old and the first approach was to patch the good eye a few hours a day. Eye crossing is a different problem but because it is caused by differences in the muscles controlling the eyes it can lead to lazy eye. Trust me, the 1st year dental appt was the stuff that nightmares are made of. After seeing an eye doctor we found out he needed a pretty severe prescription (a +7 for far-sightedness). Last year I noticed my son crossing his eyes from time to time. I'm now convinced that this is something involuntary, since it's happening so randomly. then, she would instantly pull it into line. You may not have realized it, but this thread is 10 years old. DD was just crossing her eyes again while I was giving her a snack. Yes you are right to be concerned. Third, if your child’s eyes cross frequently, this might be a sign of problems. doctor said muscles of one eye were weaker than the other. It is best to start as soon as possible. That sounds very similar to what happened with my daughter. After seeing an eye doctor we found out he needed a pretty severe prescription (a +7 for far-sightedness). Updated on April 17, 2008 S.S. asks from Santa Monica, CA on April 13, 2008 11 answers ... My son started going a little cross-eyed at 4 years old and we actually didn't pick up on it until his yearly check-up. Either the doctor or my parents noticed that my left eye was weak and turning inwards, and they took action right away to correct it. My 9 almost 10 years old is still riding in a car seat . You really should take her to the eye doctor as soon as possible. He also had to get glasses. If one or both eyes continue to wander in, out, up, or down — even once in a while — it's probably due to strabismus. He will be talking to me and he just goes cross eyed, or be playing and will go cross eyed, it lasts about 30 seconds, and then he goes back to normal. He ended up needing surgery to fix the wandering. I noticed it when he was 4 months old. I had the same problem when i was 3. Great pediatric opthamologist: It's just started happening in the past couple of weeks (that I've noticed, anyways). This happened to my son when he was about 4 also. sometimes one eye would drift, giving the "wall eyed look" of eyes not being in sync. My parents said it was the hardest decision they ever had to make, but they ended up being glad they chose the surgery, and so am I. I have never had any problems with lazy eyes, since those surgeries. the window to correct is very short. He has been in glasses for sometime now and as another said, there is a small window of opportunity to correct. the little boy had to wear glasses with one lens covered, to force focusing vision through the weak eye. If there is an eye muscle weakness, the sooner it is dealt with the easier it may be to correct the situation. The glasses have done wonders. this kept on until they were in sync. I would definitely get it checked out. I was born cross-eyed (strabysmus) and had to have two surgeries to correct the straightening of my eyes, once at age 2 and again at age 22. Dr.Sheryl Handler in Encino ###-###-####. ', Trump $200 Rx card plan doesn't 'pass the laugh test', 'The Wanted' singer reveals he has terminal brain tumor, Woman drowns, 6 children rescued in Lake Tahoe accident, Los Angeles Lakers' Jeanie Buss makes NBA history. Talk to your pediatrician about it and then I suggest you go see a pediatric opthamologist if you are concerned. JavaScript is disabled. My one year old won’t sleep and I don’t know what to do.? Do any of you have children with this happening? Today, as he was eating dinner, I noticed our 27 month old's eyes were crossed. There are other issues out there too, doesn't mean your son has what mine has, but it defiantly means he needs to be checked. He told me that they have all kinds of tricks, but my DD is "high needs" so I was still so wary of having a nightmare appt. Thank you for this explanation! I would get a medical opinion. I'll post back about what her ped. Should I be concerned that he learned this from someone, or does it not matter? Nope, he had very poor vision, close to 20/800 in both eyes. My three year old has all of a sudden started getting cross eyed. Well, she ended up having surgery and is perfectly healthy now. When she concentrated to focus, it would cause the eyes to cross--it wasn't a constant thing, only when she concentrated (even though it was subconciously.). Next, as you'll probably be instructed to do so by your pediatrician, have her seen by an opthmologist. Even though he had 20/20 vision at his checkup I decided to take him in to the eye Dr. Good thing I did. Now he's almost 7, wears glasses every day and loves life. Ask your pediatrician for a referral to a pediatric opthamologist. I know two nights ago, he slipped and fell on concrete and hit the back of his head, but he cried, seems to be fine since. She ended up needing glasses. Get him in as soon as you can. Get your answers by asking now. We took him to the doctor and found out what he had was Strabismus. I wouldn't normally be extremely concerned, but a little 2 year-old boy at our play place recently developed a severe lazy eye out of the blue. I wasn't worried, I thought it was just a lazy eye and thought we would go to an eye doctor and do a few little activities each day and he would be fine once we got the muscles a little stronger. My ds was born 3 weeks early, so not really premature but his condition is oftentimes seen in premature infants. You need to take her to a pediatric opthamologist. The doctor said that if we hadn't corrected it when we did, his eye-turn could have been in-correctable. I agree with others, a good ped optomologist is in order. His mother told me that the Dr.'s say that the little boy was at high risk for this issue because both parents have quite high vision perscriptions themselves. All newborn babies in the UK have an eye test in the first days of life, and then again at 2 to 3 months old, to look for eyesight problems such as cataracts. Find a good pediatric eye doctor for a full evaluation. asks from Saint Paul, MN on January 22, 2012 12 answers. Start with seeing the eye dr., then go from there.,,,,,,, My 8 Year Old Daughter and Crossed Eye Issue.